A red apricot climbs the wall

Liang Shaojun 2

If the first volume is somewhat dark and somewhat depressing, then the new volume, which will be opened next month, will be very happy. Hehe, please continue to support it! Today, I will continue to play extras. Let's talk about it. This article may be a little extra at the end of each volume, and there will be extras at the end.

By the way, if you want to see anyone's side story, you can leave a message and let me know.

Don't be talkative, post the text, continue to tell the painful life of the cannon fodder prince, and reveal the little-known story behind it. ( Are you familiar with this word?)

Because he was young, his appearance has maintained the description of a child. Obviously, he has entered his adolescence or even youth, but his appearance has not changed much, and he looks like he will never grow up. He didn't care much. He didn't feel inferior and didn't give up. Although he knew that he didn't live long, he still worked hard to become the child that the mother wanted to grow up.

Probably because he spent a less pleasant childhood in confinement, and he knew that he had killed his mother since he was a child. In addition, the fortune teller said that his fate was not very good. When he was young, he was a little cold and didn't know how to socialize with others. Except for his mother, he is basically not very close to others. It was probably because he looked very cute and pleasant. When he first entered the palace, those concubines liked him very much and liked to tease him, but no matter how much they teased him, his reaction was relatively indifferent and not very enthusiastic. Over time, no one was willing to tease him. They all think the child is a little wooden.

At the first poisonous attack, the pain was so severe that his whole body seemed to be gnawed by countless wriggling creatures, and even his bones seemed to break, so painful that he held his head and rolled. At that time, he was only 13 years old, that is, at the beginning of that year, his body seemed to have stopped developing. Although he was still young and hurt to the bone, he only bit his lips without saying a word, but the ** sheets were torn to pieces by him and his lips were bitten out of blood.

I remember that once I went to the training ground for a riding and shooting match with my brothers. When I was running a horse and shooting arrows, the fifth brother fell off the horse and cried. Zhao Niangniang, who was watching, ran over sadly, held the fifth brother in her arms to comfort him, and gently rubbed the place he hit. He subconsciously looked at his mother's concubine and found that her eyes were very disdainful. She seemed to be saying that she cried in public with such a little pain, which was too promising.

He knew that his mother's concubine looked down on that kind of behavior and felt that it was not a sign of masculinity. Therefore, no matter how painful it is, he will not shout out.

At that time, Dr. Li was not working in the hospital. Those doctors could not diagnose the reason, only that he was poisoned. Most of all, the dense silver needle pierced him like a hairy silver hedgehog. At that time, the mother didn't know what was wrong with him. She stayed by his bedside day and night. Later, all kinds of methods were used, but he was still not well. The mother invited a Taoist master outside the palace to treat him.

The witch doctor was very lucky. Just in time for his venomous attack, the witch doctor danced a mahogany sword in his hall and burned more than a dozen pieces of yellow paper with peach charms, and his "illness" was cured.

His mother regarded the master as a god and asked many questions, such as whether the strange disease would break out in the future, what the child's fate would be in the future, and so on. The witch doctor touched his beard with an unfathomable face and only said, "The little prince was born too grievous and his fate is terrible. This disease is a disaster. If you can get through it, there will be no limit in the future; if you can't get through it, you will live less than 18 years old.

Zhang was very sad to hear this Taoist master say this, but he did not intend to give up the child. Originally, he wanted to keep the master in the palace, but the man refused, saying that the monk did not like fame and fortune and wanted to travel around to help the world. Therefore, after receiving Zhang's 200 taels of gold, he waved his sleeves and left the court without taking away a trace of bad luck. After that, he was still tortured to death by maggots. Thanks to the later arrival of Dr. Li, he made a lot of efforts on him and pulled him back from the edge of life and death. Relying on Dr. Li's careful treatment, he escaped the fate of "living less than 18 years old".

Perhaps to repay Zhang's love for him, he is always strict with himself, almost harsh. He studied hard and made progress in order to make his mother happy. He was afraid that she would be disappointed. He knew very well that his mother would have a strong character. If he behaved poorly and lagged behind his brothers, even if she didn't say anything, she would definitely be unhappy.

In order to treat his illness, Dr. Li searched the medical classics of various countries and knew that he was the unique poison of the Yuan sacrifice family in Miaojiang. At that time, the Yuan sacrifice family had been killed all over the door, so there is little hope that the poison on his body can be completely eliminated. The only way to try is probably to win the poison of the Yuan sacrifice family. The blood of poisonous people is used as medicine, and to put it bluntly, it is to attack poison with poison. Zhang was not a person who gave up easily. When he learned that there was such a way to try, he sent people to secretly look for people who had been poisoned by the family. However, unfortunately, he looked for a few years until he was 18 years old and still couldn't find a suitable person, because although the people of the Yuan family were vicious, they rarely made such poisons that could have long-term attacks and make people unable to survive and death. Most of the people who had been poisoned were killed on the spot.

Seeing that he was 18 years old and still lived a good life, Zhang finally didn't have to worry that he would die at any time. He began to arrange for him to marry Feng Wan, the daughter of the military servant. At that time, the power of the Zhang family had almost reached the point of covering the sky with one hand in the court. Zhang felt that the time had come for him to be the prince. In order to win over Feng Shiwen, a prestigious military servant, Zhang personally asked the emperor to marry him. The wedding system was quite high, and the degree of luxury was almost as the prince's marriage.

