Iron Soldier

Chapter 5 Formula One 2

"There is not much meat in the house. She went shopping."

Where is she going to buy something for more than a month? Isn't it just a butcher shop two streets out!" Will was quite dissatisfied with the answer and thought that the housekeeper had fooled him.

"Young master, you will know later." After saying that, the housekeeper turned around and left.

"I'll wipe it! This housekeeper is too big!" Will muttered and didn't care, because he asked casually.

And Will, who got the carriage, completely focused on one million gold coins, so he planned to rush to sign up. Originally, Will's idea of signing up was very simple. At that point, he could fill in a form at most. The biggest problem is probably that he had to queue up. But when he came to the registration point outside the imperial city, Will found that it was not the same at all. It was quite deserted, and there was no sign up.

In fact, Will didn't think about it. This is a mainland-level competition. The players are driving three-level and even a few fourth-level Warcraft-pulled chariots. Can anyone participate in this kind of competition? Just like you saw the old farmer driving a tractor to participate in the F1 competition?

So when the official of the registration point saw a first-class magician coming (because Will has never gone to the magic guild for grade evaluation, so although he has been in the second-level and fourth-level, he still wears the previous first-level magic robe), he doesn't care. Although the magician's status is very high, it depends on what level and where he is. In a third- and fourth-level Warcraft competition, you don't think that drivers are ordinary people or first-level rookies, do you? Of course, the level of drivers will not be too high. Most of the masters of level 5 and 6 are either feudal officials or masters. Unless a few people love this, they will not pull their faces to compete in person.

So when Will proposed to sign up for the competition, especially when he proposed to serve the motherland and teach the little devils of the Japanese countries a good lesson, although the official was full of disdain, he expressed Wil's sense of loyalty to the kingdom for the sake of such a young man's commendable loyalty and his very kind face. Yes, but this competition is demanding for the participants, so when Will's ability may be worse, Will's expression is simply very rich.

But Will still doesn't give up. After all, he is here to get rid of poverty. If he can't sign up, he won't have one million! So Will intends to use a killer mace. After all, he is also a good father in the world, and he is one of the most awesome fathers in the world. He can still be a strong god father no matter how he cheats!

Sure enough, when Will revealed his identity and identified himself as the son of Duke Lawrence, the official was directly stunned. It doesn't matter if the Duke is. It's nothing more than powerful. How big it is, can it be bigger than the king? But this is not only the Duke, but also the identity of the strongest, who will compete with him! After Will showed the token and confirmed that he was indeed the son of the Duke, the official's attitude changed 180.

The son of the strongest! Even if you are born with shit, you can be instilled into gold by a lot of cherishing elixirs and direct energy! Although this strongest man has a different temperament than ordinary people, he doesn't want to eat children, and he must be spoiled by old children! So this teenager must be extraordinary! And everyone knows that this strongest man had a son more than ten years ago, but there is no further news about what happened later. Today, the birth of the son of the strongest must cause a sensation in the mainland. Obviously, this official's idea is not limited to himself, but represents a considerable number of people.

And people who have this idea really don't know enough about how different this extraordinary strong man is! In Will's words, "If I was born a little hatred, I can sweep the whole continent now!"

Out of blind trust in the strongest, the officer on duty immediately completed the registration for Will, exempted him from the ability test and the evaluation of the performance of the carriage, and directly approved him to participate directly.

Will, who had completed the registration, went home alone without mentioning it. That afternoon, a message shocked the imperial capital and spread to all around at an extremely horrible speed. All kinds of magic letters and flying pigeons flew all over the sky! The son of the strongest Yuantang was born! The first appearance will appear in the situation of a Formula One racing driver!"

Will, who is instantly famous all over the world, is communicating with the skeleton horse at home. Although these four skeleton horses were ordered to obey his command, after all, he is only a second-level rookie, and the other party is a five-level boss, or four brothers! Even if the order is in the body, if there is a negative treatment, one million will fly away. If you can't control your strength, then play emotional cards!

Think about the novels I read before, the protagonist's tiger body was shocked, and then he fed some food casually. All kinds of sacred beasts and mythical beasts scrambled to be the younger brother. But look at the four bone sticks in front of you. Is this thing?

"Hey, hey, hey, four Ma brothers, what are your hobbies? Or a wish?" Fortunately, Warcraft can speak when it exceeds level five, so Will has no choice but to come and talk to him with a smile on his face.

"Do you want to flatter?"

"It's a pity that we have no meat in our buttocks,"

"It's not good for you to come with us."

"So you can fart directly!"

