A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 76 Life should not end

"Princess, why did you get up?" When Qingran came in with a tray, he couldn't help but be shocked when he saw Su Siman struggling to remember from **.

"Alas--" Su Siman sighed long and looked helplessly at Jin's stiff legs tied to the wooden board.

She is really unlucky.

Originally, she had opened her arms and was ready to firmly throw herself into the arms of Mother Earth, thinking that it would be no problem to fall to death at the height of the cliff, so that she might be able to leave the ancient world that made her feel sad and helpless and return to modern society.

Unexpectedly, she was closing her eyes and silently crying for the critical moment when her brain burst and bones were out of her body. The beads on her neck suddenly emitted a dazzling white light. The next second, the dead old man, the crane and half fairy, appeared in mid-air.

I saw Hebanxian pinching a formula and saying something in his mouth.

Su Siman, whose head was facing down and was diving down with a heroic flow of 3,000 feet, fell down in an instant. Only then did she see several strange trees with lush leaves and branches stretching out on the cliff surrounded by white fog. In this way, the force she fell was melted a lot by those magical trees. When she fell to the bottom of the cliff, except for a pair of legs and some scars on her body were scratched by the branches.

Seeing that she fell to the bottom of the thick cliff withered grass, Hebanxian pinched another formula. When he came to her, he smiled and said, "I told you earlier. At the critical moment, I will come to help you."

Help your sister! I really want to die this time, right? It's not helpful!

Just a few times of rubbing shoulders with the tree (body?) In addition, the inertia and force when he fell to the ground were solid. Su Siman had some concussion, and the Venus appeared in front of him. After a long time, he realized the meaning of the crane half-fairy, and he could only stare at the crane half-fairy.

"Cough! Why are you so stupid? Don't you know how to grab a branch with your hand? Stop a little longer and wait for me to finish reading the spell, so that I don't have to fall so badly. He Banxian looked at Su Siman's broken dress and the messy hair of his colorful face, and shook his head with regret.

Su Siman was powerless to gouge out the crane and half-immortal: "Then why don't you just recite the spell to fix me? Don't let me fall down and suffer."

He Banxian scratched the back of his head with some embarrassment and smiled, "Isn't it sudden? Xiaoxian was having tea at Donghua Emperor's place and suddenly found that something was wrong with you, and Xiaoxian rushed to the rescue the scene. Time is so urgent. Aren't you about to fall to the bottom of the cliff before I remember the spell..." Seeing Su Siman's contemptuous look, the crane half-immortal squeezed a pair of old eyes and smiled kindly, "Anyway, it's good not to die."

Su Simman rolled his eyes and shrugged the corners of his mouth, which was simply disheartened.

I tried to move my legs and feet, and immediately grinned in pain. I guess it was broken. Su Siman looked at the kind and kind-hearted smiling crane half-immortal with a bitter face: "He Banxian, do you have a grudge against me? I have suffered a lot when I crossed here, and I'm still disabled now. If you don't send me back to modern times, aren't you afraid of doing so many immoral things and being struck by the sky?

"Cough..." He Banxian raised his black sleeves and wiped his forehead. "That's not what he said... If he was really bombarded by the thunder, Xiaoxian would still ask for it. Alas, it's a pity that the fairy has not yet arrived, and the little fairy is not qualified to experience the thunder..." Hebanxian sighed and shook his head.

"Don't lament yourself yet. I'll tell you the business!"

"Well, you said." The crane half-fairy has sloppy eyes.

"You'd better send me back to modern times as soon as possible. I can't stay in ancient times. The country is ruined and my family is dead." Susman said very sadly.

"What kind of country's destruction is not as serious as you think." Hebanxian brushed his white beard and looked serious. "Xiaoxian has told you many times that he can't send you back to modern times for the time being. Your affairs here are not over yet! You have to stay at ease first. When the opportunity comes, everything will be how it should be.

"What? Not finished yet?!" Susman's voice immediately increased by eight degrees.

"Hey, don't be excited!" The crane half fairy seemed to calm her mood, shaking his old man's long eyebrows like two white caterpillars and smiling affectionately. "If you don't want to stay in the palace for too long, the little fairy can also help you escape."

After listening to this sentence, Su Siman almost roared, "Do you still want to go back to the palace?"

"Yes!" He Banxian looked at her strangely and squeezed his eyes, "Don't you want to see more of yours?"

Su Siman's handsome and pale face came to Liang Shaojun's mind. Thinking of the situation when he just jumped off the cliff, thinking that he changed his past and collapsed and shouted her name desperately, and thinking that he wanted to try to save her, he couldn't stop a burst of distress. I couldn't help looking up and saw a gray sky. There were no birds or clouds. The sky was gray, and it seemed that it was going to rain again. She couldn't help but look a little dim again. How good it would be if she hadn't met him. If he didn't treat her like that, didn't use her, kill her royal brother, and lead the army to destroy Chu, she didn't have to be in such a dilemma.

Su Simman was silent and said nothing.

