A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 72 Invincible

Zhong Yeli squatted down and looked at her with a smile on his face full of interest.

Su Siman is stuck on the ground. He can't get in and retreat. He is embarrassed. I really hate that he can't turn into an earthworm and shrink back immediately.

"Your Highness, this black light is blind, what do you want to do in the dog hole of my house?" Zhong Ye left his mouth and was very happy.

Su Siman lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, silent and silent. The face was buried in the arm that had been stretched out, which was so low that it was so tight. I don't know if the original white face was stuck or something, and it turned into a drunken shrimp.

Zhong Yeli looked at her pretending to be dead and became more interested and smiled beside him.

It was really uncomfortable. Su Siman sighed for a long time and raised his head with an embarrassed face: "Zhong Yeli, can't you save you?"

"I thought you fainted and was trying to save you." Zhong Ye said in his mouth, but he didn't mean to move at all.

Su Siman was squeezed by the bulging baby in his chest and almost lost his breath.

It seems that you can't count on Zhong Yeli's help, or you have to rely on yourself. Thinking about it, she dug the foot of his house. He was already very merciful if he didn't settle accounts with her. How could he still look at him to help her? It's not that I don't know that he is a bad guy.

After some hard work, Susman's other fleshy arm was also reluctant to squeeze out of the narrow space. Su Siman was secretly happy and continued to struggle. Originally, her shoulders had come out, and there should be no problem with her whole body. She sighed that the bag of things in her arms took up too much space. Her back had wiped the top of the dog hole and was about to wipe out the skin. Her chest was so squeezed that she was so uncomfortable that she couldn't move at all. Su Siman's milking energy was used, but he couldn't move forward at all, and his chest was still pressed to death. A face turned purple, and its chest was pressed to death, and it was even difficult to breathe.

Just when Su Siman felt that he was about to die, suddenly there was a roar in his ears, the sense of oppression was released in an instant, and his body was suddenly raised. Fortunately, Zhong Yeli mentioned that she was quick, otherwise the suddenly collapsed earth wall could not kill Su Siman and make her break a leg.

While gasping, he reached out and patted his chest. Su Siman was inadvely and patted the bag of gold and silver treasures in his arms, which made Zhong Yeli, who was still holding one of her arms, raise his eyebrows and looked at her bulging chest suspiciously.

Noting Zhong Yeli's pure and doubtful eyes, Su Siman also looked down along his eyes. His face, which had risen to purple, couldn't help but turn red and white, white and red, and instantly changed into several colors. Embarrassing, I really shouldn't take a golden bowl. It takes up too much space and is not easy to hide. My description at this time is simply hilarious. On the one hand, my chest remains in the shape of Wangzai steamed bread, while the chest is bulging and swollen, which is really not good-looking. Well, you must learn a lesson next time. Don't be so careless anymore. Su Siman took out the things in her arms and threw them to the ground in frustration, and helplessly spread out his hands to Zhong Ye.

"That's all, I haven't moved anything else!" Su Siman raised his right hand and swore, looking at Zhong Yeli very innocently (author: They haven't asked you yet. You don't ask yourself, Su Siman. Well, you should learn from you and share your worries for the police uncle).

Zhong Yeli was still full of suspicion. He squatted down and opened the package, which was very crisp. Two silver soups, three pairs of silver chopsticks and two golden basins scattered in front of him. Zhong Yeli couldn't help laughing again when he looked at these messy things. .

Su Siman was very embarrassed by his smile. He scratched his head, annoyed and hated, and scolded, "Laugh at you! If it hadn't been for you, I would have fallen to this point?!"

Zhong Ye ignored her and smiled for a long time. After laughing enough, he said, "I'm laughing that you don't know the treasure. Which of those gold and silver objects in my room is not worth more than these things you took? I have no eyesight to take these broken copper and iron."

Su Siman's face trembled. Even Zhong Yeli saw that her eyesight was not good. Alas, she really had no face.

After sighing for a while, Su Siman looked very resentfully: "You took me out of the palace, why didn't you allow me to go out? It's too much to know that I was worried about the safety of my brother and wanted to trap me here..."

"I promised to help you save your brother, naturally I won't go up to my promise. I just came back from the Chu State Post Hall, so don't worry. As for not letting you go out, it is because the people in the palace know that you have left the palace and will definitely send someone to search. I'm afraid that you will be recognized when you go out and be arrested as soon as you come out. Zhong Yeli stood up with a straight face, not as if he was joking.

"Is that true?" Su Siman looked at him doubtfully and was cheated by him so many times that he really didn't dare to take it lightly.

"I swear to God that I didn't lie to you." Zhong Yeli stretched out two fingers to the dark sky above his head, pouted his mouth, and was a little helpless.

"What's the situation of my royal brother?"

"He's fine, but he's very strict inside, and I can't get close to him."

"Ah--" Su Siman opened his mouth dejectedly, pulled down the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were a little gloomy.

Looking at her frosty eggplant, Zhong Ye couldn't bear it. He opened his mouth several times to tell her that what he heard last time was not all true. Finally, he swallowed it back.

"Don't worry too much, everything will be fine. Now that the chaos in Chu has not been settled, it will be very dangerous for your brother to return to China at this time, but it will be safer in the State of Liang. Zhong Yeli comforted.

