A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 4 Who is the Little Thief

Seeing the two mountain thieves crawling up the mountain, the four Turks laughed.

"Real abscess!" Gahezhe laughed with a beard and made a comment, which made the other three brothers laugh again.

"Miss..." Qing Ran timidly pulled the sleeves of La Susman's sleeve, with a little urging in his eyes, and seemed to feel that it was inappropriate to stay here.

Su Siman knew that she was probably a little scared, but looking at the bear bag of the two mountain thieves and the depressed environment around her, she guessed that the leader inside was probably powerless. Looking at the appearance of the four Turks, it seems that there is no plan to leave immediately. It's just right to see the excitement, which is very suitable for Su Siman's love to join in the fun. By the way, you can also see how the Turks are doing, hehe. Of course, this little Jiujiu can't let Qingran see it.

"Don't be afraid, we have masters here," Su Siman pouted to Hezhega and patted Qing Ran's arm soothingly. "Let's see what happens first."

"..." Qing Ran nodded helplessly.

As soon as the master and servant finished interacting, they heard a loud noise from the woods, and their footsteps were disorderly. After a while, the little ones who opened the way stood in two rows, with sickles in their hands and big wooden sticks in their hands - at a glance, they were directly taken from the woods. Well, more outrageous, there were also people who grabbed kitchen knives to play. They were dressed in rags, and the white cotton wool in many black robes was presented in front of people. It seems that this road is really depressed, and it is very difficult for these mountain thieves to make a living.

Su Siman looked coldly. Aren't the two people with short knives the ones who just hit each other? Looking at them shrinking and looking at the small eyes of the four Turks, they were surprised and strange, and couldn't help laughing. I guess they had never seen a lustful person. The two noticed Su Siman's happy expression and gave her a fierce look.

"Oh! Who came from? A jujube red horse rushed down like a whirlwind and passed the sparsely standing little man. The man on the horse's back shouted with a big knife in his hand.

Hearing this sound, several people gathered their eyes on the man on horseback, but they saw an eleven or twelve-year-old child with messy hair and a black face. Only a pair of big eyes were very bright, with aura, and a beggar's clothes were rotten. The big knife in his hand looked heavy, black, and the blade was white and bright, no less than the snow on the ground.

Before Su Siman's side could answer, the man who stared at Su Siman jumped out, jumped in front of the child's horse, stretched out his hand and pointed to Su Siman and others: "These are the people who are the masters!"

Su Siman was shocked and wanted to laugh a little. No wonder this useless business was made such a depressed field by them. The head of the family turned out to be a little boy who didn't know anything. It's strange that he was not depressed.

"We are passers-by and have no intention to offend Guizhai." Herza hugged his fist. The four of them estimated that he would stay in the Central Plains for a longer time and know more about some things on the Green Forest Road.

"I planted this tree, and this road is my way. If you want to pass by here, stay and buy money!" The child slowly flattened the big knife, and his childish face was full of seriousness, and he pointed to the six people with a little connoy momentum. "Leave all the valuable things on your body, and the young master will never embarrass you!"

At this time, the bearded Jia Hezhe finally chewed out the smell, and the copper bell stared: "Little doll, how old are you? I started in this industry in those years. You are not afraid to rob in front of your grandfather!" He touched his beard and secretly accepted it. The Central Plains people were really literary, and even had to read a few poems to rob them. Well, it's good...

Before the words fell, I heard a grin - the sound was endless, the snow on the branches was shaken down, and many mountain thieves covered their ears.

"Less take advantage of the young master! Look at the knife!" The child's eyelids turned over, his face was full of disgust, grinding his teeth hatefully, dancing the big knife, and rushed to Gahezhe with a horse's abdomen.

Hezhega touched his beard and slowly took out his golden machete from his waist to resist. He heard a crisp sound, and a faint spark burst out, and the two knives hit each other. The child's hand trembled, and the tiger's mouth was hot. The sitting horse stuttered and stared at the big man in front of him in surprise. Hezhega was smiling at him. The child was furious and raised the knife and split it at Hezhega again. Hezhega didn't care at all and did not hide. When the blade was about to hit the forehead, he waved his machete hook. The back of the knife was hooked on the handle of the child's knife. In addition, the force of the split was a little fierce. Before the child could let go, he followed him. The inertia came straight forward from the horse's back.

"Ouch--" The child shouted and threw away the knife in his hand. The little people behind him watched the master fall to the ground and stamped their feet in a hurry. It was too late to catch up with the rescue. Su Siman felt that the child was actually quite cute and couldn't help sweating for him. This fall may have knocked out his two white front teeth, because it happened that there was not much snow in the place where he fought with Jia Hezhe, and there were many rocks.

Just when everyone felt that the child was going to fall upside down, Jia Hezhe grabbed the child's back collar and put him on the ground safely. The child was still a little frightened and couldn't speak for a long time.

The child who returned to the soul bowed his head and hugged his fist and said, "Thank you, hero!"

"Hey, it's okay. The little doll is very strong, not bad, not bad!" Gahezhe pulled him up and patted him on the shoulder.

The child's shoulder was almost knocked off by him. He fell down and got up again. With a dirty little face, a pair of big eyes slipped away from Jia Hezhe and the five people next to him, and made an invitation gesture: "Sir heroes, please come to my village."

"Good!" Ga Hezhe gave a rough answer and reached out to pat the child, which was quietly avoided by the child.

"Come on, help a few heroes carry luggage and lead horses - lead donkeys..."

