A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 18 Meeting

"Master, where are we going?" Su Siman straightened the burden on his shoulder and looked up to ask.

"Jiangnan." Huangfu Chong answered two words briefly.

Su Siman was silent, but she didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that Huangfu Chong would also go to the south of the Yangtze River. These things that have happened recently always make her feel that she can't see clearly or mist. However, it's good to leave Pingyan City, a place of right and wrong. Anyway, the purpose of her trip is also to Jiangnan.

At night, the two walked three miles to the nearest inn to the gate and ordered two rooms. The gate has been closed, and it is inconvenient to travel at night. Su Siman has no objection to Huangfu Chong's arrangement.

The next morning, Su Siman was still half asleep and half awake, and heard someone knocking on the door. He got up and opened the door, but the second child of the inn stood at the door with a smile on his face.

"Girl, I'm really sorry to disturb your dream. Today is New Year's Eve. According to our custom here, we have to eat sweet dumplings in the morning, so I brought them to you. Xiao Er pointed to the bowl of steaming sweet dumplings on the tray in his hand with a smile.

"Oh, thank you, bring it in." Su Siman ordered casually and sighed in his heart that it was already the New Year. How fast it was. Unfortunately, I have to go to Jiangnan with my master after breakfast. This year is not destined to pass this year safely. I don't know what happened. Huangfu Chong had to be in such a hurry. Alas, he didn't tell her anything. He was confused. She vaguely guessed that something big must have happened. I don't know what Huang Fu Chong thinks. He doesn't reveal any news to her. At least she is also his apprentice. Sometimes I really don't understand what men think.

Forget it, I didn't want this, Su Siman washed it and ate the bowl of sweet dumplings. It tasted good, delicate and sweet, but it was already a little cold when she ate it.

When he came out, he saw Huang Fu Chong, who was already waiting for her in the corridor. Su Siman greeted him with a smile, "Good morning, Master. Good New Year."

Huang Fu Chong nodded slightly and bent his eyebrows slightly: "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Hmm. Master, shall we set off now?

"I just went to get two horses, Xiao Man, can you ride a horse?"

Su Siman blushed and lowered his head without squeaking.

Seeing this scene, Huangfu Chong pulled the corners of his mouth helplessly: "Then I'll get a carriage, and you can wait for me at the inn."

When Huangfu Chong got the carriage, the two set off immediately. Because Huangfu Chong had changed his face for Su Siman when he came out last night, although the investigation was tight when he left the city, the officers and soldiers could not recognize her and successfully left the city.

Su Siman sitting in the carriage is a little godless. The time of the poison attack has always been very accurate. Today should be the day of the poison attack... She is under great pressure. In the past, she was accompanied by maidservants, so she could not avoid anything. This time, only the master was beside him, and he was covered with blood when the poison broke out. How inconvenient it was...

After a while, Su Siman began to have abdominal pain, and cold sweat on his forehead began to pour out like tireless springs. The whole body was cold and hot, as if thousands of poisonous insects were eating and squirming, and the scalp suddenly hurt. She didn't dare to make a sound. She trembled and took out the clothes from the bag and bit them in her mouth. When she cut her wrist with a dagger to bleed, the carriage was run over the big stone and bumped. Her hand was unstable, and the dagger fell on the board of the carriage and made a bang.

Huang Fu Chong slowed down the carriage and turned his head and asked, "Xiaoman, what's wrong?"

"No...no...what..." Su Siman replied vaguely, bending down to pick up the dagger, looking at it less than an inch away, and he couldn't reach it. Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and Su Siman, who was originally staring at the dagger's eyes, was quietly blurred by tears. She wiped her eyes randomly and then moved forward. The outstretched hand was shaking, and the sweat on her back was soaked through her clothes. The dagger was also pushed farther by her trembling fingertips, and her body lost its center of gravity and fell heavily on the board of the carriage.

"What's the matter, Xiaoman?!" Huangfu Chong, who was driving outside, finally felt strange, stopped the carriage and lifted the curtain and came in. Seeing Su Siman lying down unconsciously, he was slightly shocked. When he helped her up, he found that her face was pale and her clothes were soaked. When I was about to help her on the cushion, I couldn't help but see the extremely faint blood color soaked on the cushion. I glanced and found that there was also a pool of blood on the box board. The faint blood kept coming out of her wrist. Huang Fu Chong was shocked. He picked up her hand and looked at the scars on her wrist. He immediately tore off the lining of her clothes and bandaged her wounds. He held Su Siman's other wrist and wrinkled more and more. Huangfu Chong successively clicked several acupuncture points such as Su Siman's middle, Zusanli, uterus, Hegu, etc., and first relieved the severe pain for her.

Su Siman still didn't wake up, and the cold sweat on his forehead gradually showed signs of subsiding.

Huang Fu Chong looked at her with doubts in his heart.

He went to the palace a few months ago to treat the crown princess of Liang, and one of the crown princesses was bloodthirsty. As far as he knows, there is only one person in the world who has been poisoned, that is, the crown princess of the State of Liang. Could it be... Huangfu Chong frowned and looked at Su Siman carefully again. Although she had changed her appearance, he was already familiar with her original appearance, and she didn't seem to look like the crown concubine in his memory. What's going on?

