A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 64 Birthday Banquet

"Brother!" Su Siman patted Chu Wenyuan's shoulder from behind excitedly.

Chu Wenyuan was shocked and hurriedly looked back. Seeing that it was Su Siman, a white face immediately unfolded, and his eyes smiled: "Xinger, when did you arrive?"

"It's been a while. I just waved for a long time, but my brother actually ignored me. I really didn't pay attention to me." Su Siman muttered, blinking mischievously.

"Well, isn't it? I really didn't see it." Chu Wenyuan smiled, showed a few white teeth, patted her head dotingly, and then quickly changed the topic, "Huh, who made your hair today? That girl doesn't have this skill, does she?"

"That's it!" Su Siman rolled her eyes and took her brother's hand coquettishly.

When he first traveled to a different world, the greatest wish of someone with nymphomania was to see her brother every day, because Chu Wenyuan was indeed a handsome man, and he was a sunny type. No matter how infectious he was, he was, and he even had to retreat from the haze around him. It can be imagined that for someone who was somewhat frustrated dressed as a stupid princess at that time, the love of this handsome royal brother who was picked up for nothing can soothe someone's extremely satisfying heart. Sometimes Su Siman is very angry. Why is such a handsome man her brother? As the sister of a handsome man who is so handsome, why does she look so destructive and make fun of the audience? Since then, she has been very tired of pestering Chu Wenyuan, to satisfy someone's desire to watch beauty, and to enjoy the love of her brother that she can't experience in modern times. Look, this is married, and she still loves to cling to her brother so much.

"Do you dare to ask who this is?" Su Siman asked when he was around Chu Wenyuan, and his words were very polite.

I remember that I also asked the tourmaline that time. The tourmaline said that he was the one who asked the way, and Su Siman didn't care. Unexpectedly, he saw him again today. At that time, Su Siman was quite puzzled that who had such a big face could turn around in the imperial garden of the palace. Today, he understood a little that this man turned out to be a foreign envoy. 80% of them were received by the emperor before entering the palace. I don't know which country it is?

"Let me introduce that this is Xiao Wang's sister, Princess Hongxing, and the crown princess of the State of Liang." Chu Wenyuan introduced it carelessly, "This is Jian Yi, the special messenger of King Yongliang."

"It's a pleasure to meet you! I have met Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess. Jianyi raised her eyes and seemed to be a little surprised. Then she lowered her head and stroked her chest with her right hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Su Siman also pretended and bowed his head to greet him. His foreign accent made her a little laugh.

Su Siman looked at him again, wearing a coat, and the decoration on his clothes was similar to the style of the purple incense burner given to her by Liang Shaojun. It was full of exotic atmosphere, straight, narrow sleeves, and a headscarf wrapped around her head, which was quite ethnic minority style.

The three of them had another conversation, and Su Siman returned to his seat. As soon as she sat down, before the chair was hot, the emperor helped the empress dowager appear, and the queen also followed closely, with a very dignified and awe-inspiring face. Behind the queen was the noble concubine Zhao, who spoiled the six palaces.

The royal feast is nothing more than appreciating songs and dancing. Su Siman has experienced it several times since he came here. The soft style of the warbler is really not what she likes, and she really has no interest in enjoying it anymore. On the contrary, the program of making a toast and presenting gifts at the banquet was more interesting to her. As Su Siman counted the number of countries present and paid attention to the sentimental words of the treasure-dedicating people, and often couldn't help laughing. Many people said stubborn toasts and blessings in unfamiliar languages. One of them, a Turkic half-year-old child suddenly forgot his words while speaking, which made him laugh loudly. The child stood In the middle of the hall, he scratched his head with embarrassment. He blushed and his neck was so anxious that he couldn't remember it. He had to improvise many congratulatory words by himself. His ability to adapt to changes was quite affirmed by everyone. The emperor was the first to praise and give him a reward. After laughing, the people present also praised the Turkic child. He won back face and returned to his seat with his head held high proudly.

