A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 61 Love, Hate and Infatuated

Yurong took a step closer and found that the princess was very ill, her cheeks were red, her lips were dry, her breathing was short, and her mouth kept whispering cold... cold...

"When did the princess get sick? Why are you sick?" Yurong sighed softly. She could guess the reason without saying anything. The queen was really too cruel to treat the crown princess. It is unfortunate that this princess married alone. Now the old injury has not healed and new diseases have been added. It's pitiful.

The whole room did not dare to make a sound, and finally Bixi said, "I'm sorry to ask Yurong's sister to go to the Imperial Hospital to bring a message and ask Dr. Li to come and show it to the crown princess. There is no medicine in Chuxiang Pavilion. If it goes on like this... It's not a way..." Bixi looked at Su Siman and choked.

"I know. I'll go to the hospital in a while. The queen asked me to come here this time to send a message that the princess can attend the emperor's birthday banquet tomorrow. In addition, you don't have to be banned, but the princess's ban has not been lifted yet. Maybe in a few days, when the queen's anger subsides, she will naturally order the ban to be lifted. Alas, looking at the situation of the princess, I don't know if I can go tomorrow..."

"Then I won't delay any longer. You take good care of the princess, but don't make mistakes, otherwise the queen will blame you, and no one can afford it. Come and go to the imperial hospital with me. I have to go back to recover after a while. I'm afraid I can't lead the imperial doctor to see the princess.

"I'm going with my sister!" Qingran stood up.

"Okay, let's go."

The two left the Chuxiang Pavilion together. Soon, Qingran invited Dr. Li. Dr. Li brought some medicine to wardice and prescribed a prescription. Some of the slaves went to get medicine, some boiled water, and some boiled medicine. At night, the Chuxiang Pavilion was busy.

After a night of tossing, Su Siman finally subsided his fever the next day. His mind was much clearer, his body was a little weak, and he was so weak that he did not have the strength to think nonsense.

Su Siman asked Bixi to sit up, drank some porridge, and felt that he had some strength. His mind was empty, he didn't think about anything, and his heart was empty. He sat and didn't say anything.

"Princess, what's going on?" Bixi stretched out her hand and picked up the messy hair hanging on Su Siman's shoulder, and his words were a little choked. "Is it okay for me to comb the princess's hair?" Bixi has learned from other slaves about the master's recovery of his mind, but looking at the current situation, it is obviously worse than before, and he is really like a fool in a trance.

Su Siman did not move or speak, and was still in a daze with no expression on his face, as if he hadn't heard it.

The tourmaline motioned Qingran to take the corner comb, circled behind Su Siman, took off all the hairpin rings, and carefully combed the cloudy green silk for her.

At this time, the maid of honor came to report that His Royal Highness had come.

Su Siman seemed to be frightened and trembled violently, almost shaking off the comb in Bixi's hand.

"I don't see you! It's inconvenient to say that I'm sick and can't see him!" Su Siman shouted loudly.

"Oh, the princess... didn't stop it, His Royal Highness has entered the front hall..."

"Go and tell him, it's inconvenient..." Before the word "See him" came out, Su Siman caught a glimpse of the long purple figure that appeared at the door, and she firmly stopped her words. Seeing him, the conditioned reflex in her mind generally echoed the words of Feng Wan Wan and Liang Shaoxuan. For a moment, her eyes were hot, and she almost burst into tears. A burst of sadness and resentment and other indescribable feelings surged in her heart, which forced her to breathe.

"I heard that you are sick. I'll come to see you." He said that as usual, he spoke to her without a name, and his voice was still as calm as water, and there were no ups and downs. "You all go down."

The maids in the bedroom retreated according to their words, and Liang Shaojun sat on the edge of the bed. "I haven't seen you for a few days. You have lost a lot of weight."

Su Siman's heart surged, bit his lips and forced himself to suppress the tears in his eyes. After a long time, he said, "Your wound..."

"It's almost good."

"I didn't poison it. You believe me. I really didn't poison it. You believe me!" She suddenly raised her head and looked at him with those tearful eyes, looking excited.

Even she didn't know why she was so eager to clarify this matter. Obviously, she still blamed him for using her as a medical introduction, but why she didn't question him at this time. Instead, the first thing was to show him her innocence. She almost didn't say, "I like you so much, how can I poison you?" She was so anxious. Why is it so white? Alas!

"It's all over, and I don't even care about it. Don't always remember it."

He answered her like this. Did he believe her or not? Su Siman was entangled with this question and looked at him doubtfully and anxiously. After enduring tears for a long time, he couldn't help sliding down. He obviously didn't believe her! She suddenly hated him so much that she didn't believe her. Why did he believe that her blood could save him when he used her blood as a medicine introduction? At this moment, he didn't believe her! Su Siman angrily brushed away his hand and saw Liang Shaojun's face white. He took a deep breath and reached out to stroke his ribs. Su Siman's mind suddenly flashed that he blocked the dagger for her that day. His hatred and resentment suddenly subsided, and the joys and bitterness surged into his heart. He couldn't hate him at all. When did he become so important to her...

Su Siman covered his face with his hands and cried so helplessly, so weak and sad in front of him for the first time. She doesn't know whether falling in love with him is right or wrong, whether it's good or bad, whether it's fate or injustice. She doesn't know anything. She only knows how to cry and just wants to cry.

Liang Shaojun sighed and silently handed her a handkerchief.

After a while, Su Siman slowly stopped crying, wiped his face shyly, bowed his head and refused to speak sullenly.

"Today is my father's birthday. There will be a banquet in the evening. Your mother is allowed to attend. Will you go?" He asked for a long time.

"I don't know. I should go." She replied in a low voice, not knowing where to put her eyes.

"Then I'll pick you up in the afternoon."


The room became quiet again. Liang Shaojun sat for a while. Su Siman noticed that he frowned slightly and seemed to be a little anxious. He guessed that he might be leaving. He grabbed his sleeve and whispered, "Can you comb my hair before leaving?" She didn't dare to look at him, and her eyes fell on the corner comb that the tourmaline had just taken by the bed.


Liang Shaojun picked up a few combs, stood up, circled behind Su Siman, and began to comb her soft hair one by one. His movements were extremely soft and meticulous.

She thought it would be nice if he could comb her hair every day in the future.

At this moment, she told herself that she was willing to be a medicine for him for a lifetime.