A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 39 Elegant Rhyme

"Well, it's not early. Take a rest." Liang Shaojun took her shoulder from behind and picked her up from the chair in front of the dresser.

When Kuangyi was about to go to bed, Su Siman suddenly remembered something and stopped the hands that were untieing her belt. She said, "I want to go to the warm pavilion to see the crown. You go to bed first. I'll be back soon."

Liang Shaojun said sadly, "I've never seen you miss me so much. You didn't say much about me last few days when I went out."

Su Siman couldn't help laughing: "Well, you are so old that you are still jealous of children. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at?"

Liang Shaojun squeezed his mouth and touched her face and said, "Go and come back quickly."

Mian'er is not a full-term child. In addition, Xu Jiao is weak and suffers a lot when she is pregnant. The child is more fragile and difficult to raise than an ordinary baby at birth. I still remember that he was as weak as a kitten when he was born, and the bedding was only more than five pounds. Now half a month later, it has improved a lot and is a little fatter than when I was born, but the problem of the night has not improved, and I always cry at night. When Su Siman went, Mian'er was crying out of breath. The wet nurse hugged him and couldn't help coaxing him. She didn't drink milk. The method didn't work even if it was used too high.

Su Siman saw that his little face turned pale when he cried and guessed that the child might be sick. He asked the wet nurse if she had gone to the imperial doctor. The wet nurse replied that she had sent the maid to go, about on the way.

After tossing for most of the night, Su Siman returned to the bedroom for nearly two times. Liang Shaojun had fallen asleep. She bent down and tucked the thin quilt for him before she went to bed lightly.

A few days ago, the beginning of autumn has passed, but the weather is still hot. Su Siman misses all kinds of modern electrical appliances, especially refrigerators and air conditioners. Every time he wakes up in the middle of the night, he can't help sighing in his heart.

Now that I have traveled for so long, I have adapted to other aspects, that is, I am afraid of heat. Tonight seems to be a little hotter than last night. Not long after lying down, Susman sweated a little.

The night outside is empty, and the stars are slightly sinking like the string moon, so that the window paper is as bright as cicada wings.

Su Siman looked at the top of the tent in a daze and faintly heard the sound of the piano in her ears. She turned over and listened carefully. The sound of the flute was as faint as fairy music. She couldn't hear it. The tune was elegant and seemed to be a little bleak. Su Siman unconsciously wondered. Who would be so presumptuous in this palace and dared to play the piano unbridledly in the middle of the night? Who dared to ignore the rules of the palace so much?

However, the music is indeed beautiful, like running water, vast soup, the artistic conception is far away and empty, mixed with a faint melancholy loneliness. Although Su Siman didn't know much about the rhythm, he was also deeply infected when he heard this song, and a poem from Li Bai popped out of his mind: whose jade flute flew secretly and scattered into the spring breeze all over Los Angeles. Who can't afford to feel the old garden when he hears the broken willows in this night song? Yes, she was indeed homesick at this time. In retrospect, she hasn't had such a feeling for a long time. How are her modern parents? Thinking of this, Su Siman sighed quietly.

Anyway, I can't sleep, so I simply get up and go. It's much cooler outdoors at night than indoors. After thinking about it, Su Siman gently went down to bed, casually put on a coat and went out.

Tonight's night is indeed extremely beautiful. The sickle moon dilutes the heat of the white sun, and occasionally there are a few wisps of breeze blowing on the face, which is refreshing and pleasant.

Su Siman walked around under the moon and enjoyed this comfort. She was attracted by the beautiful sound of the piano and unconsciously followed her and walked towards the imperial garden.

The closer it is to the imperial garden, the clearer the sound of the piano. Susman's footsteps are slower and the sound of footsteps is lighter. Curious about the person who plays the piano, but she doesn't want to disturb others. Another thing is that she is worried about more than less. What happened in this palace is unclear. Maybe when she sees someone who shouldn't be seen and breaks something that shouldn't be broken will lead to death. Xu Jiao's incident is a lesson from the previous car. It's enough to listen to this movement up close. Thinking so, she simply stopped. The place where she stopped was about five or six feet away from the person playing the piano. Sitting behind the flower bed, her whole body was covered and hidden. Su Siman vaguely recognized that the two people sitting at a standpoint were facing their backs, and the sitting person should be higher than the standing one.

Less than a moment after sitting down, the sound of the piano gradually became flat like a gurgling stream, and the lover whispered, gradually disappeared. Obviously, the sound was quiet, but the aftertaste echoed like a lingering sigh. There was a great feeling of residual sound around the beam. Su Siman secretly praised it in his heart and was reluctant to leave immediately for a moment.

"Madam, it's too late. Let's go back. If the long live master finds her leaving the bedroom late at night, I'm afraid she will be punished." A pleasant female voice came from the silence, which was particularly noticeable.

Su Siman was obviously stunned. She was familiar with this voice, very much like Qingran. Soon, Su Siman denied his idea. Qingran was abtained and didn't know where he was. Besides, it's not so easy to get in and out of the palace. The most important thing is that Qingran still has to find her brother. How can she go back to the palace? There are so many people with similar looks and voices in the world, but they think too much.

The concubine gave a "um" and stood up, and the little maid bowed down to get the guqin. She held the piano, but the master didn't seem to have the intention of leaving immediately, but silently stared at the dark artificial lake in front of her.

"Mother, please forgive me for being brave. Is it a special day today? My mother is so sad?" The little maid thought about her tone and asked in a low voice.

The concubine pondered for a while and said sadly, "What you said is not bad. Today is really special. You can't worship in the palace, you can only play a song to talk about sorrow.

The little maid knelt down in a hurry and said repeatedly, "I deserve to die, I deserve to die..."

"It's not your fault. Those who don't know are not guilty. Get up." She reached out and helped the maid up.

"The deceased is over. I hope you take care of yourself."

The concubine smiled and didn't say anything. For a moment, she said, "Nothing happened today, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, I understand."

The two finally went west. Su Siman looked at the two slender bodies and probably guessed that the woman who stroked the piano was the emperor's favorite. She was bold. Although she knew that worship was prohibited in the palace, she dared to play the piano late at night. Could it be that the emperor gave her this privilege? Then the emperor treated her very unusually.

At this time, Su Siman's enthusiasm had gone, and he also returned the same way. When I returned to the bedroom, I had been nearly three times, and I fell asleep with my head next to the pillow. I had no dream all night, which was the best sleep in recent days.