A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 8 See the beautiful man again

Su Siman shook Ding Xiaoqiang, looked at the two swaying officers and soldiers, and winked at him, meaning that we should follow them. Ding Xiaoqiang was understanding and nodded.

The two pretended to be nothing and followed them. Su Siman had already made up his mind to take back the burden when the two officers and soldiers were not paying attention. Hide that gold, there is still a lot of silver in it, and it won't be difficult to live a penniless life.

It's just that there are many people on the street at present, and it's not easy to start. Su Siman decided to move in a secluded place.

How could you follow? The two officers and soldiers who said they were going to cross the intersection walked to a building and stopped.

Su Siman looked up and saw that the three big words with golden edges of "Cuiyu Tower" dazzled her eyes. With such a moment of looking up, the two guys have swayed into the kiln! The two women with heavy makeup standing on the street took them in affectionately, while waving their small handkerchiefs and said, "Master, I haven't been here for a long time. I miss you so much!" Mr. Song, I haven't seen you for a long time, is it okay?"

Susman got goosebumps.

Sister Su, what kind of building is that? What a rich!" Ding Xiaoqiang looked excited that he had never seen the world.

Alas, children are just children. There have been so many messy things in recent days, and I still want to take care of them.

Su Siman only shook his head and said nothing.

Seeing that Su Siman did not answer his intention, Ding Xiaoqiang asked for advice and said, "Those two people have entered the building. Sister Su, shall we go up, too?"

Su Siman held his forehead, and his facial expression was extremely entangled. Walking in the kiln, Xiaoqiang's children's shoes are obviously too small to break him, and they should not let him touch these fireworks places. She doesn't want to be accused of bad friends. From the perspective of her nature of being involved in the fun and amusing, she is very willing to go to the kiln to amuse. Although she went to Qin Yuelou last time, she did not flirt with the beauty. However, it is obviously not suitable to go in this time. She is a woman, well, a little girl with a big knife in her hand - is it appropriate to go to the kiln?

Ding Xiaoqiang looked at the complex and deep expression on Su Siman's face and knew that he had asked the wrong question. He clapped the big knife in his hand and scratched his head with some embarrassment. Just as Su Siman was about to speak, he said, "Xiaoqiang, that building is a high-end restaurant. I didn't see all the girls standing at the door below wearing it. Is the red and green very bright? That's the place to entertain the rich. At present, I don't have any copper plate on me, so I can't get in. Let's wait for the two officers and soldiers below to come down.

"Good." Ding Xiaoqiang fiddled with his knife again, as if he didn't understand.

Fortunately, he didn't continue to ask, otherwise Su Siman really didn't know what to say.

At this time, Su Siman noticed that the two* standing at the door to solicit customers had pointed to her and Ding Xiaoqiang whispering.

Juanzi in the green shirt covered her mouth and said to the red dress with a smile, "Ah, sister, look over there. Since the two masters just entered, the two have stood for a while. Did you see that the child is still dragging a knife? Isn't it the mother and son who came to catch the rape?

"Oh, it's true! I think that knife is not light! I really can't see it. The woman doesn't look very old, but her son is so old. Strangely, when did Uncle Song get married? Unexpectedly, his son could be a pawn. Why don't I know?

"Sister--" The green shirt pulled the sleeves of the red dress and came closer, "Why don't you understand what I mean! The two of them are blocking in front of our door, and one is still holding a knife in his hand. Whether we do this business or not, the guests dare not come in for a while! Mom will blame us for not being able to do so. We can bear it! Besides, if their mother and son are really here to make trouble, won't it be bad?"

"Ah, it really makes sense after what you said!" The red clothes suddenly patted his forehead, "I'll tell my mother!" With that, he twisted his waist and buttocks and went into the building.

Su Siman was not far from them. She heard it clearly and was so angry that she gritted her teeth and sharpened her fists.

Before she was excited, she was really excited. More than a dozen turtle slaves surged out, each with a big stick with a thick bowl in their hands. The battle was very magnificent!

Ding Xiaoqiang looked at the group of aggressive turtle slaves and asked stupidly, "Sister Su, what are they going to do with the big mallet?"

"Don't ask too much, run!" Su Siman's mind turned quickly, picked up Ding Xiaoqiang's collar and ran wildly.

She pulled out her legs, and the turtle slaves behind her could catch up with them vigorously.

Oh, in this strange world, even the brothels are so strong that they dare to chase people on the street! Su Siman only hated that he didn't grow an extra leg, and once again made up his mind that he must learn light kung fu when he had the opportunity!

The turtle slaves chased them all the way like cats chasing mice. Su Siman almost didn't want to get in directly when he saw a dog hole on the street. Those turtle slaves probably felt that Su Siman's running posture, dressed like steamed buns, was very interesting. They slowly swallowed and chased two streets. Finally, they were tired of it, so they swayed back. This toss did not break up Su Siman's old bones. He held the wall and gasped for a long time to recover.

Su Siman was panting with joy and was gently patted on his shoulder.

"Xiaoqiang, stop it." Su Siman gasped and shook his shoulders.

"Ha ha, I'm not going to mess with you."

