A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 31 Sudden Change

Su Siman sent Xu Jiao away. She was in a happy mood. She sat and practiced writing for a while. When she was tired, she went to ** to lie down for a while. Life was very comfortable.

But her good days didn't last long. Near evening this day, Xiang'er suddenly ran in in panic and breathlessly: "Princess, it's not a big deal!"

"What's wrong?" Su Siman turned over leisurely and frowned unhappily at Xiang'er's good dream, as if she didn't notice the tension in Xiang'er's tone.

"Princess, something big has happened!" Xiang'er didn't have time to gasp, so she quickly said breathlessly, "There's something wrong with Zimingju! Xu Baolin has abdominal pain and a lot of blood. I'm afraid he can't stand it now!"

"What!" Su Siman heard it really this time, and her face suddenly changed. She suddenly turned over and sat up. She lifted the thin quilt and was about to get out of bed. Xiang'er rushed forward to help her put on shoes and clothes.

Su Siman asked a series of questions with a white face: "Can't you hold on? What do you mean? Has the doctor passed? How long has she had abdominal pain? Why did you tell me now?"

"It's been about half an hour. At first, Xu Baolin only had a hidden abdominal pain, and she didn't pay attention to it. She never thought it would become so serious. The people of Tai Hospital have passed, but the blood can't stop. The imperial doctor said... said..."

"What?!" Su Siman almost roared anxiously.

Xiang'er was trembling, glanced at Su Siman, lowered her eyelids again, and her voice was low and clear: "The doctor said, I'm afraid that adults and children can't keep it..."

Su Siman shook his body and almost fell down. He said in a hurry and said, "Change my clothes quickly. I'm going to have a look."

In a moment, she had simply cleaned up and hurried to Zimingju.

Zi Mingju is not too far from Anqin Garden, only a five-minute walk, but Su Siman feels like he can't walk to the end of this journey. The steps were heavy and rapid, and there was some instability. Xianger and Baoqin surrounded her left and right, as if they were afraid of her wrestling.

She didn't expect that she would encounter such a thing. Is Xu Baolin so cruel? In order to harm her, he even hurt her flesh and blood? Tigers are poisonous and don't eat children. People are three points more poisonous than tigers! Naturally, Su Siman doesn't know that Xu Jiao's body is suitable for giving birth to and raising a child. No matter how careful he takes care of it, it is not suitable. It is still unprotected. It is a miracle that she can raise the fetus for more than seven months.

Su Siman clenched his handkerchief and his nails were blue. The first thing she thought of was to try her best to save people, and she must save them! Nowadays, the emperor and queen are not in the palace, and there is no master in the palace. It's really a coincidence. Such a big event happened in the East Palace, especially the meal that Xu Baolin still used at her in the morning. It goes without saying that she was the first to be held accountable. Su Siman knows that he has been stumbled, but he can't control those at the moment. Right and wrong are put aside for the time being. Saving talents is the first priority at present. As long as people are still there, everything will be fine.

Although she made up her mind, when she went to Zimingju, the scene in the bedroom was really unexpected, and the strong smell of blood in the room made her almost disgusting. Several stable women circled around the bed and kept cheering for the mother and asked her to work hard. But Xu Jiao lost too much blood and had no strength to use. She didn't even have the strength to shout. She just lay motionless with her eyes closed. Her face was as white as a piece of paper, and her body was so thin that it was covered under a thin quilt, and the bulging abdomen seemed to be incompatible with her thin body, as if it was filled with foreign bodies. If it hadn't been for the slight movement of the long eyelashes, Su Siman would have almost thought she was dead.

Several maids in the room knelt down and saluted when they saw Su Siman, and those stable women also knelt down.

"Where's the imperial doctor?" Su Siman tried his best to lighten his voice and asked.

"It has been sent away by Baolin." The maid knelt by the bed near the head of the bed said.

Su Siman shook her head secretly. It seemed that Xu Jiao also saw that the imperial doctors were helpless. Unfortunately, Dr. Li followed the emperor and queen out of the palace and was not in the palace, otherwise it would not be so bad.

"Get up, all of you." Su Siman said in a low voice, walked to the bedside and quietly stared at Xu Jiao, who was pale.

Xu Jiao heard the sound in the room and slowly opened her eyes. Her big eyes were empty and silent, and her pupils were pale gray. After a while, her eyes became focused, gathered some bright colors, and stretched out her hand from the quilt to Su Siman.

"Don't move." Su Siman's nose was brim, and he couldn't hate it. He sat on the edge of the bed and held her raised hand. "Hold on, I'll call you a doctor in person. I have a friend who is very good at medicine. He will definitely save you. Have a good rest. Do you want to eat something and replenish your strength?

Xu Jiao shook her head weakly and said that she shook her head. The curvature was so small that it was almost negligible, but Su Siman understood what she meant.

"How can the child be born smoothly without a doctor? Don't be stupid!" Su Siman held her hand tightly.

Xu Jiao moved her biting lips, and before she could make a sound, a burst of pain hit again, which made her face blue and her facial features wrinkled into a small ball. The lips that had been bitten suddenly flowed again. Obviously, it was in severe pain, but she still didn't say a word. No wonder An Qinyuan could hear any movement before. She had been so hard to endure the pain and refused to shout out.

"Hatch me!" Susman whispered.

She didn't stop talking, and Xu Jiao was already confused with pain. She held Su Siman's palm and bleed out of her palm. Su Siman frowned, and soon her eyebrows unfolded as usual, allowing her to grab her like a life-saving straw. At this time, she couldn't bring negative emotions to the mother, but she couldn't understand why Xu Jiao refused to let her go. It is impossible for her not to know that without the help of a doctor, she and her child may face a desperate situation.

Su Siman was choked by the bloody smell here and almost cried. Even she couldn't tell whether it was a physiological reaction or something else. In short, it was uncomfortable. Even if the smell of blood was so strong, she could smell another strong breath in the room, which was despair and boundless despair.

Xu Jiao's hand holding her was blue and white, and the blue veins on the back of her hand appeared. The slender bones were like an unfolded fan frame, protruding, as if to pierce the thin layer of skin at any time.

When the pain passed, Xu Jiao finally withdrew her strength, her forehead was full of big beads of sweat, and the maid of honor waiting beside her wiped her away in time.

"This won't work. You must find a doctor." Su Siman was resolute and looked at Xu Jiao's bloodless face and blood-stained lips, and frowned again.

Xu Jiao-gasped and whispered slowly: "Can you... ask others to go... I have something to say..."

"Okay." Su Siman definitely nodded, turned his head and ordered Xianger Baoqin to give them the token and a silver whistle that Liang Shaojun gave her, and told them to go outside the city to find Huangfu Chong. The silver whistle is the contact tool sent to her by Huangfu Chong. As long as the whistle is blown, he will appear. Baoqin Xianger didn't dare to neglect and went immediately.