A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 70 The Knife Catcher Behind

Zhong Yeli stood outside the window for a long time and heard Su Siman's breathing in the room slowly and evenly. After confirming that she had fallen asleep, she wrapped herself in a dark robe and jumped gently on the roof.

The room light with only a candle was a little dark. The night was late. The man leaning on the couch in pure white clothes still rolled up a book in his hand. He seemed to be reading, but he didn't seem to be reading it. His lazy posture was very leisurely.

Noticing the very slight movement outside, the man whispered "Come in" and Zhong Ye left the window and entered.

"How's it going?" The man's eyelids were not raised, and he still maintained his original posture.

"Your Highness, the actor who talks about the drama has been dismissed." Zhong Yeli replied in a low voice.

"Well, well done. Those words he said are all the ones he taught before, right?

"The words are not bad, and the tone is enough to make up the truth. If I didn't know the inside story, I would have believed it.

"Ha ha," the man smiled proudly, "It's not in vain for my painstaking efforts. However, this matter is not a hypothesis. I think the queen and Liang Shaojun will also plan like this. Let's just give her a preview first. By the way, tell Xia Shouyi as soon as possible and ask him to send troops to help the State of Chu suppress the civil strife. In addition, Mangzhangshan was informed that several other leaders of the incident should step up the offensive. Er, I almost forgot. Did she believe it after listening to it?

"At first, I was convinced, but looking at the later situation, I seemed to be suspicious."

"That won't work. She must believe it."

After a long silence, there was only a slight crackling sound of candles in the room.

"Your Highness, do you have to do this?"

The man leaning on the couch slightly straightened his body, smiled lazily and charmingly in the extinguished firelight, and the shadow was unreal: "Yes, the throne of the prince must be taken, but if we want to be clear, we can't beat the old woman of the queen for the time being. It's much easier to work directly from Liang Shaojun, but you can't kill him directly. As long as he breaks his medicine introduction, he won't live long.

"This is simple. Just get her out of the palace. How can it take so much effort?" Zhong Ye was a little puzzled.

"You don't understand this. Can't you see that the stupid girl likes Liang Shaojun? Even if she knew that she was only married as Liang Shaojun's medicine introduction, she was willing. Only when we let her completely break her thoughts about Liang Shaojun, she will leave him without hesitation and refuse to return to him again. In this way, Liang Shaojun will definitely die if she breaks her medicine, thinking that this is the result I want. The man sighed, "Speaking of which, it's also because you are not good at it. If you had broken her virginity when you were still in the State of Chu, how could there be such twists and turns now?"

Zhong Yeli loosened his hand and lowered his head: "Yes, it's true that I didn't do well, but what kind of person am I? My Highness, does it at all..." Speaking of this, his voice gradually sank to the ground, "Even in order to do this, Ye Li went to do it himself, that time I almost fell into her hands and made me crippled for life..."

"I'm really wronging you." The man said softly and looked up at Zhong Yeli. His dark eyes were calm and dark, hidden gloom, and waved his hand, "Come to me."

Zhong Yeli suddenly looked up at the man's handsome and soft face. His face was unbelievable and a little flattered, but his body couldn't help moving over carefully, stopped four or five inches away from the man, squatted down tamely and slowly, and raised his face slightly. Looking up at the lazy man leaning on the soft couch.

"I really can't get tired of this face." The man muttered as if sighing, and his slender white fingers traced the outline of his face through a thin layer of air. His face looked happy and strange, which made Zhong Ye's centrifuge tremble. "If it's empty in the future, come to the palace often. Every time I look at you, it's like looking at myself, happy. Tight." The man's white jade-like fingertips gently touched Zhong Yeli's well-defined cheeks and stared intently at the handsome face in front of him. The shadow in his eyes gradually dispersed and became gentle.

The lazy and extremely magnetic voice was particularly breathtaking in his ears. Zhong Ye was in a trance. His white face was red and his eyes were as bright as stars. He nodded slightly, lowered his eyebrows, answered "Okay" with joy, gently leaned his head on the man's knee obediently, and closed his eyes contentedly.

The time is quiet and the candlelight is beautiful. At this moment, Zhong Yeli felt that he was very complete and had nothing else to ask for.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." Zhong Yeli muttered, dreamlike.

"What's wrong?" The man said indifferently and asked casually.

"I... did something wrong." Zhong Yeli is a little guilty.

"What's wrong?" The man frowned slightly.

"I took the princess out of the palace and promised to help her save her royal brother..."

The man raised his eyebrows and immediately got up. A pair of long legs hanging on the collapsed edge fell to the ground. Zhong Yeli was scared and looked up in panic and looked at the man who suddenly changed color in fear.

"You are so confused! Send her back!" The hoarse voice is full of irresistible majesty.

"Your Highness..." Zhong Yeli's face was pale, a little aggrieved and a little stubborn, but a pair of sharp eyes of the man immediately lowered his head again.

After a moment of silence, the atmosphere in the room was a little tense and strange.

