A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 85 Epidome

This year's snow not only snowed early, but also rarely ferocious. Not only is the wind and snow raging in the north, but also the ice and snow in the south.

In a few days, the emperor's birthday will be on his birthday, but the prince will be sent to the south for disaster relief.

On the emperor's birthday, Liang Shaojun sent someone to send a jar of good wine. Somehow he was tamped, so that the emperor drank this wine and there was a sign of poisoning. The emperor was furious and ordered to recall the prince immediately.

All the ministers were shocked and felt that this matter was very strange. The prince was a smart man and could never do such a stupid thing. Nine times out of ten, it was a culprit. However, the emperor determined that the prince had the intention to kill his father and usurp the throne. In addition, the prince had previously been charged with forcing his mother to death. Even if he was wronged, some people would believe it, so Liang Shaojun was doomed this time.

Liang Shaojun was soon recalled to Beijing by nine gold medals. Before he arrived, another lawsuit was seized on his head - the disaster relief silver was not in the same account and was suspected of being embezzled. No matter who's pocket the money is in, the prince is presiding over the disaster relief, so he deserves to bear the responsibility.

Before entering the city, Liang Shaojun was directly caught by the charming people of the night and escorted to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

The news was tightly blocked, and Su Siman had always thought that he was in the south for disaster relief. After a few days, all the letters were suddenly cut off, making her realize that something had happened.

After many ways of exploration, it was only to know that Liang Shaojun had been secretly detained, and he was directly taken to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and crossed the Dali Temple. This is a serious case. Su Siman immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

After the initial panic, she calmed down and thought about countermeasures. Looking at the emperor's arrangement, he clearly made up his mind to abolish the prince. Moreover, he also wanted to kill his son, which was vicious and outrageous. Liang Shaojun is a thorn in his eyes, and he can only get rid of it quickly. It is often said that tigers don't eat children, but in the emperor's house, it is normal for them to be fratricated by flesh and blood.

Su Siman, like Liang Shaojun, is very open about the position of prince. In fact, they don't care much about whether to inherit the throne. But in the face of his father's aggressive and viciousness, in addition to being cold, it is even more disgusting.

At present, no individual can effectively save the prince. The only way is to ask those senior ministers to plead with the ministers of Zhongzhu. Under the pressure of everyone, the emperor may be able to spare Liang Shaojun's life.

For good, the prince's popularity in the court is also quite successful. He has been supported by many ministers. There were many loyal followers in the past, so Su Siman did not want to go to find them. They have made an appointment to advising the emperor to investigate in detail, and most of the ministers are neutrals and do not go through this muddy water. Although he temporarily persuaded the emperor not to kill the prince, when did the emperor change his mind? Once the emperor ordered the abolition of the prince, it was estimated that Liang Shaojun would not survive.

Su Siman is actively running around. I don't know how much money has been spent on the relationship. Yaoshan, who went to the suburbs of Beijing in person, will leave the old master who has retired for many years. This old master is a veteran of the Three Dynasties with high moral prestige, and his face must also be bought by the emperor.

In this chaotic time, a big event in the palace divided the emperor's heart - the eleventh prince died of bloodshed. This is the prince candidate that the emperor is going to cultivate. He died suddenly, and Liang Zhao seems to have suffered a lot. That night, he was paralyzed from a stroke and unconscious.

The matter of abolishing the prince was temporarily delayed.

Su Siman was very sad. Before, Xiao Eleven begged the emperor for Liang Shaojun's matter. Unexpectedly, he returned to the west in a blink of an eye. He was still so young, how could he not be sad! How vicious the person who did it! She didn't dare to tell Liang Shaojun about Liang Shaoheng's murder. He was sad enough. She didn't want him to suffer a mental blow anymore. But if she doesn't say it, it doesn't mean that others won't say it. After all, he still knows. The brother closest to him left like that, but he could do nothing but sit with him. His heart is full of powerless sadness. But another force grew from the deepest part of his body. He could not be destroyed by sadness. He had to stand up and make up for the shortcomings and mistakes of the past.

First of all, he had to live well, so he stopped going on a hunger strike and began to refresh himself and wait for the opportunity. He knew that his wife was running for him, and he believed in her ability. He won't stay in this prison for long.

Sure enough, although Su Siman was sad, there was no delay in arranging the plan.

Liang Zhao suffered from a strange disease in the past and was cured by Huangfu Chong's grandfather, but he suffered from a long illness and could not be eradicated. Huangfu Chong promised to help get rid of this cold-faced emperor, and he easily sneaked into the palace as a royal doctor. I didn't do much, but added a little licorice to the emperor's medicine. Other imperial doctors did not know the emperor's stubborn disease in the past, let alone that he had accumulated a lot of poisons in his body when he took medicine for treatment. This extra flavor of licorice just disturbed the medicinal properties. A bowl of newly fried medicine will definitely die, and no flaws can be found.

