A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 78 Dramat Change

A coup came quickly and silently, like a strong wind and rain. Empress Zhang was abolished and entered the cold palace. The fake emperor bit his tongue and committed suicide when he was arrested. The real Emperor Ruizong Liang Zhao was restored.

In the middle of the night, the whole Zhang family, who was still sleeping, was copied, and there was no fish that missed the net.

Obviously, Liang Shaojun's plan has been brewing for a long time, so it is so meticulously arranged that even the details have been designed. All this happened suddenly, but in fact it is carefully designed. His secret plan is not a day or two, but some people have not noticed it, so it is simply impossible to ask him to change his mind at the last minute. He is already arrogant and a little stubborn. He can't pull back even nine cows. Not to mention Su Siman, even the King of Heaven can't say anything about him. In fact, Liang Shaojun and Su Siman are very similar to each other. They have their own set of principles for handling things and will not change easily. Whether it's stubborn or persistent, it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. It only depends on where it is used.

When Su Siman learned the news from Bixi, it was like a thunderbolt. She was stunned in an instant, her hand trembled, and the emerald hairpin fell to pieces.

"Princess..." Bixi looked at the master with a sad face, and his hand holding the comb was a little white.

"Real?" Su Siman recovered from the shock, and his lips trembled a little.

The tourmaline nodded with difficulty, and his lowered eyes looked very depressed: "Really. The queen's phoenix seal has been taken back. Zhuo Chongde, the general manager, has just announced the decree that the queen should move to the Biluo Hall immediately. Zhang's family was all taken to the heavenly prison, and no one survived. Youyou sighed, and Bixi said, "I heard that there are more than five or six hundred servants alone, many of whom are women and children. What a sin..."

Su Siman stayed there and didn't say anything for a long time. Maybe she didn't sleep well last night. Now she feels a splitting headache, her eyes are swollen, her whole body is wrong, and her face is a little haggard.

"Have you gone down?" After a long time, Susman finally asked.

"Not yet." Bixi picked up the comb and followed Su Siman's hair absent-mindedly. Although she didn't know what the meaning of doing this was, she was more willing to find nothing to do than to do it like a piece of wood. She only combed it one by one, and didn't notice that Su Siman's original messy hair was messed up because of her superfluous behavior.

Another long silence.

There is no need to get up early to say hi to Queen Zhang, but I don't know why Su Siman is not happy, but her heart is empty. She ordered Bixi to pick it up quickly and go to Jiaheng Hall later to see if she could see the queen, which was also regarded as seeing her off.

Bixi combed her hair and advised her, "Princes, this is not good. The queen is now guilty, and everyone is afraid of avoiding it. The princess went to see her and is afraid of being suspected..."

"No matter what, he treats Shaojun as if he were his own, and he can't forget the kindness of raising him. What's more, the queen treats me well. Shaojun's treatment of her like this is no longer filial. As a daughter-in-law, I should visit her, which can also be regarded as relieving some sins for Shaojun. If someone has to hold on to this matter, then I am not afraid. I am worthy of my conscience.


"Don't say more." Su Siman interrupted her resolutely.

When Su Siman arrived at Jiaheng Hall, the queen still sat in front of the dressing table in plain clothes. Yurong stood sideways and cried silently. The outside of the bedroom was chaotic, and the eunuchs shuttled like clouds, holding things in their hands, all moving things. Although the people were many and messy, they were surprisingly silent and quiet, as if they had forcibly buried the violent resentment three feet underground.

Overnight, the queen's face looked much older. She was usually well-maintained. Although she was half-old, she was beautiful and dignified, but now she seems to be more than ten years old. The wrinkles at the corners of the lips and eyes can be seen at a glance, and they are all drooping down, especially the drooping appearance of the corners of the mouth.

Seeing Su Siman from the bronze mirror, the queen was slightly moved and asked softly, "Is Jun'er here with you?"

Su Siman suddenly didn't have the courage to answer directly. She lowered her eyes and rubbed her sleeves, and only said, "I haven't gone down yet."

"Oh." The corners of the queen's mouth moved and said to herself, "Today's court meeting has been held for a long time."


The atmosphere in the hall is a little strange, and this quietness makes people feel uncomfortable. The sound of moving things outside is full of my ears, but why do I still feel silent and panic?

"Yurong, clean it up for me, so that I can't see anyone." The queen turned her head and even smiled slightly. Her haggard face suddenly became much more vivid. Looking at herself in the mirror, the queen's face looked a little trance, as if she was recalling the years that had passed, and her eyes gradually blurred.

Su Siman stood there and didn't know what he felt in his heart for a moment. He only felt mixed feelings.