"Well, now that it has been done, it is not easy for me to investigate. It's really inconvenient to send her back in the middle of the night. You can do it yourself. However, in this way, I'm afraid Chu Wenyuan will definitely die.

"Why?" Zhong Ye's face turned white again, and his voice unconsciously trembled a little.

"Think about it yourself. You are not a stupid person. Do you still need me to break it? Everyone has to pay for what they have done. In order to help her disrupt the original plan, you have to remedy it. This is also a reasonable thing. You won't understand, do you? The man stood up coldly, and the scroll in his hand was thrown to the ground. The rolled-up pages automatically turned a few pages and finally stopped.

"The competition for the throne had nothing to do with her. After all, I couldn't bear to trap her." Zhong Yeli sighed.

"It's rare for you to have such a conscience, but I'm afraid your conscience is in the wrong place." The man sneered in a low voice and seemed to be very disdainful, "In all dynasties competing for the throne, either you die or I live. Once you are soft-hearted, you will undoubtedly lose. There is nothing wrong with her, but her luck is not very good. It can only be blamed on the traitor of the Zhang family, who found out the bloodthirsty poison in her body, wasted many Zhouzhang, and even married her to the State of Liang at the expense of military with the Turks. If Zhang's wishes had been ruined at that time, how could there be so many troubles today!"

Zhong Yeli silently clenched his hands and said "I know" for a long time, and came out of the window, and his figure quickly disappeared into the night.

The next day, backwards.

Liang Shaojun quickly walked down the steps, and his heart was a little anxious. Early in the morning, a guard on duty at the Chuxiang Pavilion came to report that the queen sent someone to pick up the crown princess last night, but she has not returned yet.

He left in a hurry, and someone didn't notice that someone was not far behind him.

"Your Highness!"

Hearing someone's greeting, Liang Shaojun fixed his figure, stopped and waited to distinguish people by voice. He knew who he was.

"General Xia."

Xia Shouyi stepped up and kept up with him.

"Why is Your Highness in such a hurry?" Xia Shouyi looked at his tired face and looked slightly anxious, so he asked.

"I have something to do to go to Jiaheng Hall." Liang Shaojun was indifferent and regained his usual calmness, "Where is General Xia going?"

"I also went to Jiaheng Hall to discuss something with the queen." Xia Shouyi's purple and black face, which has been exposed to the wind and sun all year round, seems to have hidden worries.

"Then you and I will go together." Liang Shaojun smiled.

"Just right."

The two arrived at the Jiaheng Hall, and the queen was about to go to the imperial garden. Coincidentally, they couldn't meet them one step later.

Xia Shouyi is a straight man. In addition, he pretended to be a matter in his heart. After doing the salute to the king and ministers, he was not much. He asked the queen to retreat left and right, and held his fists and said, "I heard that there have been frequent disturbances in the State of Chu recently, and the country and the country is in danger. If I don't take the opportunity to annex the State of Chu at this time, when will it be? At the end of this morning, the general had written a letter, asking the court to respond to the request of the prince of the State of Chu and send troops to the State of Chu. In the name of helping the State of Chu suppress the rebellion and civil strife, the State of Chu was destroyed in one fell swoop. The last general is not talented, and he is willing to lead the army in person, and the destruction is just around the corner. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I hope the queen will seize the opportunity!"

"General Xia, it's rare for you to have a grand ambition. This palace is very unexpected. How could you make such a fold today? This is very different from your ordinary claim. Haven't you always been against the use of troops? You said that the commissioned men have been fighting outside for many years and need to adjust and recuperate. What's wrong, did you suddenly get to it?"

Being ridicated by the queen, Xia Shouyi's face became more and more red and black. He only stood silently with his fists and did not say anything.

"Well, I have known your claim. Go down." The queen's good mood did not seem to be affected, but waved her hand to Xia Shouyi.

"The last general will leave."

After Xia Shouyi left, the queen looked at Liang Shaojun kindly, bent down and handed a cup of tea to Liang Shaojun in person, and asked gently with a smile, "What else is Juner?"

"Dare to ask where the mother hid her?" Liang Shaojun asked coldly and did not reach for the tea cup.

"Hidden?" The queen's voice suddenly raised a little, and there was some sarcasm in her voice. Her hand over the teacup froze, turned her wrist, handed it to her lips and took a big sip. She couldn't help sneering, "You bastard, is that how you talk to your mother?"

Liang Shaojun stood proudly and looked at the queen fearlessly. His long and thin body was like a straight tree.

"I just want to find a place that ordinary people can't find to lock her up and give her some small punishment. Don't worry about the trivial things in the harem. The queen brushed her sleeves, and a cup of tea had dried up, and the teacup fell on the table.

Liang Shaojun said coldly, "Listen to me."

The queen looked at the figure leaving, and her hand holding the tea cup trembled violently and was smashed with a "pop".

In the evening of this day, Liang Shaojun, dressed in light clothes, left the palace in a low profile and went to the general's mansion.