A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 40 Strange Master

The annual Incense Festival is finally coming. Because Su Siman has not passed this festival, she has been focusing on it, but if the palace is not happy to spend this festival, she does not dare to be too presumptuous, so she can only secretly whisper with the tourmaline.

Su Siman sat at the window and said leisurely, "Bixi, it will be the Incense Festival in two days. Are you going to embroider the sachet?"

Bixi stopped the work in her hand, and her face turned slightly red, a little shy: "Why does the princess remember this?" He bowed his head and began to sweep the almost invisible dust on the cabinet with a feather duster.

Su Siman smiled twice and touched the small embroidery on the cuffs: "Well, I'm just asking, I want to embroider one for the prince. I don't know what kind of flower fragrance to use. I'll ask you for advice. Su Siman thought about what it means. He was afraid that if he accidentally made a difference, he would become self-defeating, so he had this question.

"Since it is given to His Royal Highness, the daffodils and ** are both good." The tourmaline is serious.

When she heard the word **, Su Siman couldn't help laughing, and she suddenly thought of going somewhere else. A picture immediately appeared in her mind: She attentively handed the sachet full of ** to Liang Shaojun. Liang Shaojun lowered his head slightly, put the sachet close to the end of her nose and sniffed it. She was ecstatic to ask you embroidered? Su Siman nodded shyly. So he was even more excited and muttered that this was the first time you had sent me something. The embroidery was so beautiful. What kind of flowers are inside? Is it so fragrant? Su Siman continued to bow his head shyly and replied, "** full of fragrance. Liang Shaojun wondered, what ** is full of fragrance...

Before the scene was finished, Su Siman couldn't straighten up and beat the table and laughed extremely exaggeratedly. Bixi looked at her like a ghost with an inexplicable face.

"Did the maidservant say something wrong?" The second monk Bixi was confused and stopped holding his hand with a feather duster.

Su Siman smiled enough and said, "Nothing, I just think of something interesting. Then I think I'd better get daffodils." Although the ancients certainly did not know the other meaning of **, Su Siman was still unwilling to send ** to her father-in-law. If she had to give ** to someone, the first choice was of course Zhong Yeli.

The tourmaline said, "I'm afraid there are no daffodils at this time. Narcissus bloom in winter and spring, but now there are no buds."

"Ah?!" Su Siman stared at the tourmaline with wide eyes and discontented. It was obvious that she had been teased by this girl. What did the flowers say? So you still have to send ** to Liang Shaojun? Oh, is this the legendary God's will? Su Siman couldn't help laughing again and was a little speechless.

The tourmaline said very calmly, "I went to the imperial garden to pick some**." With that, he hung the feather duster back on the wall and acted neatly.

"I'll go too." Su Siman quickly bounced up from the seat, and it was as sharp as if he were sitting in a spring chair.

"The sun is a little hot outside. Why does the princess have to work hard? The maidservant will go back."

"Since it's an expression of your heart, how can you pretend to be someone else? Just do it for me. You are responsible for pointing out what I didn't do well or wrong, understand?" Su Siman squeezed his eyes and pretended to be a serious color.

Bixi rolled his eyelids out of breath: "I understand."

Bixi is responsible for pulling the flower basket and umbrellaing Su Siman. Su Siman is in a good mood and talks a lot on the way. From time to time along the way, he makes fun of Bixi. He is as excited as a child, and there is nothing he can do about it. In fact, Bixi also doesn't understand. Although the master occasionally commits a disease in front of the prince, he will not ask the root cause. But once she talks to herself, the question is as countless as the flowers in the imperial garden. Why do husband and wife send ** and daffodils? This is the habit for her to remember things. Vulgar, ghost knows the reason. If he can find out the person with the rules, Bixi really wants to beat him and vent his anger. She has been asked by Su Siman's Su XX and is about to vomit blood, but no one has rescued her, alas!

Bixi changed the topic with a bitter face: "Princess, are you thirsty?"

Su Siman didn't want to blurt out, "I'm not thirsty. I just drank red bean porridge (Liang's custom, half a month after autumn, I have to drink red bean porridge to relieve the summer heat). How can I be thirsty?" After saying that, he understood the voice of the tourmaline and couldn't help staring at the tourmaline with dissatisfaction.