"Princess, it's really an accident that you can come to see me." The queen looked at Su Siman in the mirror and her eyes were very soft. "However, I am very gratified that Jun'er has a wife like you, and I can feel more relieved."

"This is what the minister should do." Su Siman lowered his head and his voice was a little bitter. "Why is the mother like this... she sat down and waited for death..."

The queen's face was stagnant, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the light in her eyes flashed away, but it gradually became a little wet. She said lightly, "I had expected such a day, one day earlier, one day later, what's the difference. Since Jun'er is so stubborn, how can I, a mother, resist him again? Can't you see the current situation? It is impossible for the two of us to exist at the same time. If I have to get rid of my closest relatives for the sake of power, I would rather sacrifice myself. He was poisoned, and I couldn't replace him when he was tortured. It was a great pity and hated that he couldn't do anything about it. It's not easy to see him healthy and safe now, and I finally fulfilled my wish.

"Mother... What's wrong with you... Now that the emperor is back in power, the Zhang family is the first to be opened, which is more or less auspicious. Why didn't the mother prevent this from happening? Now it's a forsa to happen, and it's hard to reverse..." Speaking of emotions, Su Siman's tears unconsciously gushed out. The Queen's words have made Su Siman completely believe that her maternal love for Liang Shaojun is real. With the queen's power and politics**, it is impossible to be completely unaware of this palace change. If she has the intention to resolve this disaster, it will certainly not be difficult. No matter how meticulous Liang Shaojun's plan is, she can't do it in one move, at least she will make a big battle to stain the six palaces to achieve it.

"It's hard to say. I miscalculated. I didn't expect to be trapped by the bitch of Brother Shu." The queen raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and her voice was calm.

Su Siman was slightly surprised and frowned and asked, "What? What did Concubine Zhao do?

"It doesn't matter if you don't mention it." The queen sighed, and the helpless look on her face was choked.

At the beginning, the queen was the first person on the Liang temple. She turned her hand over and turned her hand into the rain. Unexpectedly, she would fall to this point. The queen did not want to elaborate on all kinds of twists and turns, but Su Siman could more or less guess that the queen must have been threatened by Zhao Guifei, and it must be Liang Shaojun who acted as a hostage. I don't know what secret agreement they have reached? They are wary of each other and cooperate with each other to plot. Su Siman knows that the most prominent example here is the truth about the puppet emperor, and both sides tacitly keep this secret.

Su Siman thought of another thing: "Mother, why did you take the risk of destroying the family and make a fake emperor?"

The queen's eyes suddenly turned gloomy, frowned, and said coldly, "One is because of the situation, and the other is that I can't wait to kill him."

That "he", Su Siman naturally clearly refers to the real Emperor Ruizong. From the queen's eyes full of resentment, Su Siman saw her accumulated resentment. After so many years, the queen is still haunted, which must be another tangled past. She asked carefully, "What on earth" and didn't dare to speak loudly.

It may have been evoked by memories of old events. The queen's words could not be closed for a moment, and her voice was cold to the bone: "At that time, he suppressed the public secretary's family. The government and opposition were turbulent, people were panicked, and there were frequent disturbances. His brother Zhaoyang King raised troops to rebel, with great momentum, and there was an internal response in the court. However, he got a strange disease at the critical moment and couldn't govern himself. I couldn't watch the country fall into chaos and the people suffer from the swords and soldiers again before I made a plan to change the day with my father, but I was also forced to helplessly. Although I hated him, I still couldn't bear to kill him in the end. Today's bitter fruit is also planted by myself, and I suffered by myself.

When saying these words, the queen's calmness and coldness were simply chilling. Su Siman only felt that the air around her seemed to be cold and her back was cold. For no reason, there is a strong sense of powerlessness soaked from the limbs. Destiny may really exist, she thought vaguely. There was even a vague idea flashing through my mind. If the queen had removed Liang Zhao at that time, everything would be different today. As soon as this idea turned around, Su Siman secretly confessed that his idea was too vicious and a little disgusting. How could he have such a vicious idea?

was stunned, and suddenly heard the queen say, "Princess, come here, I have something to say to you."

Su Siman had a pale face and a shy look. She walked to the queen with cold hands and feet, lowered her hands, lowered her eyebrows, and looked like she was listening.


On that day, the queen officially moved into the Biluo Hall.

After the success of the palace, Liang Shaojun became unprecedentedly busy, rectifying the court, adjusting government affairs, personnel transfer, and all things were complicated, and the prince had to do everything personally. Su Siman hasn't seen him for several days.

To Su Siman's surprise, Zhao Guifei was not affected by this incident and still remained her noble concubine.

Three days later, the news of the queen's death came.

At that time, Su Siman was eating. Hearing the news, his hands trembled, and the silver chopsticks fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.