When the mother's concubine asked him for his opinion, he did not say anything. Since the mother wanted him to marry the daughter of the Feng family, he did not want to disobey his mother's concubine. The marriage went smoothly. He and Feng Wan Wan are also childhood sweethearts. They have known each other when they were young, and they are also well-known.

It's just that he knows that the person Feng Wan likes is not him. He doesn't like or dislike her. He just felt a little sorry for her and a little wronged her, because he couldn't give her anything but fame.

After marrying his wife, his life has still not changed. He reads, reads, rides and shoots archery, and swords, as usual, but there is an additional woman in his residence, a woman who is not annoying and fits well with him.

He treated her well. What reward did he get? If he could give it to the woman, he gave her all, which was a little compensation for her.

In the eyes of others, their couple is very complete and can be regarded as a talented woman.

After several years of marriage, he never touched her, nor did he share a bed with her. They all slept in separate beds. The maids in his palace knew the secret, but because Zhang strictly ordered them not to chew their tongues, they did not dare to reveal the secret.

There is also a reason to talk about this.

Dr. Li once implicitly mentioned to Zhang that he was poisoned by the poison of the Yuan family. He could not "break the poison" before the poison was removed, that is, **, otherwise the blood vessel of qi and blood reflux would rupture, and the consequences would be unimaginable. Zhang repeatedly told him that even if he got married, he could not have sex. He always remembers.

Two years later, a vassal king of the State of Chu wanted to usurp the throne and secretly colluded with his grandfather to seek the support of the State of Liang. In order to achieve this goal, after learning that Zhang has been looking for the poison of the family, he shook out a very important information, that is, there is a princess in the State of Chu who inherited bloodthirsty from her mother when she was born. The court hid it tightly, and outsiders did not know the secret at all. Although the princess was stupid, the Empress Dowager and the emperor of the State of Chu regarded her as a treasure. Her daily life was very exquisite. In order to delay the time of the princess's attack, she also gave her medicine every day.

At this time, Zhang, who was already in power as the queen, was ecstatic to learn the news. His father originally wanted to send an envoy directly to the State of Chu to ask for his marriage. His mother felt that it was harmful to the face of the prince, and she was afraid that the State of Chu would be ignorant to talk about the conditions. Coincidentally, at that time, there was a dispute between the Turks and the State of Chu. There had been a small fight for a while, but the problem remained unresolved. The two conveniences asked the people of Liang to make a public decision. Zhang took the opportunity to provoke and easily aroused the anger of the impatient emperors of the two countries, so it was not long before the Turks fought with the State of Chu. Ordinary border disputes have evolved into large-scale wars. In the end, the State of Chu was defeated and was beaten by the Turkic cavalry, and he had to ask the State of Liang for help. Zhang took the opportunity to put forward conditions such as ceding land and paying tribute to the State of Chu. Of course, the most important thing is naturally a peaceful plan.

So he had a second marriage. Although he was very disgusted, he had no choice.

This marriage is even more unsighted.

As early as when he sent his fifth brother, who had entered a lot more than a child, to the State of Chu with his eleven brothers who liked to join in the fun, his mother asked the fortune-teller to tell him again. He can't remember how many fortune-telling times he has been so old.

The old fortune-telling said that the woman he was about to marry was a evil star, and her fate was fierce, and she was afraid that she would defeat him. Therefore, it is better to put her in a room full of charms and be imprisoned for seven or 49 days to get rid of her evil spirit. When he is married, he can't salute in person, but replace it with a rooster. The rooster is the messenger of the god of dawn, breaking the sound of dawn, which can resolve the darkness and ferocity.

However, at this time, he was very resistant to this marriage full of deception. He felt that his marriage was more outrageous and more utilitarian than the last one, which made him very disliked and felt that he had become a puppet again. Even if the starting point of marrying the princess was for his good, he It's unacceptable. However, he has never been able to express his likes and dislikes well, and since his mother has done everything for him, there is no room to turn around, so he can't disobey her.

He is very disgusted with the exotic princess who is about to marry him, not because she is stupid and fat, but perhaps because he is dissatisfied with this arrangement. He can't be angry with his mother, so he can only be angry with the innocent princess.

In the end, he still secretly disobeyed his mother, that is, he met the legendary stupid princess before he got married. Although he didn't talk to her, he still met him. That princess does look very stupid and not good-looking, but her heart is not bad.

At that time, he was lying in the shade to enjoy the cool. Suddenly, he felt someone approaching. He almost jumped up, which scared her and sat on the ground. He saw that her fat face was full of surprise and consternation, which was very funny. At that time, he knew that this person must be the princess of the State of Chu where he was about to marry the crown princess. Somehow, he felt that she was not as annoying as he had imagined before. But he still hates her somewhat, or rather, he hates himself. At that time, he thought about the old Taoist priest's words "can't meet her before getting married", and he was a little excited and even a little happy. He wanted to know whether he would be punished by God or something if he saw her in advance.

This time he married the crown princess, his real wife, and the wedding system turned out to be ironic. What's more ridiculous is that although he got married, he didn't need to show up during the whole process. In this way, he sneaked out of the palace and played for a day. When he came back, he got a crown princess, er, a stupid crown princess.