A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 65 Situation Turns Rapid

Before Liang Shaoxuan finished his words, Su Siman's face was white, and his lips unconsciously trembled slightly.

"Impossible... He won't use mine again..."

She heard her somewhat hoarse voice arguing, but the words she said were too stiff to come from her mouth, which surprised her.

"Sister-in-law..." Liang Shaoxuan looked at her pitifully and sighed, "Let's go, I'll take you in."

"No, go ahead. There is Chuxiang Pavilion in front of you. Don't worry about me." Su Siman pulled the corners of his mouth reluctantly and squeezed out a smile.

"Your sister-in-law should be safe." Liang Shaoxuan gently told him.

Su Siman had no desire to speak at this time, and his mood suddenly fell from the horizon to the bottom of the sluggish valley and left without any reaction.

The distance of dozens of steps seems to be particularly far away, as if you can't go. Somehow, Su Siman's heart was heavy, and his footsteps were filled with lead. In the past few days, she was suddenly happy and sad, and she was worried about gains and losses, which always disturbed her mind.

From afar, I saw the two straight bodyguards in front of the hall standing left and right like door gods, and Zhou Lulin, the gatekeeper, with his head huddled in the corner of the door.

A little far away, Su Siman felt that the two bodyguards looked at her fiercely, which was as sharp and penetrating as the eyes of the prisoner. The two stood expressionless and did not look respectful. Su Siman felt guilty for a while when they saw it, and his ban was still unsolved. He couldn't help feeling frustrated, and his mood couldn't help falling a little lower.

Along the way, there were so many strange faces, standing expressionlessly, silent and motionless, like wooden stakes, and even standing at the door of the bedroom. Su Siman looked at them very unpleasantly at this time. The previous group of bodyguards only came to patrol in a few quarter of an hour, and at most stopped in the courtyard, and did not dare to surround the whole palace so blatantly. In this situation, Su Siman only feels that something is wrong, and there is a clear feeling of being under house arrest.

Su Siman winced at Qing Ran, who was close to him. Qing Ran nodded, and then heard her crisp voice sound: "All the brothers have worked hard. It's cold in late autumn, and it's not early. The palace banquet is over. It's time for you to go back to your life. Let's all break up."

The nearest bodyguard arched and hugged Su Siman. "Please go to bed and rest early. The little ones are ordered to protect the safety of the princess and are duty-bound."

His heart was hit for no reason. Su Siman turned pale and walked back to the bedroom with a slow step.

A lonely lamp was lit, and Su Siman lay on **, staring at the beeping flame of the size of beans. The orange fire was clearly extinguished in the dark eyes, reflecting her face whiter.

Liang Shaoxuan's words sounded in her mind from time to time. Yes, what on earth does Liang Shaojun think of her?

What on earth does he think of her?

She has been thinking about this problem.

The candles have burned out, and the bedroom is dark. The dark figures of the guards outside the house are projected on the window paper with the pale light of the palace lamp in the corridor, like black ghosts.

I'm afraid she will be under house arrest, she thought.

The person who ordered her to be placed under house arrest was Liang Shaojun.

Li Yuan has already made this clear.

She was too slow, and the momentum was wrong when Li Yuan came. Did she believe his far-fetched explanation so easily just because he was Liang Shaojun's cronin? How can she be so stupid that she really believes him!

Su Siman lay in ** and thought about it all night, and couldn't figure out why Liang Shaojun sent someone to look at her. What on earth did she do to make him dare not take her lightly like this? She didn't know what his starting point was. Her eyes seemed to be covered with smoke and could not see anything clearly. She only vaguely felt that something might happen.

In the next few days, Susman's speculation was confirmed. Now she has lost her qualification to walk out of the bedroom. Every time she tried to go out, she would be stopped by the guards with no expression - she was really under house arrest, and even the tourmaline and Qingran, who served her daily life, were closely monitored by the guards.

Sure enough, it is Liang Shaojun's carefully selected elite, one by one like the stones in the pit, smelly and hard! No matter how entangled they are, they can't get a word out of their mouths. It is said that in order to protect the safety of the crown princess step by step, Su Siman's head hit the tofu and went into the water to believe them, but many methods have been tried, and Su Siman still didn't know why he was under house arrest.

The more unclear it is, the more impatient it is. In the past few days in the bedroom, Su Siman is about to go crazy.

She is now imprisoned and knows nothing about the situation outside, just like a deaf blind man, but there is no way to change the status quo. With her heart burning and anxiety, she can't help but worry about the guards.

In the end, Su Siman can only use the killer mace and go on a hunger strike! She doesn't believe that they will starve to death. First, she is the crown princess, and they will definitely not be able to make a mistake if she makes a mistake. Second, she is Liang Shaojun's life-saving medicine introduction, and he will never let her die.

Although this method is really wronged and uncomfortable, there is no better way at present.

On the third day of Su Siman's hunger strike, Liang Shaojun came.

I thought that Liang Shaojun would be a little moved when he saw him lying sickly. Who would have expected that his expression and behavior were extremely cold when he met.

