A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 71 Bad eyesight

Zhong Ye Lixian took Su Siman to his residence. He got up early in the morning and served Su Siman to wash his face. Su Siman was quite unaccustomed to it.

Although she loves to be a nymphomaniac, she has always been far away from Zhengtai, so she is uncomfortable when washing up.

I didn't see Zhong Yeli until breakfast. Su Siman was a little confused. When he asked the teenager nearby, he knew that he had gone out in the morning and hadn't come back yet. Su Siman had to eat alone, which was very boring.

After dinner, I wandered around the yard. The yard was not very big, but the layout was exquisite. There is also a swing in the backyard, and the two teenagers are playing on the swing, which is very interesting. Seeing that the strange woman seemed to be shocked, the teenager standing on the ground immediately stopped his hand and stood very restrained. The teenager on the swing also hurriedly stabilized his body like a frightened rabbit. He came down to the ground and stood with the other teenager and lowered his head tightly. The shy appearance of the two was very pleasing.

If Su Siman hadn't known that this was Zhong Yeli's old nest, he would have mistakenly thought this was a lady's Yayuan. Su Siman found that the red-li-lied and white-toothed pets raised by Zhong Yeli were really beautiful and about the same age. They were all 15 or 16-year-old adopted sons and looked very handsome. She looked at that there was no woman in the yard, all a group of men. Er, they were all teenagers, and she couldn't help secretly speculating about Zhong Ye. This guy really likes Longyang, not a beautiful girl, and prefers beautiful young men. It's really a bad taste.

Su Siman remembered something important and wanted to go out to see if her brother was really imprisoned.

No one stopped her from walking around the yard before, but she was stopped before she reached the gate.

"What?" Su Siman stopped and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"The master has an order, and the young lady is not allowed to step out of the hospital." The teenager who stopped her said loudly that it was the one who came to open the door last night.

"Why?!" Su Siman was a little angry. If she still went out of the palace and was still under house arrest, then she would still go out of the palace to dry wool!

"I don't know, but the master didn't elaborate." The teenager looked at Su Siman proudly, unlike those teenagers beside him who were shy and cowardly, and his temperament was also outstanding. Please go back to the house and have a rest."

Su Siman touched the soft nail and wanted to find a gap to sneak out, but when he called another teenager, he whispered a few words, and saw the teenager running into the house quickly and quickly came out again. Only then did Su Siman find that the teenager was holding a big lock in his hand. What a tragedy?

As expected, the teenager who stopped her took the lock and locked the door that had been closed. Su Siman was very frustrated and stared at the still swaying lock. He secretly thought that there were many people, and he was afraid that he couldn't break through by himself, so he had to find another way.

The teenager locked the door and went back to the yard. Su Siman stood for a while, bored, and also went back to the house. However, remembering the safety of her royal brother, she was so angry that she couldn't sit still. After thinking about it, I always feel uneasy, but I still want to go out. You can't sit in the room and wait. You have to take the initiative to fight and get along with those teenagers first. If you get familiar with her, maybe they will let her out.

But whenever you ask others, you have to adopt different strategies to achieve your own goals. You can't treat them uniformly. Su Siman knows this. Sometimes the more you ask for others, the more you can't act too impatiently, which will cause people to be vigilant.

Before the action, Su Siman also made some analysis, roughly determined his focus, and targeted the two teenagers swinging in the backyard. These two teenagers are very afraid of being robbed by Zhong Yeli, so their background may be more sad. First, communicate with them, find out their weaknesses, and then move people with emotion. If, as she expected, the two teenagers were robbed by Zhong Yeli, she would add fuel and vinegar to incite them to escape with her, hehe.

It's better to act than to be moved. Su Siman immediately took up his energy and turned to the backyard. The two swing teenagers were still there. Su Siman couldn't help but be happy. He dusted the invisible dust on his clothes and walked over leisurely. The reason why I chose to start with these two teenagers is that they were quite obedient to her before, and they looked shy and timid. They should be closer and easy to take the initiative. At least she has been in modern times for 20 years and has won prizes in speech competitions, inciting to persuade two teenagers that it should not be a big problem.

Su Siman went smoothly and walked over and felt a little ashamed. Really, she didn't want to cheat and steal.

The two teenagers were having a good time and didn't see her. They probably didn't expect her to come back so soon.

"Cough..." Su Siman covered his mouth and coughed dryly. The two teenagers stopped quickly and stood aside in a regular manner, very restrained.

After a question-and-answer interview dialogue, Susman can only feel speechless about his observation ability, judgment ability and speculation ability, and is frustrated with his rich and outrageous imagination.

It turned out that the two teenagers were not snatched by Zhong Yeli, but rescued them from the thief's den.

The two teenagers used to work as waitresses in the Gentleman's Pavilion and were bullied. They were redeemed by Zhong Yeli last month and placed in this yard. Su Siman learned from his two people that these beautiful teenagers here were all poor, either their parents died, or the families of the guilty ministers, and some were illegitimate children abandoned by their parents. The oldest one here, named Jing Ze, who stopped Su Siman before, was picked up by Zhong Yeli when he was begging for food on the street. When Zhong Yeli was away, he took care of and arranged the lives of these teenagers. They had a high status and prestige in this courtyard. Everyone regarded him as his brother, second only to Zhong Yeli. When Zhong Ye was away, they all listened to him.

