A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 9 The hero is the hero

It became more and more remote, but Su Siman felt a little relieved. Somehow, she trusted Huangfu Chong in the bottom of her heart.

"Prince Huangfu, where does your friend live?" Su Siman asked with some puzzles.

It's at the end of the alley. It's quiet and safe. Officers and soldiers should not be found there. Huangfu Chong smiled faintly and looked sideways at Su Siman.

"How long will it take?"

"There will be another cup of tea."

"I still need a cup of tea..." Su Siman's head was a little listless. Isn't she all in the suburbs? She has to find a way to save the little girl, but she's too far away...

Unlike Su Siman's listless, Ding Xiaoqiang carried a big knife on his shoulder, strode energetically, and looked at Huang Fu Chong with worshipful eyes from time to time. If he hadn't known that he helped yesterday and looked at his little white face, Ding Xiaoqiang would have disdained him. Brother Huangfu is not only handsome, his skills are also excellent, but also very kind. He has never seen such an outstanding figure!

Huangfu Chong only smiled gently and led the way ahead.

walked for a while and got into another alley. Su Siman looked carefully. This land was quite dilapidated, as messy as the demolition area, and looked very historical. Su Siman looked up at Huangfu Chong in surprise. His mouth was open, and his eyes were surprised. He seemed to ask: Can there be people still live in this place?

Moreover, Huang Fu Chong, such a peerless and elegant man, actually succumbed to such a place, which is really not in line with his dust-free white robe and elegant temperament.

Huangfu Chong also frowned slightly and squinted, and his walking posture was a little unnatural. Su Siman noticed that when he walked through a small puddle, he gently lifted the hem of the white robe with one hand, as if he was afraid that his clothes would get dirty. Well, do you like cleanliness? It is said that people gather together, and his friends should also love cleanliness, but why did they choose such a shabby place to live? The wasteland is as broken as ruins.

This area is very remote. It is said to be an alley, but it is so dilapidated that it can hardly be stopped, but there are still many people around it. Some colorful clothes with colorful patches scattered on both sides of the narrow road have been frozen into ice and hard. It was time for lunch. Walking in the alley, the fragrance of vegetables always inadvertently rushed into my nose, and without exception seduced the greedy insects in Su Siman's stomach. Although the place is broken, the breath of life is so strong that Su Siman unconsciously thinks of modern life. The fragrance of vegetables that escapes from her mother's cooking seems to be at the end of her nose, and she sighed for a moment.

At the end of the alley, Huang Fu Chong knocked on the door, and there was no movement for a long time.

Huangfu Chong raised his palm to gather his breath and hit it gently, and the door opened with a bang.

Huang Fu Chong blew his white palm, blew his sleeves, straightened his clothes, and walked in.

"Who is it?" There was a lazy and dead voice inside.

"It's me, Brother Yunqing!" Huangfu is lofty and prosperous.

"Ah, Huangfu, what brings you here today?" Gao Yunqing's face is full of spring breeze and has appeared in the yard full of weeds.

Su Siman unconsciously looked at him and saw that the man was about 25 or 26 years old, wearing a gray and white robe with a small hole in his hem. His face was white, handsome, his chin was a little green, and his hair looked a little messy. He should also be a handsome man, but he obviously doesn't pay much attention to his appearance. Compared with Huang Fu Chong, he looks much more sloppy.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you very much. I just arrived at Pingyan City these days, so I came to have a look.

"Who are these two?" Gao Yunqing's eyes swept Su Siman and Ding Xiaoqiang.

"Just call me Susman."

"My name is Ding Xiaoqiang. You can call me Xiaoqiang."

Su Siman and Ding Xiaoqiang are both highly conscious people, especially Su Siman. Before Huang Fu Chong's introduction, they spoke first. When Ding Xiaoqiang saw her start, he quickly opened his mouth.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Gao Yunqing smiled and hugged them.

Su Siman also pretended to return the gift.

Ding Xiaoqiang looked like an adult, grabbed the handle of his knife and bowed a salute.

"Come to the house." After a while of greeting, Gao Yunqing welcomed several people into the inner room. Although the outside of this courtyard looks very dilapidated, the layout inside is simple and neat, and it looks very comfortable. Things are few and exquisite, and you can hardly find unnecessary decorations. Su Siman sat on the chair. With the tip of her nose, she had already smelled the smell of rice. The greedy worm was seduced again and made her stomach grumble. These grunts attracted the attention of the two talking brothers. Huang Fu Chong couldn't help laughing. Gao Yunqing patted his forehead and jumped to the kitchen. Finally, he turned around and said, "Sit down first. I'm going to get some dishes, and I can eat in a while."

In a short time, four plates were placed on the table. Su Siman jumped forward and saw that the dark dishes that could not distinguish the original material were lying quietly on the plate in a hot air, as pitiful and miserable as a fish stripped fish. Su Siman looked at the scene in front of him and was a little dumbfounded. He seriously doubted whether such a dish could be eaten...

Huangfu Chong also stamped over, and his eyes seemed to float over the table inadvertently. He frowned secretly and twitched at the corners of his mouth.

Ding Xiaoqiang also came up when he saw this and was shocked: "Ah, what is this! Can this be eaten?!"

What an honest child, Su Siman stared at him with tears in his eyes and said her heart in one word!