Looking at her current situation, it's really not appropriate to hurry. She still has to find a place to settle down. After thinking about it, Huangfu Chong put her in place, got out of the carriage, and continued to hurry. Although he was anxious, he did not dare to go too fast for fear of bumping her. While rushing on his way, he turned his head and looked at the rut and found that there was a faint blood dripping all the way on the snow. This discovery made him a little sad, but there was nothing he could do.

I finally arrived in a small village before dark and stayed in a farmer's house.

Su Siman was still asleep and did not wake up. It was not painful to look at him, but he had been talking nonsense vaguely and calling someone's name in a low voice. In the past, when the poison broke out, although she was very painful, she was very clear and would not talk nonsense, but this time she was dizzy and full of nonsense. This is because Huangfu Chong also clicked her Shentang Cave and Fengfu Cave, forcing her to enter a state of sleep and blurred consciousness. Because there are no auxiliary medicinal materials around, although the acupuncture point can effectively relieve Su Siman's pain, it also has some side effects, that is, a day or two after the acupuncture point is relieved, the reaction may be slower and the movements will be a little inflexible. Moreover, this cannot fundamentally relieve bloodthirsty, which can be said to treat the symptoms but not the root causes.

What makes Huangfu Chong more puzzled is that looking at Su Siman's pulse, the poison in her body seems to have collapsed - that is, "breaking the worm", and the trace of the king in the blood is difficult to find. He carefully checked her pulse several times, but didn't realize the existence of the king. However, he is not sure, after all, his understanding of bloodthirsty is still a little lacking. It seems that it is better to take her back as soon as possible, or to ask grandpa to see it in person.

Because Su Siman had several days of the attack, Huang Fu Chong was worried that it would be bad for her to go at this time, so he continued to rest in the village knowing that there might be potential danger. The family that accepted them was very simple and enthusiastic. It was about the first time I saw such an extraordinary person as Huang Fu Chong. He was respectful and respected for him. In addition, he could cure diseases and was very respected in the village. The villagers spontaneously sent a lot of nourishing things, saying that they would nourish the sick girl.

On the eighth day, Su Siman finally returned to normal, and Huangfu Chong solved all the acupuncture points for her. Su Siman has lost a lot of weight because he hasn't eaten or drank for several days, his body is straight, and the soles of his feet are stepping on the clouds, which is not solid. The reaction was always slow. At first, she thought there was something wrong with her brain, but then she was relieved after listening to Huangfu Chongyi's explanation.

In the afternoon, Su Siman moved a small stool and sat by the charcoal fire to choose dishes. There are only two people left in the family who stayed there. Their two sons were captured in the army, and a daughter married a neighboring village. They died of childbirth a few years ago. Originally, the Spring Festival was deserted, but the arrival of Su Siman and Huang Fu Chong added a lot of popularity to the family. Today, the old couple went to the market. Before they came back, Su Siman automatically took the job of cooking.

"Xiaoman, are you feeling better these days?" Su Siman was bowing his head and concentrate on choosing dishes, and Huangfu Chong came back from the next village for medical treatment.

"It's much better, Master." Su Siman looked up and smiled, "How many more people have been seen today?" Maybe because Huangfu Chong is not old, Su Siman's feelings for him are not as serious as the master and apprentice, but more the friendship of his friends. So when talking to him, she will not shrink from fear of him. She is very happy and has no burden to get along with him. Very safe and comfortable. She doesn't have to worry about being plotted or hiding herself.

Huangfu Chong also smiled and looked at her. At this time, the face of the crown princess of Liang Guo overlapped with the slightly pale face in front of him, and the pale face of the prince also came to his mind. His mind moved slightly, and there was a vague answer in his heart about breaking the gu.

His face was stiff, and he still squatted down and looked into her eyes and asked seriously, "Xiaoman, tell me who the hell are you?"

"I'm Xiao Man, and Xiao Man is me." Su Siman hesitated for a moment and reluctantly smiled.

"No, this matter is very important. Don't hide it from me." Huangfu Chong's gentle eyes fell on her face, and his tone was also gentle, with a trace of temptation.

Su Siman's face couldn't help changing several times in an instant, and his eyes were a little dodging. Countless thoughts flashed in his heart. Should he tell him truthfully? Make up a lie to him. He is so kind to himself that he can't bear it. To tell the truth, it is inevitable to evoke painful memories of the past, and he will feel uncomfortable.

Seeing that she was hesitating, Huang Fu Chong did not say anything, and his soft eyes were still not removed from her face. He was quietly waiting for her to speak.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have decided to cut off the past and start again." Su Siman took a deep breath and seemed to have made a great determination. He raised a pair of bright eyes like autumn water and calmly looked at Huangfu Chong, "I used to have a name, Chu Hongxing, who is the crown princess of the State of Liang. However, in the fire in the palace, she has died. What is still alive is Su Siman, not Chu Hongxing. Master, we met as early as the reunion festival. Do you remember? I'm the one who was mistakenly thought by the shopkeeper that he wanted to run away without paying for the wonton... That unlucky man..."

"It turned out to be you..." Huang Fu Chong muttered to himself with an incredible face, "In this way, we have a lot of roots. Xiaoman, then... Then you can't call me master anymore. Your mother used to be my grandfather's disciple..."