Su Siman lowered her head and said nothing. She was not sure whether the conversation she heard the night before yesterday was true or not, because she did not really see Liang Shaojun and the queen. Although she was suspicious and fraudulent, her tone and voice were indeed very similar. While she wanted to believe in Zhong Yeli, she was a littleware of him, which was very contradictory. She felt that she was like one of the masses of the children who had been called wolves several times, and she was very confused. If you don't see her brother live healthily with your own eyes, you won't be secure.

After thinking for a while, Su Siman suddenly came up with an idea. He suddenly shook his mind and pulled Zhong Ye away from his sleeve: "Don't you know how to change your face? Can you change me so that I can go out?"

"I knew you would definitely mention this." Zhong Yeli was slightly ashamed, "That's what I intend to do. This time, I went to the Chu Post Hall to find out the details and see the handover method and arrangement between them. At that time, I will find an opportunity to get rid of the bodyguards. No matter how easy it is to look like them, it is not easy to make a go wrong.

"So you have already thought about it!" Susman's face was suddenly full of joy.

Zhong Yeli covered his lips and coughed dryly, and his face was slightly hot. "Don't worry now. I'll explore again tomorrow and take you to see your royal brother in the evening. It's getting late. Let's go back to the house to rest and see what it looks like. With that, Zhong Yeli reached out and patted Su Siman's dirty clothes.

Su Siman nodded and bent down to pick up the bag of silver spoons and gold basins on the ground. Seeing her move, Zhong Ye couldn't help showing his face and smiling.

The next day, when Su Siman got up, he found that there was no one in the yard. He looked around and found that a group of beautiful teenagers had all rushed to the woodshed. They all looked at the inexplicably collapsed earth wall and were very puzzled.

"Don't look at it. Help me clean it up." Jing Ze took the lead in waking up from surprise and waved his hand to order.

Several teenagers also gathered around to help, holding shovels and shovels. Su Siman's face was burning. Before they saw her, they quickly slipped back to the room. She was like a thief and was really panicked.

It was not until he was eating that Zhong Yeli became lazy. When he walked into the dining room, he stretched out carelessly. He only wore a middle coat and presented his perfect figure of the inverted triangle. Su Siman was shocked. The teenagers sitting around the table seemed to have been surprised, and their faces looked very respectful. Worship.

Noting Su Siman's surprised eyes, Zhong Yeli seemed to smile at her with some embarrassment, and then waved his hand gracefully: "Don't wait for me. You eat first. I'll change my clothes."

When you come out in a short time, the clothes are neat and the spirit looks good.

A teenager asked during the banquet, "Mr., do you know that the wall of the woodshed is broken?"

Jing Ze, who was sitting next to him, quickly wink at him and motioned him not to tell him such a small thing, which annoyed him.

"Oh, when I came back last night, I saw a big mouse making a hole there. Maybe it was going to be used as a nest. Did the wall collapse?" Zhong Yeli raised his head from the bowl of noodles, very seriously.


"It turned out to be a big mouse!"

"Is there such a big mouse in our yard? Jingze, you have to think about how to treat it!"


The teenagers discussed, and the atmosphere at the table was very warm.

Su Siman stepped on Zhong Yeli's foot under the table and continued to drink her soup calmly on his face. Zhong Yeli grinned in pain and quickly smiled covertly.

Zhong Yeli went out after giving up his meal. Su Siman knew what he was going to do, so he didn't stop him.

Zhong Ye didn't come back until the afternoon, and he didn't know where he got the uniforms of the two bodyguards. After dinner, he first ordered Su Siman to wear the bodyguard uniform inside. By the time she came out, Zhong Yeli had become a strong bodyguard with a purple and black lips and a black mustach. After a while, Su Siman also changed his appearance and went to the mirror to look at it. Su Siman almost didn't laugh. Zhong Yeli made her too tricky!

The two eyes became the extremely small squinting eyes when they first crossed over, with a flat nose, and their lips as thick as a pig's large intestine, especially the trembling beards on their lips, shaking like stubbles, not to mention funny. Zhong Yeli, is this revenge for her stepping on him, funny boy! Serious contempt! That's not to mention it. In addition, he was wrapped in a lot of cloth strips before, and the bodyguard uniform on his body was tightly attached. He looked short and solid. If he hadn't worn a military uniform, he would have been a butcher.

Zhong Yeli looked at her whole body carefully and was very satisfied with his work. Looking at Susman in the mirror, he said to himself, "Well, this figure is almost the same as when I first saw it..."

Su Siman gave him a fierce look in the mirror, but his dark face couldn't help blushing, because someone thought of the situation of the two "honest meeting" at that time, ashamed...

"To the way, remember, if you hear someone shouting Zhang Lang when you arrive, you will answer, okay?" Zhong Yeli's face was solemn.

Your sister! Is there such a trick? Su Siman was furious as soon as he heard it! I really lost a lot today. I not only became a mouse, but also a cockroach? Your sister! In the infinite cycle...)

Although he had infinite resentment, Su Siman still had to put the overall situation first for her brother and wrong himself to be a cockroach.