For a long time, he looked up at the crane half-immortal and asked weakly, "Why is this?"

He Banxian was also a little touched by her depressed appearance and sighed, "The love is still unbroken. What can I do?"

The love is still unbroken, but you still don't give up on him? She asked herself, but her heart had already become a mess. Hebanxian's words made her dizzy. If she was forced by him like this and couldn't give herself up, it was really hopeless. Even she would despise herself.

"Don't blame yourself. Your fate has been set for a long time and can't be changed. As the old saying goes, if I can help you, I will definitely help you. Someone will come down to look for you in a moment, and I won't talk to you. Remember, don't always think about death. It's useless. If you don't have time, you won't die. Today, if I'm not afraid that when people come to look for you, I will find that you are still alive and be scared to death by you, I won't bother to leave the good tea in Donghua Emperor's mansion and run to listen to your complaints.

Before Su Siman could speak, he saw the white light in front of him, and the crane half fairy disappeared, and even the tree on the cliff disappeared. Even the bottom of the thick grass she was on became a bumpy pit full of sharp horned gravel. Su Siman was so careful that he suddenly fainted and was unconscious.

When she woke up, she was already familiar with ** in Chuxiang Pavilion.

Liang Shaojun obviously did not reveal her jumping off the cliff for death, and the palace seemed to block the news about Chuxiang Pavilion. The previous mysterious disappearance of the crown princess and the return to the palace were strangely injured. There was no gossip in the palace, and everything seemed to be as usual. Naturally, there are a few slaves in Chuxiang Pavilion who know about the disappearance and injury of their masters, and may also be forced to stop talking. Although the slaves are free to move, no one dares to chew their tongues.

The bodyguard ordered to guard Chuxiang Pavilion is still at the door, and everything is still the same as when she left the palace. She is still not released from the ban and is still grounded.

Two months have passed, and her leg has healed a lot, but she still can't get out of bed.

In the past few days, the slaves have been chattering about the prince's expedition. Although Su Siman was recovering in bed, he also heard a lot of news.

I heard that after the army of Liang arrived in the State of Chu, it soon calmed down the disaster, but in the civil strife, the former emperor of the State of Chu, Emperor Xiaocheng - that is, Su Siman, her father was killed by his troubled brother. Soon after the new emperor ascended the throne, that is, the day the new emperor ascended the throne, the colorful flags of the palace fluttering everywhere, floating on the main gate of the palace. He inserted a pole white flag very eye-catchingly and surrendered to Liang Guo without even fighting. Liang Shaojun occupied the State of Chu with little effort. Under his command, the name of the State of Chu is still there, but its meaning is different from the past. Now the State of Chu is a vassal state under the rule of Liang. Chu was divided into eight small vassal states, each of which was awarded the title of prince and each had its own military territory, which was completely equivalent to a small independent state. In this way, the imperial power was greatly dispersed and it was impossible to carry out centralized rule. The king of Chu had a name. Now the political affairs have been almost taken care of, and it seems that the class will return to the court in a few days.

Su Siman listened to the news, but he was not much touched. Although the State of Chu exists, it is still extinct. Her father and brother have all died, and it doesn't matter much to her whether the State of Chu exists or not. I just don't know if the royal grandmother is still alive...

She stroked the black jade on her chest, and her heart was infinitely sad and desolate.

She has been depressed every day since she returned to the palace for so long. She rarely talks to others. Basically, she lies all day long**. She felt that she was actually about to lie down with hemorrhoids.

The tourmaline is still imprisoned and doesn't know when it will be released.

She can't stay in the palace. She must leave the palace. Yes, she must escape.

Su Siman wanted to get out of bed and take out her small box with gold to see if the gold inside was still there. She must bring some gold or valuable things when she leaves the palace, otherwise she will have to drink the northwest wind. As soon as she moved her legs, Qingran came in and ran over to help her with a panicked face.

"Princess, if you have anything, you can directly tell me to do it. You are not in good health yet. Dr. Li solemnly told you not to move around, otherwise the misalignment of the bones will be bad. Qingran quickly helped her back to ** with some distress and cushioned her. Now it was much more comfortable to lean on **.

"Okay, you can find the box under the bed for me." Su Siman ordered.


Qingran answered and raised the sheets. His body was already low and leaned under the bed. Soon, he came out with a delicate small box and carefully put it on the small bedhead.

Su Simman found the key from under the pillow and opened the box, and a golden light shone out. In addition to the one given to Feng Wan Wan's master and servant last time, there is still a lot of gold. If all of them are taken away, I guess she won't have to worry about food and clothing in her life, and she will definitely live a well-off life. Su Siman touched the gold ingot and touched the gold ingot, and her face was very gratified. With this money, she had no worries.

"Princess, are you ready to..." Qing Ran looked at the master in surprise.

"Shh!" Susman quickly stopped her.

It seems that she still hasn't hidden her desire to escape from this girl. In this way, multiple people are more likely to escape smoothly.