I thought that when he saw her, the first sentence would say, "I heard you are on a hunger strike, so come to see you" or "Why don't you care about yourself so much?" Although his face was as plain as water, his eyes would be somewhat warm, but he didn't expect that he didn't say a word and stood more than a meter away from the bed, as if she was An innocent plague frowned and looked unhappy.

I remember that when he first got married, he always looked at her with a slightly unhappy and disgusted look. Where on earth did she provoke him?! She is a little wronged.

"You have removed those people outside, okay?" Finally, Su Siman opened her mouth. Because she hadn't spoken for many days, her voice was a little hoarse. Only she knows how much expectation this sound contains. She really felt that when she said this, she was down to the dust, so careful and full of longing.

He didn't say a word and frowned at her.

Her cracked lips moved again and lowered her eyebrows: "I haven't seen you since my father's birthday. Have you been busy lately?"

"Hmm." He nodded dryly and found a chair to sit down.

There was no one to serve in the room. Su Siman looked at the teapot on the table that had not been made for a few days. He looked slightly dark, stood up and looked at him and said softly, "I'll ask Bixi to make a pot of tea for you."

"No need. You just lie down and have a good rest. I have something else to do. Let's go first." As he spoke, he stood up. Her heart tightened and her eyes were astringent, but she couldn't speak. Taking a step, he stopped and told him in a cold tone, "I've been busy recently. I can't visit you often. Take care of yourself."

It's really rare for him to say such a thing. She thought, a melancholy rose from the bottom of her heart. Her eyes became more and more astringent. She turned her head and quietly wiped the corners of her eyes. When he recovered, he had already walked to the door of the bedroom. Su Siman didn't know where his strength came from for a moment. He turned over and got out of bed, and caught up barefoot without wearing shoes.

"Wait!" When she said this in her hoarse voice, he had arrived in the courtyard and she couldn't see him.

Su Siman did not change her breath and ran to the door of the bedroom. She looked very anxious and was about to run out. Suddenly, there were two Huo Liang and Huo Liang's silver guns in front of her. She was in a hurry and forgot that there were people outside who were ordered to guard her. The line of the door of the bedroom was a forbidden area for her and could not be crossed.

"You let go!" Su Siman shouted anxiously and reached out to push the two obstacles blocking his way.

"Gone! Let me out! Liang Shaojun, you bastard! Why did you do this to me? Liang Shaojun, you bastard... Liang Shaojun..." She finally cried, and her struggling hands stopped powerlessly.

The two guards looked at each other, had no idea, and looked at the prince who had arrived at the entrance of the courtyard.

Hearing her almost broken desperate cry, the straight and thin figure in the autumn wind was slightly stagnant. He finally stopped and slowly turned around. His always pale face was a little more pale than usual, his thin lips were tightly squeezed, and the two heroic sword eyebrows frowned slightly. He looked at her quietly through the autumn wind, and his deep-water eyes were so dark that he could not see the bottom.

"Let her go." Thin lips opened slightly, and he finally ordered them to let her go.

She almost staggered over and grabbed his hand. She shook his hand and cried sadly: "Why do you want to imprison me? What on earth did I do wrong?

"You know better than me what you have done." He almost didn't hesitate to pull his hand away.

"I didn't do anything!" Su Siman wiped his face and replied firmly.

He only looked at her with a dark face and did not answer.

"You withdrew these people who watched me. I don't need your protection." She pointed to the guard nearby, decisively and resolutely.


He looked at her controdly, and the slightly raised glance inexplicably angered her.

"Are you withdrawing or not?" There is an evil fire in her heart.

"I arrange this for your own good." Seeing Su Siman's tear-stained face, his heart suddenly softened and said softly.

This rare softness made her full of evil fire suddenly unable to come out. She looked at him with some confusedness, sad and helpless, and asked, "Why on earth? Why did you do this to me?"

"Xing'er, listen to me, someone secretly reported that you were the same thief who took General Xia's family away on the night of the Reunion Day. After that, my mother paid great importance to this and ordered a strict investigation. Now the truth is not very clear. I did this just to protect you from thieves. Xing'er, if you didn't do it, I would definitely return your innocence. Trust me." He held her hand with a very solemn face.

She looked at him and his deep and shining eyes with wisdom. Her mind was a little confused, but she completely believed him in her heart. His slightly low voice and watery eyes naturally have convincing power. He is her husband and her support in this place. There is no reason for her not to believe him.

It's another frame. She doesn't even know Xia Shouyi. How could she take away his family? Besides, she doesn't have the ability to do such a big thing! He must be able to find out the truth and return her innocence.

One of these outrageous allegations is true, that is, the informant mentioned that Su Siman was wearing the unlucky Miss Xia's clothes. This is true. The clothes Su Siman wore when she left the palace at night were taken from a reckless lady. How could Su Siman think that the lady in purple who was stunned by Bixi was Xia Shouyi's daughter? How can you think of what will happen to the kidnapping that will be counted on you in the end?