A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 59 Return to Beijing

A few hours later, the acupuncture point was finally untied. Su Siman moved his numb hands and feet, and helped the villagers rub their arms and legs for the grandmother. The villagers' son went nearby to check the situation.

Soon he came back. His face was not very good, his face was cold, and his lips were a little trembling. Briefly talk about the current situation in the village: many houses have been burned to ashes. Fortunately, there are not many people alive, and they are basically seriously injured. Uncle Li, the neighbor next door, was stabbed eleven times and was dying. He was afraid that he would die soon.

How hard it is, and the village is almost completely washed with blood. These people are really more horrible than jackals, tigers and leopards.

It seems that it is really Liang Shaoxuan's subordinates, otherwise how can Wang Xiaoyu command them? Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaoyu's status under Liang Shaoxuan was still quite high, so what he said was probably true.

Su Siman was distracted. Did those people really come to search for her? If so, how can he easily stop and return after killing so many innocent people? What did Wang Xiaoyu say before he sent them away? Su Siman thought nonsense and sweated coldly on her forehead. Her heart was already in a mess, and the smell of blood in the air stimulated her nasal cavity, which made her nauseous several times.

If this group of people really sent a letter to Liang Shaoxuan and was specially sent to arrest her, he didn't need to click her acupuncture point to hide her behind the haystole. Even when someone wanted to come to the haystatch to inspect and propose to burn everything to avoid leaking fish, he still shouted and ordered them to stop. He obviously saved her. Because of this, Su Siman's mind was completely confused. The relationship between the enemy and me was very chaotic, and his thoughts were also disordered.

Is it possible that Wang Xiaojue had expected such a thing, so he didn't leave? Did he return a favor to her in return for saving her life that day? This idea made Su Siman's heart suddenly enlightened. Wang Xiaoyu was not an ungrateful person.

But she still doesn't understand. Although she is a crown princess, she is not a top thing. Why did Liang Shaoxuan spend so much time searching for her? Is it that he wants to kill people? He must have heard the wind and guessed that she knew what was going on with Feng Wan, so he wanted to kill her.

Of course, these are only her unilateral guesses without knowing the overall situation. Although she is also right, she can't accurately judge what it is based on her imagination alone.

Su Siman blamed herself for the disaster of the village, but now is not the time to blame herself. In order to avoid the group of people coming back, she gave all the money Wang Xiaojue gave her to her fellow villagers and asked them to find another home. I'm afraid she can't stay here for a long time.

Because everything was almost burned, the survivors almost didn't bring anything to help each other on the road. Although these people's homes have been destroyed and some have been seriously injured, no one is desperate, and young people who have not been injured or lightly injured have not abandoned the idea of those old, weak and sick. Su Siman was deeply shocked by their invincible spirit. These people living at the bottom of society have firmly walked to the future and face hope with their tenacious vitality and never abandon each other.

Compaing with them, Su Siman felt a little ashamed. She is too hairy and too easily affected.

How innocent these people are to be slaughtered. Although Liang Shaoxuan is a prince, does he have the right to spare people's lives? It's so gentle on the surface, but it's so cruel! It's simply a scum in the royal family! If such a person gains power as the crown prince and finally inherits the unification, the people of the world will suffer. Just to kill one person, he can kill innocent people. It can be predicted that if he is in power, he will be extremely violent.

Although Liang Shaojun is also a little cold, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. If he chooses one of the two, Liang Shaojun is still better.

Alas, anyway, let's go back to the palace to find Liang Shaojun first. Although he is still a scum in terms of men and women's relationships, after all, there are still merits in other aspects. Besides, the fact that she is his wife cannot be changed.

After two days of hard travel, I finally arrived in the capital. Su Siman went to the government first. The original intention was to ask the local parents to come forward to settle the exiles. Unexpectedly, they only regarded her as a poor beggar, and she was not a bird at all. Su Siman was so angry. Well, this is still the case at the feet of the emperor. It can be imagine that officials in other places will only become more and more powerful. Really, officials in any era have this virtue, and some have evolved. It's really the world's going down. It's really not easy to find a clean steward. If you don't have money or power, it has nothing to do with being an official.

Su Siman had to die and walked for half an hour to Ruyifang, intending to ask Zhong Ye to leave a thousand taels of silver, and then ordered someone to send the villagers to make a temporary settlement and bring a message to ask them to settle down in the capital. After all, she caused them to be displaced from their hometown. What should she do if she doesn't come forward? She can't watch them live on the streets.

She has a good calculation, but the reality is a little wrong. Zhong Ye is not in Ruyifang. This time, the shopkeeper of Ruyifang is Zhong Yeli. The clerk below only recognizes Zhong Yeli and does not recognize her as the backstage boss. The accountant doesn't give him any money.

He really has been unfavorable for years. Su Siman's eggs hurt and sprinkled broken eggs on the ground.

To be honest, she really wants to pry open the head of Mr. Accountant to see how stubborn this man is. This girl has been with Susman several times. She should know that she is the big boss behind the scenes, right? Well, even if you didn't know it before, didn't I just show your identity and have to wait for Zhong Yeli to give him a seal? Is Zhong Yeli's Zhangzi more powerful than the backstage boss's words? What a world! It's lunch time, and her stomach is already grunting and challenging her patience. This stubborn accounting room is really awesome!

Su Siman was full of anger, but she couldn't eat for several days, and she was so hungry that she didn't have the strength to pat the table. She could only lie on the counter and stare. The account room just cracked the small abacus, and the goat and moustache trembled happily without birding her.

Damn, this dedicated accountant!

Because it was noon, there were not many guests, and the guys also had a rest. When eating, the huge Ruyifang seemed a little empty.

Su Siman asked, "When will Zhong Yeli come back?"

The accounting room is still abacusing quickly: "I don't know. Did the big boss eat?"

Su Siman thought to himself that this girl finally said something and was a little relieved, and said, "Not yet, you ask someone to get me something to eat."

"Well," the accountant replied cheerfully, "Then please sit somewhere else. I can't concentrate here."

I'll go! It turned out that she was in the way, and Su Siman was embarrassing.

"Is the big boss waiting for the shopkeeper here?" The account room asked again.

Su Siman nodded: "Yes."

Then the accountant waved and called a clerk to order a good dish in the restaurant next door. That's what a subordinate should do. Su Siman then left the counter to find a room near the window to sit in. These days, he was so tired that it was time to have a good rest.

Before he arrived, he saw Jing Ze coming towards him, and Su Siman quickly stopped him from asking questions.