Su Siman couldn't help paying special attention to the child, not exactly because the child was very beautiful and pleasing. At first glance, Su Siman felt that the outline between the child's eyebrows was a little similar to Li Yuan, which immediately made someone with rich association ability have a rude and impure guess, but if you look closely Next, she felt that her idea was really too outrageous, because the child was a pure lustful person with a deep outline, which was actually not very similar to Li Yuan. Besides, Li Yuan was so young, how could he have such a big son?

Obviously, she is not the only one who is interested in the child. The concubines next to her have begun to bite their ears and pass messages to each other. Su Siman listened smoothly. It turned out that the child was the ninth son of Tatiri Khan of the Turks. He was very favored. Interestingly, he was the same age as the eleventh prince. Although he was young, he killed a one-eyed wolf king who harmed the world not long ago, which earned this opportunity to make an envoy.

Su Siman smiled secretly, alas, these lonely women in the deep palace! After the little prince left, he didn't know how long it would take him to retire gloriously from the joyous talk of the concubines after dinner.

I thought I could find an opportunity to talk to Liang Shaojun or something, but he was simply busier than his emperor. He wanted to socialize, drink and toast, and he had to speak politely to the people who came forward to toast with a warm face. Su Siman thought that he should hate these things by nature, which is too out of line with his cold nature, but it is difficult for him.

The emperor was very interested. His goatee trembled happily. From time to time, he looked around at the people under his seat with a smile and drank happily with a luminous glass. The queen smiled dignifiedly and occasionally drank the toast of foreign envoys. Although she advised the emperor not to be greedy, the emperor would not listen.

Su Siman can't drink, but he also ate something. The dishes in the court are still good. At this banquet, she was like a complete outsider, watching all kinds of people inside perform vividly. She is just a spectator, and this scene is not very suitable for her, so it doesn't fit her well. Sitting there for so long, it's really tiring.

After the banquet, Su Siman wanted to wait for Liang Shaojun to go back to the East Palace together, but he didn't find him for a long time, so he had to give up and planned to go back.

As soon as I walked out, I heard someone behind me shouting: "Sister-in-law!"

Looking back, Su Siman knew it was Liang Shaoxuan without looking at it. He was the only one in the palace who called her so kindly and naturally.

Su Siman stopped and stood still waiting for him.

"Does the royal sister-in-law only bring a maid to accompany her?" Liang Shaoxuan took three steps and two steps forward, and his eyes swept Qingran.

"Well, one is enough." Su Siman looked at a follower sent three feet away by Liang Shaoxuan and smiled.

"It's so dark, and the moon is just like a sickle. It's not bright. I'll send my royal sister-in-law back." Liang Shaoxuan also said with a smile.

"Then it's troublesome, Your Highness."

"The royal sister-in-law is too out with me. Anyway, I have to go to the Qingyan Hall on the way."

"Bear by the way, thank you very much for coming to my father's birthday banquet this time." Su Siman thanked him sincerely and looked up at him.

"Uh... I've said that the royal sister-in-law should not be sobersome with me. Ha ha, it's just a trivial matter, it's not worth mentioning." Liang Shaoxuan smiled happily.

"Then let's go."

Qing Ran consciously followed far behind.

When he was about to arrive at the East Palace, Liang Shaoxuan suddenly changed his words and looked very serious: "Your sister-in-law, have you thought about what I told you that day?"

"What's the matter?" Susmanqidao.

"It's just about leaving the palace. During today's banquet, I also saw several times that the imperial sister-in-law always sat alone, with a little loss on her face. The imperial sister-in-law is different from the concubines next to her, so you don't have any common hobbies. The royal brother is so busy that I can't take care of you. To be honest, my brother treats you like this, I really..."

"Do you have...?" Su Siman lowered her eyes and wanted to hide it, but today's banquet was really a little disappointing for her. She wanted to take this opportunity to try to lift her ban, but as a result, she didn't even speak at all and the plan failed. She wanted to come out to toast while the emperor was in high interest, but she was really annoyed that she was always blocked.

"I've seen it all. Royal sister-in-law, have you ever thought about where you are in the heart of the royal brother? Is it a medicine or a wife? Liang Shaoxuan showed a trace of excitement on his face, "Have you ever thought that he may have been using you all the time? You are just a pawn, not his wife..."