A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 30 Peaceful Co-ence

"Princess, Bixi has been missing since last night. Will something happen?" Xiang'er combed Su Siman's hair as if to open her mouth casually.

"Yes, she doesn't seem to be on duty today. She may be lazy somewhere." Su Siman looked at the bronze mirror, unconsciously fiddled with the golden hairpin in his hand, casually looked at himself in the mirror, and pointed to another carved gold hairpin on the dressing table, "Put this in."

"Yes." Xiang'er smiled and bent her eyebrows and said skillfully, "Princes concubine has a good memory."

Su Siman didn't answer, just looked at somewhere thoughtfully, and his eyes fluttered.

Xiang'er went down to pass on the meal. Shortly after she left, a maid of honor came in and reported: "Princes, Xu Baolin came to invite Ann."

Su Siman was stunned. His hand, which was about to insert the golden gutter, paused in mid-air and meditated for a moment, "Please wait in the front hall and take good care of it. Don't neglect it."

"Yes." The maid bowed and retreated.

Su Siman finally changed his mind, put down the gold hairpin in his hand, opened the exquisite jewelry box on the dresser, and took out the exquisite and unusual hairpin lying quietly in it, which was given to her by Liang Shaojun. Although he did not have a fixed mind when he bought the hairpin for her, this hairpin, for her, It does have a special meaning. When he handed the cut was in front of her again a few days ago, she was very surprised and remembered that on the cliff, she clearly threw the butcher was surprised that he had found it back. According to Bixi, the winged butterfly on the hairpin broke one wing, but the hairpin in front of him was not damaged at all. When he sent the chai to her again, although he only understated it, Su Siman still guessed that he had spent a lot of effort to restore its original appearance.

After looking at it for a long time, Su Siman carefully took out the hairpin and carefully inserted it into the hair.

When she arrived at the front hall, Xu Jiao sat down and drank tea. When she saw Su Siman coming out, she immediately put down the tea cup and got up. As she straightened up, the bulging abdomen was particularly eye-catching, and the rouge on her face was a little thick, as if to cover up something deliberately so thick. A pair of eyes were still colorful, but I always felt that the whole person's mental state was not particularly good.

"Just sit down." Su Siman helped her and helped her back to sit down. "As I said before, don't be polite. It's inconvenient for you to have a body now."

"Thank you for your kindness." Xu Jiao was grateful and had to get up to thank him.

Su Siman quickly reached out and put his hand on her shoulder and said with a gentle smile, "They all serve the prince together, and they are also their sisters. Don't be polite to me anymore. If you push around like this again, I'm going to be angry."

"Sister treats me so... so good..." Xu Jiao pinched the handkerchief and wiped her eyes gently, looking grateful.

Seeing this situation, Su Siman couldn't help wondering: "What's the matter? What happened?"

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm just so touched." Xu Jiao shook her head repeatedly and wiped the corners of her eyes hard. When she looked up again, her eyes were red like rabbits.

Su Siman felt more and more puzzled, but looking at Xu Jiao's appearance, he obviously did not intend to tell her, so it was not easy to force her. I heard that pregnant women are very **, and sometimes they are easily neurotic. Maybe Xu Jiao is in this state at this time. At this time, Xu Jiao did look a little nervous, which made her look more pitiful and had a big belly. She was really pitiful. She only comforted softly, "Although I have never been pregnant with a child, I have also heard of the influence of the mother on the fetus. If you are unhappy, it will also affect the child. Even if it's for the children, be happy, you know.

"I know, thank you for your concern." Xu Jiao lowered her eyebrows and said.

Su Siman glanced at her high bulging abdomen and asked, "How many months will my sister be in labor?"

"There are still two and a half months left." Xu Jiao stroked her belly, the corners of her mouth fell slightly, and her eyes were full of maternal tenderness.

"That's almost time. My sister should take good care of herself recently. If she can give birth to a little Highness for the prince this time, it will be the greatest blessing in the East Palace. If there is anything short in your place, just tell Sigongtai and ask them to send it over. Similarly, if you want to eat anything, just order the imperial dining room to do it. Su Siman said happily that she has a little style of the master of the palace, which is gentle and kind just right. Of course, this is due to her heartfelt, and I'm afraid her behavior is not so natural and smooth.

"There is nothing short. If everyone treats me so well, there will be nothing missing." Xu Jiao smiled.

At this time, Xiang'er took the lead in the breakfast, and Su Siman said spontaneously, "Have you ever had breakfast?"

"Not yet."

"If my sister doesn't dislike it, I can eat here. I just don't know what my sister likes to eat and what she doesn't like to eat?" Su Siman didn't want to blurt out.

"How can this be good? I have to trouble you, sister." Xu Jiao hurriedly declined.

"What's the trouble, but it's just about adding a pair of bowls and chopsticks. I just don't know what are the taboos in the diet of pregnant women?

"That's nothing. I've always had a good appetite and I'm not very picky. Pregnancy is not much different from usual.

"This is better." Su Siman said happily, looked at the porridge and side dishes, and frowned, "I've been a little angry these days, and I don't dare to eat anything too greasy, so the breakfast is a little plain, I'm afraid it's not suitable for you. I still have some nourishing things here. I asked Baoqin to go to the kitchen to stew some chicken or something for you, and it's very fast to make. The things made in the imperial dining room have the same taste every day, and it's good to change the taste today. You don't know that Baoqin's craftsmanship is worse than that of a bigger chef. Drink some porridge mat first, and it will be ready in a while.

"This is really troublesome, sister. I originally thought that I haven't come to invite you for so many days. It's ridiculous, so I just came to say good-you today. On the contrary, I caused my sister a lot of trouble. I'm really sorry." Xu Jiao twisted her handkerchief and bit her lips tightly.

Su Siman only smiled and asked Xiang'er to ask Baoqin to stew chicken. Soon, Baoqin came in and held a tray with a few tonic top products on it. He asked Su Siman to use those stewed chickens. Su Siman doesn't know anything. She knows ginseng and wolfberries. She heard Baoqin's introduction that the other kinds are astragalus, dog dogfish, and yam. She is not sure how to do it. If she tells her to put only one or two, will she be too stingy? By the way, she is really not reluctant to give up. She is really not sure whether pregnant women should avoid food or something.

So she said, "Baoqin, you can put whatever is suitable for pregnant women."

"How about putting more ginseng dogmas and wolfberries? These tonic effects are particularly good, and they are harmless to your little Highness. Baoqin looked up.

"Well, hurry up and don't let Baolin wait too long." Su Siman waved his hand and sent her away.

For the first time in a long time, someone has stayed with her for so long. Su Siman was really happy and the two talked a lot. Su Siman felt that Xu Jiao was very smart, thoughtful and whispered, but she never revealed too much information. Every time she encountered some questions, she would quietly bypass them or give an ambiguous answer.

Xu Jiao left near noon. Before leaving, she was very grateful for Su Siman's warm hospitality.