A red apricot climbs the wall

Extra Tourmaline 2

Not long after arriving at the State of Chu, he met the palace to recruit maids, and Bixi was sent to the palace.

In fact, at that time, she was still young and could not fully understand what her mission was and why she had to be sent to the court of the State of Chu. At that time, she just felt unhappy. The Chu Palace had a lot of rules, which was not like a cool palace at all, and she could come and go freely at will. The subversion of her status and the impermanence of fate make her more mature than girls of the same age, so she has nothing in common with the girls who enter the palace. Outsiders always seem to be a little lonely, so few people are willing to talk to her. She often miss her days in Yaozhou.

Nominally, she was a bought slave, but Liang Shaoxuan treated her very well. Her task was mainly to play with him to relieve boredom. It was really a happy time. Unfortunately, it's just too short.

When she grew up, she occasionally remembered the past and couldn't help but feel a faint melancholy. She and he should be regarded as childhood sweethearts, right?

Originally, I thought that it was so far away that I would never see you again in my life. Unexpectedly, the divine hand of fate is used to turn over the clouds and rain, so that people can't guess what will happen in the next second.

In the 20th year of Zhaohuan, Emperor Xiaocheng sent an envoy to ask the State of Liang for help in order to relieve the siege of Qingzhou, and had to agree to various conditions that would make the State of Chu lose face. One of them was to name Princess Hongxing and relatives.

The news brought by the messenger almost shocked the whole government and the opposition. No one could figure out the purpose of the emperor of the State of Liang's absurd request. Compared with the 100,000 troops trapped in Qingzhou City, it was obvious that the sacrifice of a stupid princess was insignificant, so Emperor Xiaocheng immediately agreed to all the requirements of the State of Liang.

Although this red apricot princess is a fool, after all, she is the eldest daughter of the former queen. She is not noble. Although she is a humiliating marriage, her dowry should also be quite rich. However, Cai, the queen who had always been friendly with the Turks, did not like this silly princess, and even the "friendly neighbor" of the State of Liang, and reduced the regulations, causing the princess's dowry to be somewhat shabby when she finally married.

When the princess got married, the tourmaline, who was the princess's personal maid, was naturally included in the dowry list. Of course, this arrangement is also very in line with Cai's wishes.

Speaking of which, the tourmaline was sent to the palace of the State of Chu, which was equivalent to a hostage to some extent, and at the same time a detailed work.

Yongliang has defected to the Turks, and the younger brother of Cai, the queen of the State of Chu, is actually the illegitimate son of the Turkic Guanglu King. He is dedicated to the Turks and encouraged his sister to betray the country, so the two actually defected to the Turks.

It is said that Cai is the mother of a country, but it doesn't make sense to turn her elbow out, but the fact is that the queen Cai is very cowardly, and the empress dowager is pressed by the emperor. Even in the ordinary generation, she is robbed of the limelight by other favorite concubines, but she is a relatively ambitious woman, and her long-term depression has led to bad consequences. In fact, the siege of the Chu army in Qingzhou at that time was a masterpiece of the two sisters and brothers.

The Turks were suspicious, so they asked the third party King Yongliang to send people to sneak into the State of Chu. On the one hand, they secretly supervised the sister and brother, and on the other hand, they increased the infiltration. Therefore, Queen Cai reluctantly covered the tourmaline and wanted to beware of her, which was annoying to this girl. It was also for this reason that she kicked the blue seal far away and made her serve Chu Hongxing, a fool.

Bixi is not surprised that he wants to marry Liang Guo, and he has no special feelings. After many years, her special affection for Liang Guo has almost disappeared. She would not have thought that she had met the little prince again before she had set out for the State of Liang. She would not have thought that the little prince in those years was actually the fifth prince of the State of Liang.

As early as when Liang sent troops to Qingzhou, Liang Shaoxuan had secretly sneaked into the State of Chu. It was at that time that Bixi saw him for the second time.

But when they met again, he couldn't remember who she was at all, as if he had never known her, and his eyes were full of strange indifference and the majesty of the superior, which almost extinguished the heat in her heart. You know, when she knelt on the ground and got up to retreat, she secretly glanced at the guests in the seat out of curiosity. It was the shocking glance, and she recognized him. Although time has changed, the little prince has grown up and his appearance has changed a little, but she recognized it at a glance.

His insight was extraordinary. He immediately noticed that someone was peeking and responded coldly. The strong evil spirit in his dark eyes seemed to be inserted by two ice knives, making people feel cold.

Almost at that moment, Bixi understood that the person in front of him was completely different from the little prince in his memory. This difference is not only a difference in identity and status, but also a great change in personality and temper. Except for a face that can vaguely see the shadow of the past, he can't find anything she is familiar with.

This discovery was somewhat a blow to her, but she thought that since the Turks had assigned her to Liang Shaoxuan and listened to his command, it would be better to stick to the duty of her subordinates in the future. As for the rest, it is not what superiors and subordinates should have. Since he has become her boss, she can't remember the past. It's too complicated and not good. After many years, in fact, she should have forgotten it. But... after seeing him, everything was vivid in my mind.

She is a person who misses the benefits of others. In her short life of more than ten years, there are few people who have given her warmth. Among these few people, a large part of them have died in order to protect her, so the remaining small part is alive that she will never forget.

On the eve of the ceremony, Bixi was ordered to fascinate the princess. The person who conveyed the order even thoughtfully prepared the ecstasy for her, and there was no room for refusal.

Bixi probably guessed that Liang Shaoxuan's intention was to destroy the marriage. She could think that maybe they would rob the princess or destroy her virginity. Once she got it, the marriage would become a bubble. The State of Liang is likely to take the opportunity to provoke trouble. The Chu army trapped in Qingzhou is already a tired division, and the State of Liang used the name of rescue to station 100,000 troops outside the city. Once the State of Liang is angered, the two armies will fight. At that time, the State of Chu will be in danger. It can be predicted that the army of the State of Liang will attack the capital in the near future. Most of the Beiying army of Gongwei Didu has been transferred to Qingzhou. The imperial capital is like an empty city, and it is not realistic to temporarily mobilise troops from all over the world.

Considering various comprehensive factors, although the tourmaline did drug the princess, she tried the meal herself when serving the princess, so Su Siman was not tricked at that time, and it was the blue seal that fell down. The reason why she did this is that she doesn't want to harm the princess. After all, she has been serving the princess for many years, and no one can be ruthless. On the other hand, she naturally doesn't want what she has done to bring disaster to the State of Chu.

Although he was punished unexpectedly afterwards, at least he can still justify himself. After all, it is also the duty of slaves and maidservants to try dishes for their masters, and Liang Shaoxuan does not have much to investigate. It can only be assumed that Chu is too vigilant. As for the court of Chu, this matter has been suppressed. After all, the princess and relatives are imminent, and no one wants to make trouble. What's more, the medicine is under the tourmaline, and it is also her own trick. How can anyone who doesn't know the inside story can guess that she made trouble?

As for Liang Shaoxuan sending someone to make trouble again that night, after all, he is already her actual master. It is obviously unwise for her to directly take action to deal with him. What's more, she deliberately got ecscination during dinner, which has already sounded the alarm for the court of Chu. She has tried her best to do everything she can.

She should have understood that one person could not serve the two masters at the same time, but she had to act as a three-sided spy and deal with the State of Liang of Chu and the Turks. Perhaps it was because of such a situation, or because of her conscience, she finally laid a hidden danger for the irreparable situation of the following things.