A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 77 Dispute

Although there are thousands of words to say, Liang Shaojun returned secretly this time. The reason why he disguised himself as a little yellow gate also did not want to reveal his identity. Su Siman had to leave Shunchang Palace alone.

She went to Shunchang Palace very diligently these days, but in order to avoid being suspected, she did not dare to stay for too long every time. The empress dowager was very considerate to create opportunities for them to get along alone and ordered the eunuchs not to enter.

When she met for the first few times, her focus was on his escape from death after falling off the cliff.

In fact, he can avoid so many searches. Although there is a fluke, he has also taken a lot of effort. The most thrilling time was that he was found. At that time, his injury had not recovered, and he was unable to perform good martial arts. Even he thought he was doomed, but the other party deliberately released water, killed another companion who came to search, and secretly released him. When I asked, I knew that the man was arranged by Zhong Yeli, and Zhong Yeli was really very reliable.

In order to catch him, Liang Shaoxuan took a lot of effort. In order to cut off the civilian to provide him with a place to provide him with recuperation and treatment, each village along the Luohe River arranged people to wait for the rabbit in the villagers's home and waited for Liang Shaojun to die. Liang Shaojun did not know it at the beginning. He was caught in the trap and was chased and killed viciously and tried his best to escape. When they met uncooperative people, they started to kill, so during this period, the people along the Luohe River suffered a great crime. Many innocent people were ruthlessly slaughtered and died just because they did not agree with the military master stationed at home or even did anything wrong.

Therefore, Liang Shaojun did not dare to go to the village at all. He had been wandering in the deep mountains and old forests. When he was hungry, he could only eat wild fruits to satisfy his hunger, and he could only apply some herbs to his wounds, resulting in slow healing. Fortunately, he met a hunter in the mountains, and then finally said goodbye to the hard days of wandering. At that time, he was already exhausted and his will tended to collapse.

Su Siman burst into tears and recalled his rebirth after the disaster. There was also a Wang Xiaojie who secretly helped him. Liang Shaojun came here alone. She knew the bitter taste better than others, so she also felt more sorry for him. The two held each other's hands tightly and couldn't bear to let go. This reunion made them deeply realize how important the other party is in their lives. They vowed that they would never be separated, and that Qin Se and Ming would accompany each other to die.

When she snuggled up in his arms, she had the illusion of "one couple in a lifetime" in a trance, and kept circulating the sentence in her mind, "Hold your hand and grow old with your son."

But after the sweet moment passed, real problems were disturbed, and the two had serious differences on how to treat the queen and the old emperor. Su Siman's meaning is that he still can't be too ruthless to the queen. After all, no matter how much hatred he is, he can't erase the kindness of nurturing. On the issue of the old emperor, Su Siman still advocates that he can't be reset.

The two held their own opinions, and no one could convince anyone. Su Siman really realized that there was a completely different way of thinking, as if there was a gap in each other's hearts. At the same time, she was also surprised by Liang Shaojun's stubbornness, which was simply unreasonable. His attitude on this matter is very tough. Su Siman has never seen him so stubborn and cold. It is hard to believe that the person who was very gentle to him just now blinked and regained his former indifference. His contrasting attitude made her feel sad and made her quarrel without reason, but his attitude was so resolute and indifferent, and he only did not respond to her with a cold face, but she understood that she could not move him, and his attitude completely angered her. Preying that all her previous plans might be in vain, she only felt that it was useless to quarrel with him. He easily defeated her. Su Siman was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and finally left angrily.

This was the first uncontrollable quarrel between them. Susman's hysterical attack met Liang Shaojun's indifference and stubbornness and was defeated. In particular, he said in that indifferent and unquestionable voice, "I only do what I think is right, right and wrong is only between me. How can outsiders judge me? What I have decided cannot be changed." Su Siman still felt that he was full of smoke in retrospect, and his paranoia made her at a loss. She felt that his whole body had changed when he came back this time, but maybe he was a stubborn person, but she only found out today.

But after all, she still couldn't rest assured and thought calmly for a long time. That evening, she went to Shunchang Palace and planned to have a good talk with him calmly. Unexpectedly, the Empress Dowager did not allow her to enter. Although Su Siman was very unwilling, he had to come back.

On the way back, I kept thinking about whether something had gone wrong, so that the Empress Dowager refused to meet her. This thought couldn't help but think of the quarrel in the daytime. Could it be that the queen's ears and eyes had felt different, and the queen was clear, which made the queen suspicious? Su Siman felt more and more that this possibility was very big, and he couldn't help but panic, and his footsteps were empty along the way.

When he was about to arrive at Anqin Garden, Li Yuan hurriedly came, but Su Siman didn't notice him at all and almost hit him. Fortunately, the tourmaline quietly pulled him from behind.

Li Yuan held his fist and saluted, standing respectfully, with his eyebrows slightly lowered. He didn't have a bodyguard by his side, and obviously he was not carrying out a patrol mission.

Su Siman asked in surprise, "When did you come back?" In the past two days, I have been happy for Liang Shaojun's safe return, but I didn't notice that Li Yuan did not return to the palace with Liang Shaojun.


"Why did you come back today? Why didn't you go with him?" Su Siman asked again.

Li Yuan's eyes were a little dodged, and he continued to lower his eyebrows and dared not face Su Siman: "Some things have been delayed, so it's been delayed for two days."

Su Siman said, "Oh, at this time, he was also a little more clear- minds, and she was also a little organized when she thought about things. She said very solemnly, "When you see His Royal Highness, please persuade him for me. I'm really worried about what he did.

Li Yuan only answered, and his eyes flashed a little.

Su Siman was a little unenergetic, so he didn't mean to say more. He went straight back to the bedroom and fell asleep.

Recently, she has been too worried and mixed with sorrows and joys, which has made her feel tired. Coupled with today's quarrel, she almost took away all her strength. As soon as his head was next to the pillow, he fell into a dream, and this sleep was particularly deep. Although the dream is very deep, it is anxious and full of nightmares. However, in the dream, he couldn't help trying to escape something, but he couldn't say a thing or two. He was only frightened, but couldn't wake up in time.

Completely entangled in the nightmare, she would not have thought that when she opened her eyes the next day, the sun and the moon had changed, and everything had become a fore.