A red apricot climbs the wall

Extra Tourmaline 1

She was not born a noble princess.

The year she was taken into the palace as a princess, she was five years old. She clearly remembers the situation of that day.

Outside the simple adobe house, many people stood tall and bright.

She took the leaky wooden door and secretly looked at them. It was the first time she had seen so many powerful sergeants, and she felt that they were all as heroic as gods.

Ani (Yonglianghua, brother) stood behind her and was also secretly looking. There was an official in the room talking to Ana (Yongliang, mother), and she and Ani were spent on Aina to play.

The jujube tree by the Ceylon River is full of red dates. As long as she passes by, she seems to smell the fragrance of dates. Every time she passes by, she drools. It's hard to wait until the dates are ripe, but she and Ani don't want to make dates. Perhaps both brothers and sisters realized that their fate was about to change dramatically that day.

The whole alley couldn't believe that the notorious gangster who had been expelled from the village turned out to be the illegitimate son of the old king. After the death of the old king, he ascended the throne as the new king of Yongliang City.

When she left, Ana didn't know whether she was happy or something. She kept crying. The neighbors said that she was blessed and married the most capable man in Yongliang. Now she was finally exhausted and was taken to be the queen.

At that time, her name was not Bixi, but Hassai - this is the name of a bitch. Her father thought the name was too unpleasant, so he gave her the name Aina. Since then, she has been the noble Princess Aina. The maids of honor all called her Princess Ina.

At that time, she was still an innocent little girl, completely ignorant of the world, with the love of her father and mother, and the indulgence of Ani.

At that time, she was a happy little princess and wanted anything.

But the happy days only lasted for less than half a year. Since her father took Agani and several of her children from the palace, her heavenly happy days have gone forever, and the nightmare began to haunt her, Ana, and Ani.

Ana is from Jiangnan and has no power in Yongliang, but Ajani's family is a famous local family. It is said that her father can ascend the throne, and Ajani's family is indispensable. Ajani has been secretly planning to abolish Ani in order to make her child the heir to the throne. She provoked the relationship between her father and mother and separated her father and Ani's father and son. Over time, the mother and son were neglected. Ana is old and pale, and years of hard work have made her look older and completely unfavored. If it hadn't been for her original match, maybe her father would not have made her queen.

The queen's palace is more deserted than the cold palace, and such neglected days continued until Princess Aina was nine years old. In those long three years, conspiracies in the seemingly calm palace have arised, and the harassment of neighbors can be described as internal and external troubles, and all the contradictions have intensified unprecedentedly.

This year, the situation suddenly changed. When the king visited the Turks, Princess Aina's 16-year-old brother, Prince Isher, was slandered for plotting to usurp the throne and forced to commit suicide. The queen was slandered for forte with the bodyguard and hanged. When she was buried, Ajani was not even allowed to bury her in the royal tomb. She only ordered someone to carry her away with a broken mat and bury her hastily.

This is not enough. Ajani is cruel and will never give up the opportunity to eradicate. Fortunately, a loyal old maid of honor learned the news in advance and took Princess Aina outside the palace to avoid being chased.

A sudden change planted a fire of hatred in the young Anina's heart. After that, when she secretly returned to the court, she threw the arsenic she bought from the merchants outside the palace into Ajani's food, and then went to Anna's grave alone. She knew that she had made a big mistake, and her father would not spare her. Instead of being executed by her father, she might as well cut it off by herself. So she closed her eyes and stabbed herself in the abdomen. But at that time, after all, his strength was so small that he did not die. Instead, he was rescued by the Yongliang King, who heard that there was a drastic change in the palace and hurriedly returned from the Turks.

Later, she learned that the merchant outside the palace cheated her and sold her not fatal arsenic at all, but sweat medicine, so at that time she only saw Ajani fainted, but did not see her struggling in pain. She thought that the enemy was dead, but she was only temporarily in a coma. After all, she didn't know the pain caused by taking poison at that time.

She was arranged outside the palace by her father and sent medical officers and maids to take good care of her. Such a result was never expected by her. She had made up her determination to die and was so easily disintegrated.

The father told her that Yongliang had no place for her and must send her away. Otherwise, if the people of the Ajani family take revenge, she will definitely lose her life.

The night before leaving, my father went out to see her and talked to her a lot. At that time, she didn't quite understand, but she still remembered every word.

He said, Aina, my daughter, is incompetent to protect you. Dad also has difficulties. You are still young and ignorant. Although you can't kill Agani this time, you are very brave and bloody. You are not as weak as Dad and can't help being controlled. Dad is really proud to have a daughter like you. Then he asked, Aina, do you want to avenge Ana and Ani?