So Susman's plan to incite the "rebellion" of the two teenagers went bankrupt. As soon as it came out, he was immediately strangled in the cradle.

Su Simman shook his head and went back to the room with a sigh and depression, only felt that he was too sad. In modern times, she was a loser woman. She traveled to ancient times and was still a loser woman. She couldn't afford to hurt.

Sure enough, she still exercised too little in modern times, and no one gave her eyesight. In ancient times, she suffered a lot. My eyesight has always been very bad. I mistakenly regarded Feng Wanyuan as a good girl, and this time I mistook Zhong Yeli as a villain who bully men. It's really a tragedy.

It seems that we still have to start with Jing Ze, but from the description of the two teenagers just now, Jing Ze is very loyal to Zhong Yeli. I'm afraid it's impossible to ask him to let her out, so he can only do it. Of course, she didn't grab the key or anything. Su Siman couldn't do such an unlevel thing. Before she grabbed the key, she was pressed to the ground by a group of teenagers and beat a hard-won steamed bun face into a big cake face.

Su Siman thought hard in the room and didn't come up with any countermeasures. After lunch, Su Siman pretended to be sleeping and heard that the outside movement stopped. Then, when people were not paying attention, she sneaked into the courtyard to see if there was any good place to escape. After carefully turning around, I found that the wall of the yard was so high that unless I could do light work, I couldn't climb out at all. It was not realistic to climb over the wall and escape. Su Siman did not give up and continued to survey the terrain. Finally, in the firewood shed, he opened the dry firewood of the branches and found a small dog hole.

Is it possible that the princess and the princess fell to climb the dog hole to escape? Su Siman stared at the spiritless withered yellow weeds exposed on the other side of the dog hole with a face, and his heart was very painful.

Uh... However, the dog hole is still so petite, how can it accommodate her round body?

Su Siman looked at the dog hole, which could only accommodate half of her, and there was no trace of joy when she first saw the dog hole.

Squatting down and looking carefully, Su Siman found that the gray earth wall around the dog hole was not very strong and should not be difficult to dig. This discovery made her very happy. At present, Su Siman tried it with her hands. As soon as she had shaved it three or five times, her fat little white hands were immediately dark, and her middle fingernails of her right hand were also broken. Su Siman gave up decisively. After thinking about it, you still have to pour a tool, otherwise you don't know how to dig it with your hand.

made up his mind, and Su Siman put the firewood together again to cover the dog hole. The thief-like cat left the woodshed with his waist and went to the kitchen bucket to scoop water and wash his hands. When she was in the kitchen, she glanced at the kitchen knife on the chopping board and thought that if she hadn't found a hoe, she would have to use the kitchen knife to dig the foot of the wall. It's so embarrassing...

This time, Su Siman sneaked back to the house to sleep peacefully, preparing to refresh himself during the day and continue to dig the wall to escape at night.

Because she didn't sleep well last night, she slept very soundly until Jing Ze knocked on her door to get up and eat.

Su Siman secretly mobilized himself to replenish his energy, supplement nutrition and accumulate energy for his evening actions, so he opened his belly and ate several large bowls of rice, which stunned the beautiful teenagers at the table one by one. After eating those big bowls of rice, Su Siman's belly was about to burst open and regretted it. She had to walk around with a round belly like a pregnant woman to digest and digest. This walk is not for nothing. Susman's eyes have been looking at whether there is anything better than a kitchen knife in the yard. She saw flowers planted in the backyard before. There should be a flower hoe or something. She had to brighten her eyes and look for it.

Finally, at night, the dark sky is very suitable for stealing chickens and dogs. Naturally, it is also suitable for digging walls and feet. Er, it should be digging dog holes. Su Siman fucked the guy's cat and touched the woodshed, pulled away the pile of cute little firewood and felt for the "gate of freedom" and was very excited.

She pouted her buttocks for a long time, and finally dug a hole about 40 to 50 centimeters wide. She estimated that she should be able to get out smoothly before she stopped.

Su Siman threw away the guy in his hand, tightened several silver spoons and gold basins wrapped in a bag in his arms, and tightened his belt for fear that things would fall out when drilling a while. These days, you can't go anywhere without money! Su Siman is well swive about this.

Just drilled his head and neck, but it was a little stuck when he reached his shoulder. Su Siman gritted his teeth, inhaled and tried his best to shrink himself into a ball, and reluctantly stretched out a fat arm. Although it was a little dark at night, Su Siman faintly saw that there was no building outside the dog hole, which seemed to be an open space. Naturally, she was overjoyed. The more anxious she was, the more she was stuck. With such a big bag of things on her chest, she couldn't move at all. Su Siman was in a dilemma at this time. He felt regretful and wanted to cry without tears.

Just as she was regretful, she suddenly saw a pair of feet in front of her. Su Siman looked up and couldn't get back from the dog hole immediately.