A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 84 Cruel Strike

Time flies, and two years just flashed by like a white horse.

A year is not long, but it is not short. For the emperor who is ready to show his skills, this year can change many things.

Concubine Zhao has been looking forward to becoming the new lord of the middle palace after Zhang. At first, it did conform to her calculation. She held the power of the six palaces and was already an unknown harem hegemon. Years of cowardly misfortune were finally swept away, and her domineering nature was undoubtedly revealed. Only the empress dowager can suppress her arrogance in the harem. She actively cultivates wings and has close contact with foreign ministers. Many ministers also felt that she was very likely to be sealed and clung to her. She often plotted with her followers how to aggravate the emperor's disgust with the prince. Of course, there is only one purpose, that is to abolish Liang Shaojun and let her son replace him. At that time, her son will become the prince, and it will be difficult for her mother to rely on her son to be noble.

However, the comprehensive quality of Geshu is obviously not as good as that of Empress Zhang in the past, and there are many people who are against her both open and secretly. The emperor also took the opportunity to seize the title of her noble concubine, demoted her to a concubine, and handed over the power to lead the six palaces. Liang Shaoxuan seemed to be unfavored by his mother's favor and was still like a fish in the water in the court, but only he knew that the emperor's attitude towards him had not changed a little.

Unexpectedly, Huifei was appointed as the new queen. When the imperial edict first came out, everyone was very surprised, but when they calmed down and thought about it, they understood the mystery. Ning's door has almost been wiped out, and there is only one male left, and the possibility of the relative sitting big is greatly reduced. Ning has nothing to do, so there is no concern about competing with each other. Generally speaking, the establishment of the Ning clan is conducive to balancing the forces of all parties in the DPRK.

Prince Liang Shaojun supported the emperor to return to the throne. He made great contributions and rewards. The emperor's reward was too diligent, as if he had the momentum to move the treasury to the East Palace. At first, some people felt that the prince's scenery was infinite and his eyes were red, but after a long time, he chewed out something else. The momentum of the emperor's reward is really a little strange. As the saying goes, if you are very prosperous, you will be defeated. I'm afraid that the prince is going to go downhill. The emperor's reward is a little blinding.

This is also true. The emperor seems to value Liang Shaojun, but in fact he is on guard against him everywhere. During this year, the prince's arms were unloaded, and many senior ministers who supported him were forced to resign and return to their hometown.

Liang Shaojun's reaction to the emperor's weakening of his power seemed calm compared with his brother Liang Shaoxuan. He should have expected today's situation, because he was psychologically prepared, so he was calm to accept it. However, Liang Shaoxuan was different. He saw the dawn of victory and mistakenly thought that he was only one step away from the throne of the prince. Because of the appearance of the prince's beauty and glory, he had secretly cut off his right arm by the emperor, which showed that the emperor did not trust the prince, so the prince was not far from the fall. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the bright and prosperous future immediately bubbled up. The gap before and after this is not ordinary, and it is reasonable to react fiercely.

Now, the eleventh prince Liang Shaoheng is very popular with the emperor's heart.

The ninth day of October of this year was the anniversary of Empress Zhang's death. When Liang Shaojun and his wife went to the imperial mausoleum to worship, they were surprised to find that Emperor Liang Zhao was standing in front of the tomb, and the guards stood ten feet away. The two looked at each other and couldn't believe their eyes.

"Father." Liang Shaojun shouted in surprise.

"Jun'er, you're here." The emperor turned his head and smiled at him, and the shadows in his eyes were naked against the white snow.

He is actually laughing!

He actually smiled when he sacrificed to the mausoleum, and he laughed so sinisterly, which was simply frightening!

Liang Shaojun was obviously shocked by his expression. He froze there for a moment and didn't know how to react, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched a little.

"Jun'er, come here." The emperor smiled at him again, which made people feel cold. "Father has something to tell you today. There is something that I think is appropriate to tell you today.

Liang Shaojun looked at Su Siman, stepped over, and listened respectfully.

Liang Zhao leisurely shook the snowflakes on his cloak and leaned slightly. He didn't know what he had said. He saw Liang Shaojun's face turn pale from red at the beginning to pale. Finally, his face turned blue, and his lips and fingers trembled slightly. Suddenly, his knees softened in front of the mausoleum, and a face was buried deep in the snow. Liang Zhao left with a satisfied smile on his face, and his honor was magnificent.

After returning from Zhaoling, Liang Shaojun looked very depressed and full of regret and sadness. No matter how Su Siman asked, he didn't say a word. Asked anxiously, he looked at her with red eyes and kept asking her: Am I too stupid? Am I the stupidest person in the world? Isn't it?

Su Siman didn't know what stimulated him, but his reaction was so fierce that she was also scared and dared not ask anything more.

It was also at this time that rumors about the prince forcing his mother to die began to spread in the capital.

Liang Shaojun turned a deaf ear to these rumors. He was depressed all day long and accompanied by wine. He was much decadent, and the government affairs of the government of the dynasty were also deserted.

Su Siman saw that he seemed to be a little frustrated, but he couldn't find the crux of the problem. Although he wanted to cheer him up, he didn't know where to start. A woman's gentleness and thoughtfulness cannot infect him and save his decline. If a person is depressed, no matter how powerful the external help is, it cannot fundamentally turn the situation around.

Liang Shaojun was melancholy, while Su Siman watched him add melancholy to the wine.

Su Siman also understood that the emperor had the mind of abolishing the prince. The prince was guilty of such a crime. In a country that advocates filial piety, he would be scolded by thousands of people. This is only the first step, and the emperor must have a way out.

She also understood Liang Shaojun's attitude. He knew everything and saw everything clearly. He felt bitter in his heart, but he had to shoulder all the responsibilities alone and chew pain and sadness. What the emperor said to him on that day must have something to do with the late Empress Zhang, which is likely to be some cruel truth. When he knew the truth, he knew that he had misunderstood his mother and finally killed her because of his stubbornness, you can imagine how regretted the suffering of his heart. Su Siman guessed that it must have been provoked by Liang Zhao, which made Liang Shaojun believe that Empress Zhang was really his mother-killing enemy. The poison in his body was also what Empress Zhang intended to control him, but these were all fake. His mother died of dystocia. As for the maggots in his childhood, it was a poisonous hand sent by Zhao Guifei.

Long before Empress Zhang moved to the cold palace, the queen finally told her to take good care of him and be his guiding light. He was stubborn and tried his best to persuade him, and he had to prepare early to prevent the emperor from killing the donkey. At that time, Su Siman asked if she really instructed someone to plant poison for the prince, and the queen swore to heaven and denied it herself. The queen begged her to keep a secret and not tell him that Su Siman agreed, so she never mentioned it to him, but she didn't want Liang Shaojun to blame herself.

But I didn't expect that what I was worried about eventually became a reality.

His most respected father made up a lot of lies to deceive him in order to sow discord. The role he played in the coup immediately became pathetic. He became a pawn of his father against his mother, and he was used and shamelessly by the people he respected.

What can destroy a person more than the collapse of faith and the tearing of regret?

Your Majesty, it turns out that you are the real cruel character. More than ten years have been overhead, controlled, and still plan to win thousands of miles.