A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 61 Remove the Fog

Su Siman was still sitting in frustration and couldn't get angry. Suddenly, she heard a very slight noise outside. She was shocked and immediately raised her ears to listen.

The movement was gone. Su Siman still regarded himself as a hallucination, and couldn't help but be discouraged and continued to drop his head.

just lowered his head, and suddenly saw a pair of soap-colored boots under his eyelids. Su Siman was stunned, slowly raised his head, and then raised his head and met Zhong Yeli's eyes looking down at her. His eyes were clear and sharp, with a hint of deep, which was absolutely different from the frivolous jokes in the past. The weather is a little cold, but I still pinched a folding fan in my hand. Obviously, I am still dressed as a dand girl as usual, but I feel it is completely different. Today's temperament and style are very different.

"Why is it you?" The first sentence Su Siman asked with his mouth open.

Although this sentence is only four words, it contains a lot of content. Su Siman was shocked and surprised, one for Liang Shaoxuan, and the other for Zhong Yeli. The two people... haven't parted ways yet? How could Liang Shaoxuan tolerate him so much? And Zhong Yeli is so loyal to Liang Shaoxuan? For a moment, Su Siman was confused, and only his red lips opened slightly and stared at Zhong Yeli.

Zhong Yeli's face was expressionless and ignored Su Siman's surprised expression. He pulled over the only painted rag chair in the room. He originally lifted the hem of his robe and wanted to sit down. He didn't know what he saw at it. He pulled out the silk from his arms and bent down to wipe it vigorously, and threw the silk silk silk before sitting down. Su Siman felt very familiar with his move. Huangfu Chong often did similar things. He was worthy of being two brothers, and the problems were similar.

Zhong Yeli ignored the previous question and thought that he had been tricked again. Su Siman suddenly became angry, stared at him fiercely, and asked hatefully, "Shameless villain, what are you doing here? What's the purpose of you rushing me back to the palace?

Zhong Yeli didn't look at her. He snapped the folding fan in his hand, gently dusted the sleeves that had just been stained with dust with the folding fan, and said calmly without raising his head, "It's just to help you. How shameless."

"Help me?!" Su Siman jumped up angrily and gritted his teeth, "You'd better make it clear to me!"

"If I really want to be unfavorable to you, you don't know where you have been locked up. Maybe you have already lost your love now. How can you have a chance to get angry with me here?" Zhong Ye said slowly and slowly raised his head to look at her. His eyes were like a thorn, which made people very uncomfortable. "I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I won't hand you over to Liang Shaoxuan."

Su Siman was worried by his words, and he didn't know whether he was angry or annoyed, and his face turned a little red. In a short time, Su Siman had countless thoughts in her mind, especially the change of the name. She was very**. He directly said the name "Liang Shaoxuan" without any feelings, without any decoration, and did not title or honor as usual. This seemingly subtle change is an important proof that his feelings have changed from intimacy to alienation - he seemed to be thin with Liang Shaoxuan, and Su Siman captured this important message.

Her searching eyes fell on him, trying to find more clues from his expression.

Zhong Yeli turned his face and glanced elsewhere under her gaze to avoid her. From Su Siman's point of view, his long and thick eyelashes moved quickly, which showed his extreme uneasiness in his heart. Su Siman was more sure that the relationship between Zhong Yeli and Liang Shaoxuan may have really broken up. She was very evil in her heart, and at the same time, she regretted that such a pair of beautiful friends should let how many of them enter the rotten door like the sea. From then on, Xiao Lang is the rotten girl of gays. However, Liang Shaoxuan's scumbags caught by both men and women should be broken and get out of the sea of suffering as soon as possible. He should congratulate Zhong Yeli.

It can be seen that Zhong Yeli reacts like this. It is obviously very sad. Well, whether it is gay or heterosexual, as long as it is love, it is a sad thing.

Su Siman thought for a moment, put away the happy smile on his lips, looked like I understood your feelings, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him kindly, "Don't think nonsense, it will pass."

I also felt Su Siman's kindness. When Zhong Yeli turned his head to look at her again, his eyes softened. He sighed with a pale face and pondered for a moment before saying, "I came to see you today. There is an important secret to tell you, which involves my background, a secret in the palace, and a major conspiracy. Just listen now, and you can ask questions later.

When Su Siman heard what he said, Liu Ye's eyebrows suddenly jumped and immediately turned his head: "Okay."

Zhong Yeli did not open his mouth immediately, but lowered his head slightly. The ordinary evil and frivolous peach blossom eyes did not know where to look at this time, and his eyes were erratic. Under that pale and calm face, a heart may have been ups and downs. Maybe he is hesitating how to open his mouth and needs to think about the wording or something. After all, it is his own background, which was originally such a private matter, but today he has to mention a woman who is difficult to accurately define as an enemy or friend, which will be somewhat embarrassing.