The answer was not Xiaoqiang, but another beautiful male voice. Su Siman was shocked, and the wall did not help it. Her body bounced up like a spring. Looking at the young man in white in front of her, she opened her mouth slightly, exaggerated expression, and a hair soaked with sweat stuck to her forehead. Her current appearance was extremely funny.

Sure enough, the prince in white couldn't help laughing when he saw her fat white and red face. When he smiled, his eyes were bent as clear and clear as the moon, and his dark eyes were full of warmth, as warm as the March sun, and his exposed teeth were as white as shells, neatly arranged. Su Siman has never seen a man smile so pure and beautiful! He is a big man, how can he be so beautiful!

is really unreasonable!

In retrospect, one of the four requirements she made when she traveled was to have a lot of beautiful men around her. The matter of Hebanxian was reliable. Since she traveled, she has met a lot of beautiful men. But for the wool, she is so humble that she even has the capital to pick up beautiful men! I'm so angry!

"How...what...is it you..." Su Siman habitually saw a beautiful man with a short circuit in his brain and spoke incoherently.

"Girl has a good memory." Mr. Huangfu, dressed in white, smiled.

"Thanks to the help of the prince yesterday, how dare the little woman forget so quickly?" Before Su Siman finished her words, she felt awkward. Her generous body dared to call herself a "little woman", which was really a little funny and embarrassing.

In fact, Su Siman also wanted to say that you helped me a lot on the night of the reunion festival, and I haven't thanked you yet. I have always remembered it. However, if this was said, it would be too much, so she decided to pretend to be reserved and change her words to her mouth. At the time of the onset of nymphomania, she could still free up some reason to think about this matter. She really felt that she had made great progress.

"How do you know it was my hand?" Mr. Huangfu raised his eyebrows in surprise, and his narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

"Uh... The prince's appearance is extraordinary and elegant, and he is very kind," listening to Su Siman's words, the smile on Huangfu's face became thicker and thicker. Su Siman scratched his head with some embarrassment, and then spit out three words that made people laugh and cry, "I guess."

"How dare you wander in the street? Don't you know that the government is arresting you?" Mr. Huangfu restrained his smile and said with a straight face.

"Yes, how can I still swing on the street... My money is still in the hands of Song. If I don't take it back, I will drink the northwest wind with Xiaoqiang..." Su Siman muttered and suddenly remembered something. Her face, which finally calmed down, was a little excited, "Mr. Huangfu, do you live with the master of the state capital?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Mr. Huangfu raised his eyebrows.

"Prince Huangfu, can you help me find out where the prison is? My maid Qingran may have been arrested in the government. Maybe it's because Mr. Huangfu has helped twice. He should be chivalrous. Su Siman always feels that he will help. Moreover, although he could not be seen to perform martial arts, he took action quickly and accurately on the night of the reunion day and yesterday, with a 100% hit rate. His skills were obviously extraordinary and quite impressive.

Sure enough, Mr. Huangfu, who was white and elegant, answered freely without saying a word: "Yes, I'll ask for you."

Su Siman thought for a moment and added, "If my girl is not in prison, she is likely to be taken away by the purulent face. Please bother Mr. Huangfu to inquire about it."

"Hmm." Mr. Huangfu nodded and said, "When I came out, I heard Lord Huang and the curtain in his house say that the whole city should be searched and painted portraits to arrest you. You'd better not stay on the street for too long.

As soon as Mr. Huangfu's words fell, he saw two officers and soldiers not far away. One was painting the wall, and the other began to put a notice on it. Next to the notice, there were several portraits pasted in black and white, which were very clear. Su Siman recognized at a glance that the six people on the portrait were the fourth brother Jiahezhena, as well as himself and Ding Xiaoqiang.

Su Siman really has to admire the efficiency of the state officials here. It's so fast!

Mr. Huangfu's eyes swept away and said, "Come with me and stay at my friend's house for the time being. There should be no accident."

"Good." Su Siman didn't think about it and answered immediately.

At this time, Su Siman is no longer in the mood to think about her gold and silver, and it is still important to save her life!

On the way, Su Siman felt a little unsteady. Why did this person who met him help him for no reason? She has been plotted in the name of help by others many times before, and she has been somewhat blind. Although it is beautiful at present, you can't trust others too easily. After typing N times, Su Siman said very gently, "Mr. Huangfu, I really don't know how to thank you for helping us like this."

"It's okay." Mr. Huangfu smiled and didn't care.

"Prince Huangfu, why do you help us so much?" Su Siman finally couldn't help asking questions.

"Well, keep it a secret for the time being. Anyway, don't worry, I didn't mean to hurt you.

"Oh..." The ending was very long, showing that Su Siman was a little unwilling and not very satisfied with this answer. But Mr. Huangfu didn't talk again, obviously he didn't want to answer.

After walking a while, it became more and more secluded. After a long silence, Su Siman felt a little bored and panicked. He couldn't help saying, "Mr. Huangfu, dare to ask your name."

"My name is Huangfu Chong, and my name is Chonglian."

It turned out that his name was Huangfu Chong, Huangfu Chong, um, not bad, not bad... Su Siman meditated several times in his heart and secretly had fun.