At midnight that day, the emperor fell into a deep coma. After that, he had been in a coma. The medicine stone did not work and could no longer swallow. He died late at night on the third day after taking the medicine. His convex eyes were congested, his facial features were distorted, his mouth was wide open, and he seemed to be eager to breathe, and his death was extremely horrible.

The prince was welcomed out of prison by several ministers led by Xia Shouyi and Qiu Zhongshen and ascended the throne.

Liang Shaoxuan was completely defeated, but he was not reconciled and still wanted to make a comeback and bring down Liang Shaojun. In order to achieve his goal, he has lost his mind. He incited his uncle Shu, the leader of the Japanese king, to lead 100,000 troops to invade. At this time, the Turks had already had civil strife, and the old Khan didn't care about anything, but the successor was too young to obey the crowd. He was killed by his brothers and his Khan's position was taken away. When Liyuan went back, it was the peak of civil strife. The leaders of various tribes took the opportunity to compete for the slaves of the sheep in the territory, and the grassland was chaotic. When he rushed to the Turkic king city, several half-brothers killed each other. Except for him, they were basically dead. His noble bloodline is the most powerful pass on the grassland, and he was immediately enthroned as the new Khan. After suppressing several anti-king rebellions, his reputation resounded throughout the grassland.

Liang Shaoxuan's uncle Shuzan is the largest tribe on the grassland. He refused to obey and was chased by Khan. He fled all the way to the border between Turks and Liang and met his defeated nephew. Being fooled by Liang Shaoxuan's clever words, he immediately promised to send troops to help him seize the flower world of the State of Liang. He said that he would succeed at that time, so he would give him all the border land. The two of them fit together.

This led to the painful situation that Liang Shaojun's throne was not stable and external troubles were approaching.

The Turk cavalry is invincible. In addition, they are rogues who shoot and change places, it is difficult to predict where the next attack target will be, resulting in Liang's retreat.

And the thief soldiers raised by Liang Shaoxuan in the past suddenly started from the south. The State of Liang suffered a double disaster from the north and the south, and the troops were greatly dispersed.

At this time, Chu Wenyuan returned to the old capital of Chu, declared independence, and took the opportunity to recover the lost land. For the State of Chu, this is indeed a good time to stop coming. Chu Wenyuan is not a bastard, and he is not planning to restore the country for a day or two.

Liang Guo is too busy to take care of himself and can only acquiesce.

The situation is a little out of control. In just half a month, one-third of the vast territory of Liang has been involved in the war, and millions of people have been poisoned.

Liang Shaojun decided to send an envoy to the State of Chu for help and delay the rebel forces in the south. Su Siman volunteered and decided to be a lobbyist in person. With an inch of tongue and a penniless analysis of the current situation, he finally moved her brother, and Chu Wenyuan promised to send troops to help.

Heluo Khan also sent troops to disturb the rear of Geshu. The previous advantages of Geshu and Liang Shaoxuan's thief soldiers suddenly disappeared. Instead, both of them fell into an unfavorable situation of attack on both sides. Brother Shuzan was shot into a hedgehog by random arrows on the battlefield, and Liang Shaoxuan was captured. A rebellion that lasted for half a year was finally wiped out.

Since then, Liang Shaoxuan's emperor's dream has been completely shattered and assigned to the frontier. Before leaving, Su Siman had sent him off and talked about the past bleakly, and both of them sighed.

Since then, the whole country has been at peace, the State of Liang and the State of Chu have been repaired, and the State of Liang will return all the land occupied by the State of Chu. At the suggestion of Suzman, the two countries signed the Five Treaty of Peaceful Co-Persistration.

Liang Shaojun worked hard to govern. In a few years, the living standard of the people has exceeded that of pre-war.

Liang Shaojun basically goes well, but there is one thing that is not satisfactory, that is, his queen's belly has not moved. She has been married for several years, and something is wrong.

Su Siman is also very anxious. The doctor has seen so many things and says that she is fine, but she can't conceive. What's the matter? She doesn't know either.

Later, when Weifu went out of the palace parade, he met a squinting half-immortal, and the registration number could be said. Well, it seemed to be a little familiar. Su Siman remembered that she was the stinking Taoist priest who said she was reincarnated as a sweeper. However, as time went by, she didn't care about him and stretched out her hand in front of him.

The Taoist priest may not recognize her for a moment, or he may have forgotten her at all and squinted to show her palm.