A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 19 Master and Apprentice

Su Siman opened his mouth and made no sound.

Her mother is a disciple of Huangfu Chong's grandfather... Su Siman's unresponsive head thought about it for a long time before she straightened out the relationship and dared to...

"Master, you...are you from Baiyaotang?" After opening his mouth for a long time, Su Siman finally stammered and made it clear. Probably because of nervousness, he forgot Huangfu Chong's words and opened his mouth to come to the master.

Huangfu Chong smiled, and his eyes were as bright as pearls, shining, bright and full of warmth. "Is it time to change the name? You can call me brother or brother, but you can't call me master anymore. We are of the same generation."

"No, I'm used to calling Master." Su Siman laughed and didn't seem to understand what he said at all. He only felt relaxed in his heart. It's really easy to break through the iron shoes. There is no need to spend any more effort to find it. Just worry about being a follower. Master, are you going back to Baiyaotang on this trip back to Jiangnan?

Huangfu Chong wiped his forehead and then nodded and said, "It can be said, but I have to go back to the village first. What's wrong?"

"The snake grandma asked me to go to Jiangnan to find the owner of Baiyaotang, and I don't know what she means. Master, what do you have to do with the owner of Baiyaotang? Remember to introduce at that time. Su Siman pulled his sleeves coquettishly and looked at him with big eyes.

"Uh... my father is the master." Huangfu Chong's head is full of black lines, and her brain is really slow these days.

Su Siman fell into meditation. In the past two days, his brain was not working well. After thinking about it for a long time, he laughed dumbly. Yes, Zhao Diefei, the mother of her body, is a disciple of Huangfu Chong's grandfather and is also the same generation as Huangfu Chong's father. Naturally, she and Huangfu Chong are of the same generation. Isn't it going to be a joke to call him master again? Look at this messy name. It seems that it's really impossible not to change the name.

"Then... then I... call you Brother Chong..." Su Siman blushed awkwardly and swept the scattered temples behind her ears. She quickly added, "I'll affirm first. Even if you change your name, you still have to teach me! What we originally agreed will not change!"

"Good." Huangfu responded happily, and the corners of his mouth raised with a strong smile. Finally, he didn't have to listen to that awkward name, hehe. After a while, he paused and asked with a happy face, "What does grandma snake look like? How old are you? Do you know her real name?

"It's quite scary, and there is a two-inch scar on the left cheek. Anyway, it looks fierce at a glance. You have to be 50 years old. I don't know the name or anything, and she didn't tell me. When I first met her, she had a lot of poisonous snakes, so I called her snake grandma.

Huang Fu Chong looked uncertain and his eyes were solemn: "You said it was her who saw at Brother Gao's house last time. Are you sure you are right?"

"That's absolutely right. I won't be wrong with the fierceness on her body and the cold eyes that shine even when she smiles." Su Siman recalled it carefully and answered with certainty.

"Strange things..." Huangfu Chong muttered to himself, hesitantly, "How can it be..."

"Teacher... Er, Brother Chong, what's the problem? I saw that day, the snake grandma was aggressive and seemed to come to you for revenge. You don't know her at all, do you? Su Siman stopped choosing vegetables and stared at Huang Fu Chong's frowning eyes with some concern.

"Let's not talk about this. Take good care of yourself and let's go back to the village together." Huangfu Chong didn't want to be entangled anymore and quickly changed the topic. "As for the poison on you, my grandfather has done a lot of research over the years, and there may be a solution."

"I heard that no one in the world can solve the poison of bloodthirsty gulls except the people who sacrifice to the family. In fact, it doesn't matter whether this poison can be solved or not. Anyway, the time of the poison attack is getting shorter and shorter, and I have been used to this torture. Every time I had an attack, I fell ill, and except for a few kilograms of meat, it had no impact on me. Su Siman waved his arm very clearly, showed him his greatly shrinking arm, pointed to his face, and asked with a stinky smile, "Brother Chong, do I look good after losing weight?"

Huang Fu Chong looked at her clear eyes like the light of the moon, and was a little trance for a moment, and couldn't help nodding. At this time, Su Siman's slightly red apple muscle was playful, and his lips were slightly open, half covering and half revealing his white teeth, which was naughty and cute. Huangfu Chong suddenly found that her thin appearance was really beautiful, and she could hardly find the shadow of the fat girl like a steamed bun, and her whole body was completely transformed. It turned out that she made herself ugly and fat. He finally understood why she always ate so much and raised herself fat because of bloodthirsty. A soft place in his heart touched almost unreachably, small, gently.

He thought that she should not suffer from those tortures.

"I promise you that your poison can be solved." His hand naturally held her hand on her knee, and his voice was extremely gentle, as soft as a leaf falling in the middle of the water, gently hitting the water lines and rippled slightly, and finally gently diffused from his ears into the heart.

His voice is so gentle that he never gets tired of hearing it.

His hands were very warm, and a burst of warmth passed from his palm to her cold hands. Maybe he is not used to it. Su Siman's face is hot and hot, and his ears are a little red. The hand held by Huang Fu Chong seemed to be petrified from his arm to his palm, and he did not dare to move. She secretly laughed at herself in her heart, shy of wool, and it's not that she hasn't taken a small hand with anyone, and blushed!

Su Siman quickly found the reason for blushing: it was normal that he suddenly became a master and apprentice with Huang Fu Chong before he got used to it, and it was normal to feel a little awkward. So, she was relieved.

Generally, Susman is very happy today. No wonder she always felt that Huangfu Chong was very kind and regarded him as a relative. It turned out that he was really her mother's family.

In the evening, the old couple who rushed to the market came back, and Su Siman had almost prepared the meal. The four of them finished dinner and sat around the fire and chatted. As the old farmer rubbed his shoulder for carrying a burden all year round, he sighed that he was old and useless.

Huang Fu Chong took out a small white porcelain bottle from his arms and handed it to him: "I'm very grateful for disturbing my uncle these days. There are some pills, which are quite effective in relieving gout after taking warm water. Just take one pill every day before going to bed.

"Son, don't be so polite. These days, thanks to you treating our old couple, otherwise we will not have a good time this year. Where can I go to the market today? I can't walk a few steps on crutches.

"Old uncle, what are you talking about? I'm just doing my best."

"Huangfu, are you and Miss Su going to leave?" The old farmer took the medicine bottle and asked reluctantly.

"Now Xiaoman's body is almost better. I have this plan." Huang Fu Chong looked at Su Siman.

After a moment of silence, Su Siman said slowly: "Yes, I'm really sorry for bothering you for so long. We plan to leave tomorrow. Thank you very much for taking care of me these days.

As several people were talking, Huang Fu Chong suddenly made a silent gesture, "Someone!" The language is low and urgent and cannot be ignored.

"Don't come out!" Before the words fell, Huangfu Chong's body shook and arrived at the empty door. I don't know when there was an extra sword in his hand.