The child gave an order, and several mountain thieves immediately came up to help. It was the one who led Su Siman with the name of Wang Bashan.

At this time, it's getting late, and you can just go to the thief's nest to rest. It's really not lazy. Su Siman was very happy.

In fact, Su Siman guessed more or less about the bleak situation on the stockade - judging from the clothes of the mountain thieves, but to her surprise - the stockade was really too shabby, only a little better than the broken temple where they rested yesterday. The so-called little bit is that the roof is at least covered with reeds, grass and divine horses, so that the wind will not leak in from the top. The walls are pieced together with wooden boards. Su Siman estimated that at night, the pervasive cold wind would definitely drill the plate. This place is definitely a good place to escape the summer heat in summer.

"Child, why are you doing this..." Su Simman found a chair with a disabled leg and sat down, glanced at the empty leaking hall, and began to consult gracefully.

"I have a name." The child gave Su Siman angrily a white look and attentively let Ga Hezhe sit down in the seat facing the door.

Well, that's the first place for mountain thieves. However, Su Siman was not envious at all. She was not happy to let her sit on that wind.

"Oh, what's your name?" Su Siman asked with a smile and a pleasant face.

"Ding Xiaoqiang." The child rolled his eyes again.

"Xiaoqiang, why are you so here?" Su Siman pulled back the topic again, his tone was still very gentle, his words were still very euphemistic, and his eyes still looked around softly.

Ding Xiaoqiang rolled his eyes three times in a row and thought angrily that this woman had a lot of problems. If it hadn't been for her for the sake of being a hero's companion, he would have beaten her. In this stockade, words have to pay a price!

"Little doll, when will we have dinner? I'm starving." While saying this, Ga Hezhe made an indecent sound, er, making a sound that shocked the clouds, without polluting the local air - even if it is polluted, the air circulation in the room is good. Jiahezhe rubbed his stomach with some embarrassment and laughed.

"Hanger, I'll order it right away." Ding Xiaoqiang was very respectful and solemnly hugged his fist before going out.

Su Siman looked at Ding Xiaoqiang swaggering in front of her. She couldn't help laughing when she thought of his young and mature clothes and his personalized hairstyle comparable to the Bird's Nest. This child is so interesting.

After a while, the meal was opened. Many torches were lit in the hall, and there was no decent table. Several door panels were unloaded. Compared with this empty environment, it is naturally very rich. There are many white-faced steamed buns, several bowls of wild rabbit meat, bamboo rat meat, wild goat meat, and now a wild boar.

The big and small thieves and women and children standing around the "table" couldn't help swallowing at the dishes on the table, as if they had never seen so many dishes.

Seeing that the dishes were about to be served, Ding Xiaoqiang waved his hand in a very leadership style: "Let's sit down and have a reunion dinner today. Let's eat. Don't worry about anything."

With the order of the head of the family, a group of mountain thieves couldn't wait to start. Just watching them eat was appetizing. This group of people don't look like mountain thieves, but like a group of refugees.

Later, I learned that this group of people were really not mountain thieves, but villagers in a rich village 100 miles away from here. The child's grandfather is the village head of Fugui Village. This autumn, a group of villains came and forcibly drove them all away and said harshly that if they dared to go back to the village, they would kill them all. Most of the villagers stayed away from this place and went to other places to join their relatives. If there were no relatives in other places, they did not leave. They stayed with the village head's grandfather and grandson.

Because they were searched by the group of villains, they didn't bring anything out when they were driven away. They had a hard time and finally had to fall into the grass. But there are not many people on this road, and there are not many opportunities to rob. A few days ago, the village head had no money to treat Hexi because he was ill, and everyone automatically regarded Ding Xiaoqiang as his family. But Ding Xiaoqiang is only 11 years old. He doesn't know anything. There is nothing to do in this barren mountains. Life is getting harder and harder.

The atmosphere at the dinner table gradually changed from warm to quieter, and the villagers sighed.

"Strong, have you finished everything in the warehouse tonight?" An old man looked at Jia Hezhe sitting on the top with a pair of dizzy old eyes and asked.

"Well, Grandpa Li. In fact, I have been thinking about it for a long time. This barren land is really not suitable for living. If we continue like this, we will starve to death sooner or later. We are not suitable for robbery. Fortunately, we met these heroes today, otherwise our lives may not be saved. After thinking about it, I think it's better for everyone to break up and find a good way out. I still have some money here. I have distributed it to everyone. Let's break up tomorrow. Today is a reunion dinner. Let's eat more. There are still a lot of steamed buns, and dry food is ready. You can leave for the mountain early tomorrow morning.

"Alas..." The villagers sighed and nodded, and probably felt that such a life could not go on.

After a night of busy work, Ding Xiaoqiang did things simply and divided up everything that could be divided up. The distribution was quite reasonable, and a group of villagers were quite convinced.

When burning the fire at night, Su Siman couldn't help asking, "Xiaoqiang, it's all dispersed. What are you going to do?"

"Can I be with you?" Ding Xiaoqiang looked at Jiahezhe eagerly.

"With us? We are going to the south of the Yangtze River, which is very far away.

"Anyway, I have no place to go. I haven't been to Jiangnan yet. I really want to go." Ding Xiaoqiang looked at Su Siman enthusiastically and soon turned his eyes to Jiahezhe.

"Good. Hey hey." Jiahezhe agreed without saying anything, "Remember to take your horse. I look good on that horse."

"That's great!" Ding Xiaoqiang jumped up with joy, and now he finally showed the nature of some children.