At this time, Gao Yunqing came out of the kitchen with a plate of food in his hand. His face turned white for a while, and he couldn't hang up. He coughed dryly, wiped his forehead, and said shamelessly, "Although the color is not very good, the taste is absolutely first-class! It's a blessing that you can eat the food cooked by my guests in Yunzhong! Come on, sit down. Er, Huangfu, help me with the meal." With that, he quickly put the last bowl of cabbage on the table.

Huangfu Chong followed him into the kitchen with a bitter face. Soon, he held two bowls that could not be seen anything in his hand. When he put down the bowl, Su Siman found that the bowl was only one-third full. Well, this is too little... It's not enough to plug his teeth.

Gao Yunqing also quickly brought two bowls of rice in. I don't know if it was smoked by the heat of the kitchen or something. He blushed and said, "Eat first. I just cooked again. I didn't expect you to come before, so I did less and managed enough later!" Seeing that several people were still standing, they quickly waved their hands and said, "Sit, sit all. Those who come are guests. Don't be stuck. We martial arts people don't talk about those false salutes. Miss Su and Xiaoqiang all sit down to eat. It doesn't taste good when it's cold.

"Cough, Xiaoqiang, do you want to eat roast chicken or roast beef or something?" Huangfu Chong's white face twitched and looked at Ding Xiaoqiang kindly. His two narrow eyes were bent like a crescent moon.

"Is roast chicken and roast beef delicious?" Ding Xiaoqiang scratched his head and thought for a moment before asking.

"Of course..." Huangfu Chong just opened his mouth and heard the sound of a bowl banging on the table.

"Roast chicken, it naturally tastes very good, Xiaoqiang, do you want to eat it? If you want to eat, ask Brother Huangfu to buy it for you. Gao Yunqing took a look at Huangfu Chong by the way.

"Forget it. I don't have any shops along the way, and I'm afraid it's not easy to buy things. Brother Huangfu, please sit down quickly. If you don't eat food, it will really get cold.

Ding Xiaoqiang's strict face made Su Siman almost laugh.

Huang Fu Chong laughed twice and swept the chair with his sleeves. This action attracted Gao Yunqing's white eyes, but he didn't care, and he sat down with the hem of the white robe.

It turns out that although Gao Yunqing's cooking doesn't sell well, it doesn't taste as bad as the color, and it's still delicious. Su Siman also experienced a lot in ancient times. In addition, he was hungry and felt very delicious. Soon, he pulled up the bowl of rice in his hand and had to wait for the newly cooked rice in the pot.

Huangfu Chong slowly shook his chopsticks and picked a few cabbage leaves into the bowl. He looked very elegant and ate very elegantly. Su Siman was bored while waiting for the meal, and a pair of bright eyes slipped away from the other three people from time to time. She noticed that Huang Fu Chong only picked up the bowl of unfried cabbage, and although the rest of the dishes were also picked in the bowl, they did not move at all.

Ding Xiaoqiang picked up a piece of meat and looked left and right in front of him. He seemed to feel that the meat piece could become a very rare virtue. He swallowed and finally made up his mind to put the meat slices into his mouth, and immediately made a ratt sound.

Huang Fu Chong picked a vegetable leaf and put it down. Finally, he couldn't help putting his chopsticks on the bowl and said seriously, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that Brother Yunqing's cooking skills have improved so much. I admire him very much!"

"I dare not do it. If Huangfu doesn't dislike it, he can come and eat it every day." Gao Yunqing smiled with eight big white teeth.

"How can that work? How can I come to eat and drink every day? I will be embarrassed." Huangfu Chong looked embarrassed and then said, "But there is something to trouble Brother Yunqing."

"You said." Gao Yunqing wrapped a mouthful of vegetables in a vague way.

"Miss Su and Xiaoqiang are both my friends. Something happened to them as soon as they came to the city. There is no place to stay. Can they live with you for a while?"

"Yes, it's strange for me to live alone, and I happen to have a companion. As long as Miss Su doesn't mind. Gao Yunqing smiled cheerfully.

Do people in the world really not attach much importance to men's and women's defense? Su Siman thought to himself and replied eagerly, "Of course, I don't mind, but I have to cause trouble to Brother Gao."

"Good to say, good to say." Gao Yunqing didn't care, "Just stay in your own home. Don't be formal. I'm careless and don't pay much attention to those false gifts.

Su Siman also smiled and echoed.

"Does Brother Gao know martial arts?" Ding Xiaoqiang, who had been focused on eating, suddenly interrupted and asked.

"I can do some fur." At this time, Gao Yunqing suddenly scratched his messy hair.

"Well, what are you modest about at this time?" Huangfu Chong squeezed his eyes and turned his head to Ding Xiaoqiang, "He not only know martial arts, but also has very high martial arts skills! It can be called a first-class master of martial arts and kitchen!"

Gao Yunqing scratched his head again, and his face turned red and black.

Ding Xiaoqiang looked excited: "Brother Gao, can you teach me martial arts?"

"Uh, well..."

Ding Xiaoqiang rolled to the ground and kowtowed his head: "The master is here, and he will be worshipped by the apprentice!"

"Get up, get up!" Gao Yunqing hurried to help.

It doesn't have to say, in the end this meal became a teacher's banquet...