A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 3 Looking for relatives

The general rested all night. Su Siman didn't sleep soundly and was woken up several times in the middle of the night.

On the morning of the second day, Su Siman was woken up by Qingran and put on the shoes dried by the fire last night. Su Siman stepped on the warmth of the soles of his feet and felt very comfortable. The two simply picked it up. As soon as they finished their work, the four Turks also got up.

After eating some dry food, a group of six people set off on their way.

The wind and snow have stopped, and it is interesting to see the world covered in silver at a glance. The temperature did not seem to be as low as yesterday. After walking for a while, Su Siman was a little hot. It was inconvenient for several big men to take off his clothes, so he had to hold it. The four Turks obviously didn't know anything about pity. They walked majestically and ignored the two girls and couldn't keep up with them. But Su Siman's master and servant had to walk with them, so he had to follow their speed, which made Su Siman, who had never experienced the hardships of a long journey, suffer a lot and was breathless along the way. The little girl Qingran didn't show any abnormality, and her legs and feet were very flexible.

On the way all morning, I finally saw the sparse village of the residents. The villagers saw the four big men with weapons in their strange waists all showing fear and avoiding them far away. Finally, Qingran caught up with a sickle in his waist and asked for directions with several game in his hand. Only then did he know that there was a Tuwa town in front of him, which could be reached in about three hours.

Su Siman listened to Qingran's questions and answers with his fellow villagers, and was a little depressed. Why was it so far away? When he arrived in the town, it was dark again. Alas, the traffic is inconvenient. It's so tormenting. If I had known, I should have learned to ride a horse first. How can a four-legged one be better than two legs! Su Siman really regretted it and secretly made up his mind to learn to ride a horse. He really suffered a lot if he didn't know how to ride in ancient times!

At this time, it was time to eat. Su Siman was a little hungry. She called Qingran aside and whispered that she could discuss with her fellow villagers whether she could have a few meals. The fellow villager was warm-hearted and took six people to his home without saying a word. The fellow villagers looked at the four very strong Turks, leading the way, shaking the game in their hands, and smiling: "When I went to the mountain today, I found that these little beasts were trapped in the trap I made. I just asked my mother-in-law to cook and drink. The family has only recently brewed wine. I'm worried that there is no one to drink with me."

"Thank you for your hospitality." Herza hugged his fist and politely thanked him.

"Dare to ask a few heroes where they are going. It's hard to travel at this time. It's snowing down the mountain. It's not easy to go." The fellow villagers asked casually.

"No, it's not easy to find a place to rest."

"In this weather, walking on two legs alone, shoes are easy to get wet and easy to fall. Why don't you get a foot strength?"

"Can there be horses in this village?" Herza looked down at his half-headed fellow villager and asked.

"We don't have many horses here, but there are many donkeys and mules in Lamai." The fellow villagers smiled imperably.

Hearing that there were mules, horses and donkeys in this place, Su Siman's eyes were green and he couldn't help interrupting, "Hometowns, can you help us get a few feet?"

"Yes, my mule can be given to you, but the rest can't be obtained, I'm afraid..." The fellow villager scratched his head with some embarrassment.

"Don't worry, there will be no shortage of money." Su Siman's mind is very smart at this time, and he suddenly hit the point.

The fellow villager grabbed the back of his head more embarrassedly, and a simple black and bright face turned red: "Girl, that's not what I mean... My mule can give you..."

"Thank you, fellow villagers! Hey hey!" Su Siman couldn't help but be happy. This ancient man was simple and simple. If he wanted to put it in modern times, it would be good if they didn't ask for a lot of prices.

Not long after arriving at his hometown, Su Siman, who was so tired that he was almost paralyzed, could finally take a good rest and sit on the fire, like a mud bodhisattva, sitting steadily and was reluctant to move.

Finally, he had a hot meal. Looking at the dishes that were simple and crude, but full of fragrance, Su Siman had a big appetite and was so excited that he had never eaten in his life. He shook off his cheeks and devoured several bowls.

After dinner, the villagers went to help them with donkeys and mules. Su Siman quietly stuffed a silver ingot for the villagers. The villagers pushed it for a long time, and finally picked them up with a smile and couldn't help thanking them. Thanks to Qingran's reminder, Su Siman changed some money in Daliang City. Think about it, if you eat a bowl of wonton noodles and stuff it with gold, how flamboyant it is! If you take a picture, you may get into trouble. Maybe you will be robbed of the gold before you arrive in Jiangnan. Isn't that what the so-called intention to see money is, so it must not be too public.

When Su Siman saw the fellow villagers of six donkeys and mules behind his buttocks, he couldn't help laughing. It turned out that the mule and the donkey were quite petite. They stood in front of Herza and estimated that they had reached the position of their thighs. I don't know if the mule and the donkey could still walk if they rode up? Su Siman peeked at the brother four and saw that they were all full of tears and laughing.

In the end, as long as there were two donkeys, Su Siman asked for the gray old donkey who was said to be very gentle. What you dyed was a little donkey with black and gray mixed mane.

The drunken and food group was ready to set off again. Before leaving, his fellow villager's wife gave Su Siman a bag of cooked eggs. Su Siman held them in his arms. The fellow villagers sent them out of their homes and showed them the way to take the road. Don't take a fork in the road. Although the path is close, it is easy to meet mountain thieves.

