A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 62 This is a big deal

The shocking inside story made Su Siman unable to recover from the shock for a long time. He was determined to look at Zhong Ye for a long time, but his face was slightly pale. Although his eyes were dim, he was definitely calm and did not see any guilty words lying. It seems that what he said is true.

But why is Zhong Yeli so clear? This problem was in Su Siman's mind, and then several other questions also emerged. Xu Jiao was from Zhao Guifei's side. Why did Huangfu change her skin? Could it be that he had secretly colluded with Zhao Guifei's party for a long time? Maybe Zhao Guifei has already understood his secret! Otherwise, why did Huangfu take action? When you know that once you take action, your identity will inevitably be exposed.

Su Siman's cold sweat on his forehead began to emerge densely. The complexity of the matter was far beyond imagination, and the interests involved conspiracy and collusion, which was far extraordinary! Anything that involves the safety of the royal family is a great disaster! Wang Xiaojue's words suddenly came to her mind. He said that Liang Shaojun wanted to destroy the Zhang family in one fell swoop, so Liang Shaojun must also know the conspiracy of Zhang's father and daughter, but with this, it was enough for the Zhang family to never turn over!

It turns out that...

The truth is so horrible and ferocious! Su Siman's hand trembled uncontrollably, took a step, and held the dusty table before standing still. She would never have dreamed that there were so many dark stories hidden behind this seemingly calm and flashy Liang court. This is not only about seizing the throne, but also about deceiving you! It's simply another version of "civet cat for prince"!

Once the incident occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable. Not only will the government and the opposition be shaken, but I'm afraid that there will be chaos outside the temple, and it will definitely cause chaos. No one can control the chain reaction caused! And what Liang Shaojun wants to do now is to make a big hole in the world! In this way, the disaster will be immeasurable, and millions of corpses will be covered with thousands of blood. Imagine that the first thing to suffer from is the powerful Zhang family and a gang of followers who depend on them. Then it should be the emperor's impure descendants of the royal blood raised with the concubine after acting as a puppet. In this way, there are countless people. I'm going to suffer; and then, I don't know what will happen...

The so-called serious consequences that this incident may cause are enough to create Liang. If it is not handled well, it may lead to various contradictions. At that time, the face of the royal family will be gone, and the country will have no honor to speak of. It's a big deal!

No, no, Liang Shaojun will not think of this. He will not be stupid to this point. He may have other plans and will never subvert the country.

If he really did that, it would be really stupid! And he is not a stupid person, is he? So he won't! Su Siman's nails were dead and pecked the mottled table, and his nails were broken without any pain. His eyes were crazy and excited, flashing with fear, like a madman. She seems to have never been so afraid, really.

"Where's the prince?" She suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Zhong Yeli's arm and asked in a trembling voice.

Zhong Yeli was in pain and frowned slightly: "His whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are uncertain."

Su Siman's eyes burned fiercely: "How could this happen?! Is he not in the palace?

"That day you fell off the cliff, he jumped down to find you, and he still doesn't know life or death." Zhong Ye moved slightly from his eyelashes, as if he were moved.

He jumped off the cliff to find her... Su Siman stayed there, as if petrified, opening his mouth in disbelief, but made no sound.

He is desperate. This is her first thought.

It turned out that he cared about her. After touching for a long time, Su Siman understood confusedly.

He actually cares about her...

There are really strange things every year. There are so many today. Don't you want to stop if you don't turn her into dementia? It's true to use her, and it's also true to risk her. This prince is really a complex of contradictions. I don't understand. Su Siman was very messy at this time, and his mind was in a mess with the manor after the flood.

But the most important thing at present is obviously not whether Liang Shaojun is hypocritical or sincere to her. Where is he now? Is he dead or alive? Now the situation is chaotic, but he, the prince, has lost his time, isn't it?

Su Siman reluctantly drove away the distracting thoughts and straightened out his confused thoughts. Since Zhong Yeli had found himself, it was obvious that the situation had not developed into an uncontrollable situation and might still turn around. Su Siman was refreshed and asked, "What is the situation now? Did you order anyone to expose the crimes of the Zhang family before the prince disappeared?"

Zhong Yeli unconsciously tapped his knee with a folding fan, narrow peach blossom eyes slightly, glanced at her, and said lightly, "Naturally, if everything hadn't been properly planned, he would have jumped off the cliff to find you? How can he put everything for you with such a good plan and the nature of not to give up his goal? You'd better dream less.

Su Siman's pretty face suddenly turned red. Zhong Yeli, the guy who owes his mouth, can't he leave a little to speak? He has to be so poisonous! It seems that she asked stupidly! Well, it's actually a stupid question. But there is no need for Zhong Yeli to break the fantasy of her heart, which is as warm as spring! Resentment!

"In that case, please tell me directly how the situation has developed recently." Su Siman's face is solemn.

"I expected early that he would let Li Yuan expose the matter, and informed Liang Shaoxuan in advance. He secretly took Li Yuan and locked him up. Therefore, until now, this matter has not been publicized, otherwise the Liang Dynasty is bound to cause an uproar.

Su Siman looked at him, and her eyes began to complicate and frown tightly. She is not sure what his position is now. Why is she still entangled with Liang Shaoxuan? What the hell is going on!

Zhong Yeli seemed to see her hesitation, and her voice was straight and cold: "When you live in the world, relying on others is virtual, only by yourself. Sometimes relying on people to form alliances is just a need for mutual benefit. Time has changed, and former opponents may also become friends, and former friends may also become enemies. As you advised on that day, there are no eternal enemies or friends, only the involvement of interests.

Su Siman laughed dumbly. It is true that Zhong Yeli is such a person. In fact, he is the most free and unrestrained, attached to or detached from a certain party. It all depends on his will, and others can't come. He will neither be bribed nor tired of fame - in fact, he doesn't care about any reputation at all. He has long been notorious. What's the matter? He doesn't care about the eyes of the world at all. He is only himself and loyal to himself.