A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 60 Changes in the Palace

When he finally met a reasonable man, Su Siman turned around and waved to him happily.

Jing Ze also saw her, with a trace of astear in his eyes, and he quickly greeted her. Because Su Siman has never revealed the identity of the crown princess here, although Jing Ze knew her identity, he did not salute, but slightly bowed.

Su Siman caught him and asked, "Where did Zhong Ye leave and when will he come back?"

"This..." Jing Ze wanted to stop talking.

Su Siman looked around and someone walked around. He immediately understood that it was inconvenient for him to say, so he smiled and said, "Change place and go to the second floor."

Jing Ze nodded and led the way ahead.

After arriving, he looked around carefully before closing the door. The vigilance was high enough, and Su Siman secretly thought that he was worthy of being influenced by Zhong Yeli, who had a little potential to engage in secret agents.

Jing Ze took out something from his arms and handed it to Su Siman and whispered, "The shopkeeper asked me to give this letter to the crown princess."

Su Siman looked at him doubtfully and reached for the envelope. The letter was not waxed, and the envelope was clean. She gently wiped it with the middle point, and the letter paper was exposed.

unfolds, and you can see the strong and beautiful handwriting. The words are thick and light, and the back of the paper is strong. Although there are only a few words, you can also see that he is quite good at calligraphy.

Just say, "Quickly return to the palace, don't stay outside, there will be changes in the palace."

"Did he say anything before he left?" Su Siman folded the letter paper and put it back in the envelope and put it in his sleeve pocket.

"No more." Jing Ze looked calm. Looking at Su Siman's face, he seemed to think of something again. "Oh, by the way, if you go to the account room to pay the money, let me give the seal to the princess."

"It's almost the same. Jing Ze, then you can get a thousand taels of silver for me. Then send it to the main street in the northwest of the city and give it to this person. Su Siman walked to the table, wrote a name crookedly with a little ink, handed the note to Jing Ze, and told him, "You can do this in person."

Jing Ze bowed and took it and left immediately.

Not long after he left, the food was also delivered. Su Siman ate some absent-mindedly and ordered someone to withdraw.

Because of what was in his heart, Su Siman no longer stayed and planned to return to the palace immediately, but at present, this dress was so shabby that he had to order people to change into semi-new clothes. He packed up and immediately left Ruyifang.

All the way north to Xuanwumen, looking at the rows of soldiers standing upright like poplar trees, Su Siman felt a little guilty. He didn't know if the disappearance of the princess had been detected? The seal or anything has been lost. Nothing can prove her identity. Now she is alone and depressed. I don't know if they will let her in?

According to the observation along the way, Beijing is as usual. Unlike what happened, it may be that there has been an accident in the palace, and the news has not yet spread. This cognition made Su Siman more uneasy, and she had an ominous feeling.

Although she was a little confused, she continued to move forward calmly, and then was intercepted by the soldiers as expected.

"Who is it?" A sergeant who seemed to be a small leader shouted fiercely. As soon as he made a sound, the bright-gun soldier immediately set up weapons to block the way.

Sure enough, there are too many "side-door left roads" at ordinary times, which leads to a bad result. People don't know her, the crown princess. Su Siman's head is full of black lines, and his heart is very sad.

Before Su Siman could answer, someone suddenly said, "Is that the crown princess?"

Then someone whispered again.

Princess? Why is the princess dressed like this? Not even a maid?"

"Isn't the princess in the palace?"

"Is this really the crown princess? Have you seen it?"

"It seems so. I've seen it several times before."

Then the little leader waved his hand quietly, and the soldier withdrew all his weapons.

"The little has no eyes, and I don't know the face of the crown princess. I hope the princess will forgive me." The little leader bowed and looked frightened. He also peeked at Su Siman a few times, as if he was still confirming her identity.

"Exit's free." Su Siman waved her hand generously and swaggered forward, and no one dared to stop her anymore.

The little leader waved his hand and wincture at the two soldiers around him: "You two, escort the crown princess into the palace."

Su Siman was also careless and didn't feel anything wrong. He was just anxious to rush back to the palace and ask what happened, so he didn't care about the soldiers who followed him. Unexpectedly, he was plotted, and the back of his neck was numb. Su Siman fell down without even shouting, and he was unconscious.

When I woke up, I found that the place I was in was completely strange. Looking at the furnishings, it seemed to be a miscellaneous room with a lot of dust, and it seemed that no one had been there for a long time. The doors and windows were closed, the window paper was rags, and the wind outside swung in.

Su Siman lay there, infinitely messy in the wind.

Where is this again? I remember going back to the palace! The dog is so bold that he plotted on her behind her back! Oh, shit, what the hell is this place? Susman was locked here for no reason, messed up for a few seconds, and began to calm down.

Who will catch her? At present, it must be Liang Shaoxuan who wants to attack her. He just came out of the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den. Sure enough, he was unable to escape the disaster. After the first day of the lunar new year, he could not escape the fifteenth.

Su Siman pulled the window and looked out. It was withered around and looked a little familiar. She thought about it, and finally remembered that this place seemed to be somewhat similar to the place where Yuan Si Niang was imprisoned in the palace to raise snakes. Su Siman carefully checked the situation around him and affirmed his guess more and more. This place is a forbidden area in the palace. Few people dare to come here without permission. Shit, who will know? Heaven should not call the earth. Who will save her? It's depressing!

Recognizing the reality, Susman lowered his head and loosened his hand holding the window and sat down on the ground.

What happened in a row? Su Siman was completely puzzled. It felt as if he had returned to the eve of the destruction of the State of Liang last year, and the psychedelic road was unknown. This situation is the most painful. Because I can't see the fog clearly, I'm afraid of making mistakes, but I don't have time to wait. I don't have so much time to explore for you.

Where is Liang Shaojun? Those soldiers dare to treat her as a princess so rudely. How dare he be supported by no one! Could it be that the universe has been reversed in these Japanese palaces, Liang Shaojun lost in the battle with the Zhang family, or two tigers fought against each other, and both sides lost their power at the same time? Liang Shaoxuan watched the tiger fight across the mountain, took advantage of the fishermen, and took advantage of it. So now the situation has turned upside down. Now he wants to catch it all?

Su Siman was shocked by his idea.

Good! It's better to die, but please be happy!

However, if she dies like this, she is still unwilling. Hasn't she become a victim of their brothers' struggle for power and profit? I don't know anything, so I don't know why. This is... too cowardly...