It turns out that the donkey that Susman rides is indeed very gentle and does not bully. Although she can't even ride a horse, she controls the gray donkey very well. That's what's wrong with this donkey - he walks too briskly and likes to eat grass while walking. He can't walk fast. The little donkey he rides on by Qingran walks much faster than it. The brother walked vigorously. He didn't have much effort, so he dropped Su Siman a lot. He was so anxious that Su Siman couldn't help patting the donkey's buttocks (they all flattered, but she was the only one who patted the donkey. Su Siman actually felt very aggrieved).

Na Si also noticed that Susman's donkey was walking too slowly to keep up with the progress, so he had to walk and stop to wait for her. In this way, the walking speed was dragged down a lot, and I didn't know if I could get to Tuwa Town before dark.

After walking for another while, the brother who was walking ahead stopped to ask the way to the oncoming villagers. He was probably a little anxious. After the villager left, the brothers chatted again in Turkic dialect. Su Siman couldn't understand and casually asked Qing Ran, who was slowly riding a little donkey: "What are they talking about?"

"They said they would take the path, which might be faster." Qing Ran inadvertently pulled a small branch covered with snow by the roadside.

"Oh, do you understand Turkic dialect?" Su Siman raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Ah..." Qing Ran blushed, and then realized that he had accidentally leaked his bottom and smiled shyly, "I can understand it."

"How can you understand Turkic? I don't think you look like a Turk." Su Siman pretended to look at Qingran inadvertently. She has a face of a Central Plains person, and she doesn't look like a lustful person. This made Susman even more confused.

"Oh..." Qingran lowered his head, as if he remembered something sad, and muttered, "My family used to live in Yanzhou, not far from the Turks. The two sides have frequent exchanges with each other, so I can also understand Turkic dialect."

"So that's it. Then why did you come to Daliang City again?"

"Since my mother died, I have left Yanzhou to find my brother, my only relative in the world. I heard from my mother that there was a brother in front of me, but he lost his mother a long time ago. I don't know if I can find him, but I haven't given up in the past few years. I'm so happy that the young lady can take me out this time, and I can continue to look for him.

Do you have any clues? Looking for a person in the world is no different from looking for a needle in a haystack. It's not easy to find!" Su Siman sighed and looked at Qingran with some sigh.

"That being said, as long as I am still alive, I must continue to look for it. Every time I think of my mother's death, I feel so useless... I must find him..." Qing Ran's tears unconsciously flowed down. She turned her face and quickly wiped it.

"So... have you seen your brother?" Su Siman asked subtly, a little unbearable, and finally added, "If you don't mind, I'll help you find it together. Anyway, I have nothing else to do."

"Miss, this slave can't afford it! It's still important for the young lady. There is no hurry to find someone, I understand. If God had eyes, I would definitely be able to find my brother.

"That's right. It can't be done overnight. It can't be rushed. However, if many people look for it, there will always be more power. By the way, have you seen your brother? Su Siman brought the topic back again.

"I've seen it, but I was too young at that time, and I don't remember it now. I only know that my brother was taken away by a man when he was eight years old. My mother inquired for many years before she knew that my brother was abducted to the Central Plains. He tattooed a wolf's head on his arm and should have brought a dagger on his body the day he left. Qing Ran answered in a low voice with his head down.

Su Siman was speechless and asked, "How long has he been away?"

"Thirteen years."

"..." She was only one or two years old when her brother disappeared. Even if she put her brother in front of her now, she was afraid she would not recognize him.

The two masters and servants were talking, and Jiahezhe shouted in a rough voice: "You two babies, hurry up! If it doesn't get dark soon, you can't enter the town!"

"Here we are, here we are!" Su Siman answered and patted Qingran soothingly, "Don't worry, you will find it. Let's go. You go ahead of me and grab the grass.

Qing Ran was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask much. He pulled a handful of grass and pinched it in his hand, tied it into a bundle, and hung it on the tail of the donkey she was riding according to Su Siman's instructions. In this way, Su Siman's greedy donkey has been tirelessly chasing the little black and gray donkey's buttocks. Every time he wants to reach the grass, Qingran kicks the donkey's stomach. The little black gray donkey runs happily with his hoofs, and Su Siman's old gray donkey also chases very fart.

Walking, the road seems to be a little more spacious than the small fork just now. There is a slightly raised forest opposite, and the trees are quite dense, but Su Siman feels a little strange and strange? Because she saw that there seemed to be cooking smoke on the mountain, was there anyone up there? Four Turkic men who are used to plain grassland may not be familiar with this hilly terrain and have found nothing unusual.

As soon as doubts a surged up in Su Siman's mind, he saw two men fucking guys jumping out of the woods.

"Oh! Where did the bold thief come from to visit me at the top of Mount Ba? The man who fucked the knife shouted loudly.

I really met a mountain thief!

The two mountain thieves shook the guy in their hands, and stared vigorously at the six people who had not yet recovered, looking majestic.

The world was still for two seconds, and Su Siman suddenly burst into laughter. This mountain thief is so funny, especially the place name. What a bunker!

The two mountain thieves looked at each other, a little overwhelmed, and shook the guy in his hand fiercely. When he saw the four reckless men with weapons in his waist, the guy in his hand couldn't hold it. He fell to the ground crisply and ran to the mountain, shouting, "The head of the family, come on!"