Su Siman was silent and did not make any urging.

Zhong Yeli was silent for a long time, smoothing the unevenness of the hem, as if to brush off the obstacles in his heart. The root joint of the hand holding the handle of the fan protrudes, glowing pale color, as if to pierce the thin layer of skin. He took a secret breath, relaxed his shoulders slightly, and finally looked up again, stared at Su Siman, turned his eyes again, and began his narrative.

"I am not Huangfu Yue's son. Huangfu Yue is my uncle, and my father is Huangfu." Zhong Ye raised a mocking smile from the corners of his lips and looked a little desolate. "I shouldn't have been born in this world, so I even put a dead word in my name." Note: meteorite, ancient same "death", death)

This inside story surprised Su Siman!

I only heard Zhong Yeli continue to say quietly: "Just because the Huangfu family has ancestral rules, in order to avoid sectfighting, the brothers kill each other, leaving only one man in each generation to inherit the family business. If you unfortunately give birth to twins, you will be killed or abandoned, leaving only the eldest son. If he died, there would not have been many entanglements later. Unfortunately, the grandmother was too kind. At that time, she had a good idea and left her second son's life and only ordered someone to abandon him.

"Fate is so magical. Obviously, it is 108,000 miles apart, but in the end, he accidentally returned to Yaoyun Villa and became a disciple of the old man. However, my father and my uncle's appearance are exactly the same, and it is easy to be seen through his identity. My grandmother can't bear to be separated from flesh and blood and asked the old man to teach him the transfigurement technique in advance. This skill was originally a unique stunt that only the eldest son could learn. The old man finally couldn't stand his grandmother's soft and hard foam, which broke the ancestral rules.

"But he is dissatisfied with the reality that he can't show his true face, and he hates his grandparents to the bone. He has long had the intention of revenge, and in order to learn all the skills, he hid this thought deeply and did not let anyone understand it. In this way, my father has been staying in Yaoyun Villa until the age of 20. He has learned everything he can learn but can't learn. He left Yaoyun Villa without saying goodbye.

"Since then, he pretended to be his uncle and did a lot of unreasonable things. At one time, he made the reputation of Baiyaotang and Yaoyun Villa extremely stink, and his uncle's reputation was basically ruined by him, which finally aroused the old man's anger. He went down the mountain to clean up the door in person. If my father had died that time, he would have been interrupted by my mother, and the old man could not kill him. After that, he changed his appearance and hid in the army of the State of Liang. At that time, there were frequent disasters of war and everything was drifting away. He also took advantage of the chaos to avoid several pursuits of Yaoyun Villa.

"Although this is the case, he still dares not take it lightly and no longer dares to show his true face. Later, he became a bodyguard in the palace and spent several years in the palace. Although he has been careful, he was still seen by Queen Zhang, who was meticulously aware of the flaws. At that time, the emperor's throne was already firmly seated, showing the intention of eradicating the powerful Zhang family. Queen Zhang and Prime Minister Zhang both knew this. They had been plotting for a long time and could not find a good solution. Just when my father appeared, they immediately came up with a wonderful plan. The emperor was placed under house arrest, which made my father look like an emperor and acted as a puppet.

Su Siman was stunned at this time, and his mouth was so open that he could stuff two eggs.

At the same time, Xu Jiao's words before her death resounded clearly. She said that the emperor seemed to have some problems. His medical skills were better than the imperial doctor, and he was the one who changed her skin... She also said that only the people of Baiyaotang could save her and the children, but at that time, the emperor went outside the palace and said that no one could save her... It turned out that she had long suspected that the emperor was a person from Baiyaotang! But at that time, Su Siman didn't realize the essentials. He thought that Xu Jiao's mind at that time was not clear and didn't pay attention to it at all.

If you should have understood that sentence, people are dying, and their words are also good. If such a confidential thing hadn't been exhausted, and she wanted to repay her kindness and give Su Siman some tips to warn her early and plan early. How could Xu Jiao easily say such a rebellious rebellious words?

Suman's head exploded.

Zhong Yeli's words today were like a bolt from the blue, which made her dizzy.

I didn't expect this to be the case! The emperor is fake!

The courage of the father and daughter, Empress Zhang and Prime Minister Zhang, is really extraordinary! They have blinded the world for many years...

There were many puzzling things in the past, but now they are finally understandable.

Why is the harem court all the queen's world, and the emperor is like an outsider? Why did the iron-blooded and cold king who once suppress the clan's door valve suddenly change to a political strategy? Why do the eunuchs who serve the emperor often inexplicably "disappear" and often change new people, and the emperor doesn't like to follow people too closely, not much I like to be served...

This is the reason for everything.

It's really a shocking conspiracy...