Anina nodded firmly, and her black eyes sparkled.

My daughter, then you can go to Jiangnan. There is an important mission waiting for you. Her father said that her father has arranged everything for you and will send you on a journey tomorrow. When you get there, you have to be obedient and live well. Don't forget who you are. One day, when Dad doesn't have to rely on the power of the Turks, he will pick you up. You are still Dad's favorite Princess Aina.

She nodded her head without understanding, but in fact, she didn't quite understand the meaning of her father's words.

On the way to Jiangnan, she was not peaceful. She was chased by strangers several times and escorted her attendant's death and injury, which was very embarrassing. When she arrived in Yaozhou, the border city of Liang, she met a sand bandit. Everything was robbed and she was captured. Later, she was sold to the slave market. Because she was too young to do anything, no one wanted to buy her. At that time, her beating was enough to make her remember for a lifetime.

About the second month after being sold to the slave market, a gentleman was finally willing to buy her for two copper coins. She is a princess, which is only worth two penny.

The person who bought her took her to a place more magnificent than the cool palace. The man told her that her task was to play with the little prince and make him happy. But now the first is to heal wounds. So she kept it in that golden place for half a month, and the wound finally scabed.

She will not forget the situation when she first saw the little man. At that time, she was lying **, rubbing ointment everywhere, and the room was full of the smell of medicine. She thought that the reason why she remembered so clearly was probably because the little prince did not take the right path - enter her room from the door, but climbed into the window with a ladder. When the slight sound sounded, she turned her head and saw a small figure sneaking in through the half-open window. He was dressed in silk, which was embroidered with exquisite patterns. She knows that kind of satin, which can only be worn by nobles. It is so expensive that she hasn't seen such wealth for a long time.

The little prince's face was a little sweaty, and he casually wiped it with the sleeves of the expensive silk clothes. This move surprised her and forgot to speak with her mouth open.

The little boy is so beautiful, with a tiger head and a tiger's head, and his smile is particularly beautiful.

He asked her if she had recovered from her injury. She didn't remember how she answered. Probably because she was not familiar with the other party, she was a little nervous.

She probably guessed that this person was the man who bought her and said that he wanted her to play with her. She was a little happy and a little confused, and felt that she was very lucky. I just don't know why people like her and buy her? She thought in a sterling and was a little distracted.

The little prince also looked at her for a while and asked her name with a smile.

I don't have a name. She replied that she did not forget her father's words before she left, telling her not to say her name casually or reveal her identity. If someone asks, say that there is no name, and both parents are dead.

The little prince looked at her carefully and finally said, your eyes are so strange, facing the light, looking at the faint green color. If you don't have a name, I'll give you one, okay?

She said she was a little curious about what name he would give her.

Bixi, how about I call you Bixi? He said that his little face was very serious.

She nodded again and replied, OK, I will call Bixi in the future.

Since then, she is no longer Aina. She is a tourmaline. Once, she was once a tourmaline that only belonged to Liang Shaoxuan.

That's right, the little boy is Liang Shaoxuan. At that time, he followed his mother to his grandfather's family, because he was very bored because he had no playmates of the same age. One day, I accidentally saw a little girl among the trafficked slaves at the market and asked someone to buy her on a whim.

Fate is so wonderful that an unexpected encounter influenced her fate and choice for a long time.

Looking back at her acquaintance with Liang Shaoxuan, it was somewhat sad.

It was he who saved her from the sea of suffering, but it was also him who brought her silent pain in the years to come, and finally gave her a sad ending.

He called her tourmaline. He should hope that she will be happy. But in the end, he still hurt her.

If life is just like the first sight...

Who can expect what will happen in the future?

At that time, she thought that she might disobey her father's will and could not go to Jiangnan. She thought it was good to stay with the little prince. I heard that Jiangnan is still far away. She is alone. She is very scared. She is really afraid of being sold as a slave again. Those abuses are terrible.

But in the end, when he left Yaozhou, he did not take her away. His mother did not allow him to bring the wild girl of unknown origin back to the palace.

In this way, he abandoned her for the first time.

She must not have thought that he would abandon her only once at that time.

If she could choose, she would rather not know him. Ha ha, but how cruel it is. There has never been a miracle of time reversal, only the sadness of things.


Spout claws, Cavin, and the writing is not smooth

I have always had a plan to write some side story of Bixi, but this time I owe it. Let's make do with it. Maybe I will revise it later