Su Siman was about to open his mouth to fight back, but he saw an acquaintance coming towards him, but Li Yuan, who had not appeared in the palace for a long time. He was dressed in a military uniform, holding a sword, and was heroic. He was followed by several bodyguards. It seemed that he was patrolling everywhere.

Li Yuan saw Su Siman's master and servant from afar, and did not accelerate and walked steadily towards them.

Seeing that the person coming was Li Yuan, the tourmaline quietly retreated a small half, playing with the basket hand tightly holding the exquisite border of the bamboo basket, rubbing the corner of the skirt with the other hand, and lowering his head slightly, which seemed to be a little embarrassed. It's really awkward. I was just praying in my heart that someone would appear quickly to attract the attention of the princess. Fortunately, someone came, but it was a little uncomfortable.

When he approached, Li Yuan bent down slightly and bowed a salute. Before he could speak, Su Siman asked, " Li Yuan, how are you feeling? I wanted to see you before, but it was delayed because of other things, and the prince was also very worried about you.

"Thank you for your love, the last general's body is fine." Li Yuan bowed slightly, the hand holding the hilt of the sword did not move, and his eyes looked down slightly.

Su Siman nodded and smiled, "That's good."

"The last general is on official business, so please excuse me first." Li Yuan held his fist and left gracefully.

Seeing that Li Yuanren had gone far away, Su Siman turned her face and looked at the tourmaline. She was looking sideways without any awareness.

"I can't see it anymore, and I'm still reluctant to twist my neck?" Su Siman smiled and teased, and then restrained his smile and praised, "I heard early in the morning that General Liyuan is extremely powerful. Today, when I see him, it really lives up to his reputation."

"Huh?" Bixi's cheeks are a little red, and her eyes are bright and touching in the sun. That little confused appearance is really sweet.

"If he hadn't been so powerful, how could he still take your neck?" Su Siman blinked and made it particularly pure and harmless when it was bad.

"..." Bixi's face suddenly looked like a red-hot cooked duck. She pouted dissatisfiedly, "Princess, you are so bad! Make fun of others again!"

Su Siman spread out his hands innocently, with a look of "Isn't what I said true", and the smile on his lips was as cunning as a fox.

While talking, he arrived at the Royal Garden. Su Siman was no longer in the mood to make fun of the blue. He was full of energy on **. He was simply more diligent and serious than the bee butterfly, and his attitude was definitely worthy of praise. Considering that the petals will shrink after drying, Susman specially picked a big one, with yellow pink fiery red, and the white one she didn't pick, and she felt unlucky. There are many kinds of flowers in the imperial garden, and they are well maintained. When they are in full bloom, they are beautiful. It can be seen that there are many craftsmen who take care of **.

"Princess, it should be enough." Bixi looked at the master who bent down and pocked to continue to pick flowers, and then looked at the half-full flower basket with a speechless face.

"Is that enough?" Su Siman didn't look back. He clicked down with scissors, and a slender golden chrysanthemum with slender petals fell steadily in the palm of his hand.

"Enough." The tourmaline is too lazy to roll his eyes.

Su Siman turned around and then curled his lips and said, "It's too little. There's only a little left after a while. It's not enough for sachets."

The tourmaline touched his forehead, and his expression was very entangled: "Princess, you don't need to dry... It's fine as long as fresh... Are you going to make a shoulder-sized savor bag?" The tourmaline pulled the flower basket, opened his hands, and drew an exaggerated arc.

"Oh, you didn't say it earlier!" Su Siman looked at her action and immediately thought of such a huge savory bag hanging on Liang Shaojun's belt, and couldn't help laughing happily. She finally gave up the posture of picking flowers and straightened her waist. At the right time, the tourmaline came forward and handed a handkerchief to help her wipe the thin sweat beads on her forehead.

The tourmaline is full of black lines. It is said that this master is really out of common sense sometimes! This basket of flowers is more than enough to make ten or eight, let alone a sachet.

When she was about to go back, she met her completely unexpected person again.