One sentence directly choked Will to death. I wipe it! It's okay if the family is abnormal. Why did these bone horses also run out of the abnormal biological research center? Will cursed in his heart, "Well, several people, I'll say it directly. After a while, there will be a horse racing race, and I think the four of them can support me."

"Good!" The four horses answered in unison, and then there was no more.

Will, who was hung there, scolded in his heart, "I just wiped it. Isn't there a normal one in this house? If it goes on like this, I will be captured by the abnormal biological research center!"

In the following days, Will began his pre-race preparation. In fact, he went around to inquire about the specific situation of the race. For example, the four skeleton horses that were familiar with the track, the driver, the carriage and the run-in between the warcraft did not move, and Will did not move. However, even if he participated in the competition, he was only responsible for sitting. In the carriage, it can be said that he is the most status-free and happiest driver in history.

After a few days, the rules are really simple. The track of Pompeii Station is in the mid-mountain area south of Pompeii, with a total length of 130 miles, including 60 miles in the mountainous section, 30 miles in the Shuize section, and 40 miles in the plain section. The widest part of the track is 30 meters for eight carriages to drive side by side, and the narrowest part is 3 meters. There are cliffs on both sides, and some cars were accidentally damaged and killed! It is not allowed to attack opponents or destroy the track in the competition. As for splashing oil, casting nails and so on, no one cares, but this method is limited to the stage more than ten meters wide, and any means of interfering with other players is prohibited in the stage below 10 meters. The whole race is three laps, and the ranking is determined in the order of reaching the finish line. The champion of Pompeii will have a prize of one million gold coins, the runner-up of 500,000, the third runner-up of 200,000, and the other participants will receive 20,000 yuan. There will be a broadcast of magic projection in the main urban squares of the mainland. Of course, there will be a charge for watching.

"Racing Kart? Or bring your own props! Then I have to get ready quickly!" Although Father Will's car is not without combat ability, those magic arrays are often level 5 or 6. As long as one is released, the other players will have to be destroyed, and Will will also be disqualified from the competition and say goodbye to one million, so these spoof props can only be prepared by himself.

Time passed quickly, and it was the day of the race in a blink of an eye. Will came to the site of the race in his carriage, which is now surrounded by the army, and only the organization's officials, drivers and drivers' motorcade can enter. When you come to the preparation area, there are already many players here. The logistics personnel of their team are constantly busy checking the wheels, axles, brakes, and everything to ensure that the chariots driven by the players are the most perfect form!

The styles of chariots are also diverse, such as wood, metal, stone, and their own bones. The shapes are even more strange, because although attacks are prohibited in the competition, collisions are not prohibited, so many chariots carry huge flamboyant metal spikes, which can not only protect themselves, but also destroy others. Once the human chariot is damaged, it means that it is out!

They were busy, and only they were lonely. Will, who sat alone in the carriage, had nothing to do. Soxing let the carriage arrive at the starting point and wait, and then ran to the carriage to sort out the magical props he had carefully prepared.

As the race time approached, the players had arrived and began to enter the starting point one after another and began to make final preparations. At 9:40 a.m., 20 minutes before the start of the race, the referee began to notify the team's logistics staff to leave the field. Will also got out of the carriage and sat in the driver's seat. Put it on and take a good time to take a good rest of the players. At 9:50, the referee informed the players to be ready to set off. Will found the players of the Duchy of Wagua. Four four-level wind giants pulled a strange chariot of unknown materials. There were four sharp thorns on each side of the car, which were very flamboyant. You can know from the length of the sharp thorns. This was not prepared for defense. Just as Will's white bone chariot hung the national flag and the thunder eagle war flag, the chariot of the Duchy of Wagua also hung their national flag, a white sheet, and a pancake painted in the middle. It is said that this was very depressed in the early days of their founding father. He once begged for a living. Later, he was starved to death. It was this stolen pancake that saved him. After his life, he made a fortune and became the king of a country. He used this pancake as the national flag, reminding himself and his descendants not to go back to the days when he could not even eat pancakes.

While Will was thinking nonsense, the game officially began with a magic cannon!

Fortunately, Will's carriage is completely self-driving, so it will not be left behind to eat dust because Will is distracted. Because Will has not participated in the previous qualifying, his starting position is not very good. At the end of the traffic flow, because of the track restrictions and the departure, everyone's speed has not been raised, so the vehicles are quite dense. Even if it is faster than other cars, there is no way to overtake. This can wait for a period of time, everyone For their own reasons, it is the time for drivers to perform after the distance is pulled away.

(please collect!! Ask for red tickets!! Thank you very much)