Iron Soldier

Chapter 6 Formula One 3

The race was going on fiercely. With the passage of time, the distance between the drivers gradually opened. Just as Will wanted the skeleton horse to start overtaking and accelerate forward, a chariot next to him who didn't know which team came over. The chariot was also very famous. Although the ranking was not very good, it was well known. It is indeed quite high. The chariot is called an iron-clad giant bear. It is pulled by four three-level iron-backed bears with average endurance but extremely strong explosive power. The whole metal structure obviously puts strength first. However, because of weight, the speed is limited, and it can only be improved by killing other chariots to improve its ranking, and the driver also Very self-aknowledged, 15 players compete in the competition, and his goal is only the top ten, so he has to crash into other chariots as much as possible. Because it is a circular track, he does not worry about being left behind, so he has no chance. When he is trapped, it is his chance to be powerful! However, before that, if you kill one or two cars before everyone's speed is lifted, the pressure behind will be much less, and the bone stick car beside him, with a light board on all sides, has no spikes. Obviously, it is a speed flow. Once he speeds up, it will be difficult to do, so he comes up as soon as he has a chance.

Seeing someone coming to challenge the white bone chariot, Will was not in a hurry to accelerate, let the skeleton horse keep his speed, and wait for the metal chariot to come up and give him a hard time!

After the armored bear leaned up, it first synchronized about five meters behind Will's right, and then began to accumulate strength. A few seconds later, the four iron-backed bears suddenly broke out, and their speed suddenly increased, rushing to the left front of the white bone chariot. At the moment when driving side by side with the white bone chariot, it instantly turned to the right, under the action of inertia The armored bear is like a giant hammer, directly smashing the white bone chariot!

People watching the live broadcast in the central square of major cities couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. The timid ladies even closed their eyes. Everyone has always thought that the white bone chariot made of bones must be smashed by this sharp iron pimple!

However, the matter was unexpected. At the moment of the collision, the white bone chariot suddenly stopped and continued to move forward, but the armored giant bear flew out backwards. Even if these bone sticks are strong, even if they can't be broken, they have to be knocked away. But how can it be the same as nothing happened?

It turned out that at the moment of the collision, Will opened the gravity array up to six levels, and in an instant, the white bone chariot and the earth seemed to be connected! Coupled with the gold-like white bone, the huge reaction force made the armored giant bear throw directly, and finally rolled over on the roadside. Such a big iron pimple could not be supported by manpower, so the armored giant bear directly withdrew from the competition.

After the moment of collision, Will canceled the gravity array and the carriage continued to move forward at almost undamaged speed. Then, Will ordered the carriage to accelerate and began to overtake and enter the third group of four chariots.

At this time, the first lap has passed, and the track has suddenly narrowed, and it is about to pass through the "first line of sky", that is, a three-meter-wide crack. You know, as long as the high-speed chariot hits, the car will be killed immediately, and the track is less than ten meters. It has begun to prohibit interference with other drivers, so together with Will The five chariots of the third group began to maintain their current ranking, reduce their speed, and prepare to spend the "first-line day".

Looking forward and looking at the four cars in front of him slowing down, Will had no choice but to slow down. The track became narrow, and there was no way to overtake at all when it was forbidden to interfere with the opponent, so he could only slow down. Although everyone is now and is only 300 meters after the "first line of the sky", the track will suddenly widened. At that time, it must be a battle between dragons and tigers.

After the five cars passed the "first-line sky" safely, they began to accelerate gradually, but not everyone was so lucky. Two of the three cars in the fourth group obviously could not accept the fact of backwardness. They resolutely did not slow down and forcibly pass through the "first-line sky", but God is obviously not everywhere. The first Fortunately, it passed the "first line of sky", but the second car accidentally scratched the port side of the cliff, and the vehicle instantly disintegrated. The driver was thrown more than 30 meters high, hit the cliff and slid down. Life and death were unknown.

At this time, the third group also entered the 18-meter-wide competitive track. In front of it is a 20-mile-long plain track, and it is a straight-line track. It can be said that there is nothing more suitable than playing black hands here. The five cars have to pay attention to the legacy left by the first and second groups while beingware of their companions. The sudden butter belt, I don't know where the iron thisruff came out, none of them is easy to mess with.

Will has overtaken a car peacefully by virtue of his speed, and then a piece of iron terriver is thrown on the car in front of him. If this thing is pierced into the foot of Warcraft, it is inevitable to withdraw from the race. Thank God that Warcraft is not furious. But for Will, this is completely meaningless. The skeleton horse has no place to let it prick. It passes directly through the iron thistle, and there is a 20-meter-long butter belt. Although this is not going to withdraw from the race, whether it is a monster slip or a chariot rollover, it is enough for the driver to work for a while. This is a speed race. Time is the most unbearable!

Although there are not many ways to work on the skeleton horse, this butter is exactly one of them. Will decisively ordered the skeleton horse to accelerate instantly and jump on the edge of the butter belt. At the same time, he opened the five-level floating array in the car. The carriage and the war horse were as light as a feather in an instant and rushed out directly under the guidance of a huge impact. After going more than 50 meters, Will closed the floating array, then landed and continued to move forward. The chin of the driver who had just been overtaken by Will was grounded in an instant. He rushed directly to the butter belt and slipped all the way to the roadside to enjoy the cool.

The driver in front of him saw Will catch up unscathed, and kept throwing all kinds of props. Although these gadgets were not a threat to Will, they were also annoying, and he gritted his teeth at the driver in front of him.

The magician who shot at the scene also found Will's difference. The projection perspective began to alternate between the first group and Will, and the off-site audience also shouted with Will's response to various props.

After discovering that there was no choice but to use the white bone chariot, the driver in front of him decided to use a must-kill skill. This chariot is not an unknown person. The driver's name is Kang Ye, and the chariot is called Thunderbolt Phoenix, which is pulled by four three-level flamingos. "Originally, it was said that it would be used until the last lap! Now it seems that we can only advance!" Kang also made up his mind and shouted, "The driver behind you and your car are really strong. Now let's see if you are strong enough to take over my must-kill skill!"

When the magician in the air heard the shout, he immediately switched the picture to the third group. The audience outside the venue also heard the sound of the must-kill skill and immediately waited for the wonderful performance.

"Let's take it, Guanghua - Yao Jianfeng!"

With Kang Ye's roar, four flamingbirds roared, and violent flames ignited, and then a hot wind blew to the ground behind the car. In an instant, about ten meters of the ground was heated and hot, and then it turned red, which showed how high the temperature of the ground was! Moreover, because of the heat of the ground, even the air above begins to distort. Obviously, even jumping up cannot completely avoid high-temperature burns. The only way is to wait for the ground to cool down.

But after the ground cools down, it obviously has to be trapped. Obviously, this delay cannot be allowed at all. The two chariots in front of Will have stopped, and obviously there is no choice but to wait for the ground to cool down.

But can this stop Will? If it's just Will, obviously it can! But Will's car is the car of the eighth-level strongest. As a magic array on the chariot is activated, it is transmitted up to a short distance of up to seven levels! Let Will directly cross the scorching ground and reach 200 meters in front of him, even surpassing Kang Ye's Thunderbolt Phoenix!

"Level 7 transmission array!"

"Is it really possible?"

"Who is this boy?"

Outside the field, there was a sudden exclamation and continuous discussion. This is a seven-level space array! Unless it is a space magic god up to seven levels, whether this boy is a space magic god or this boy can invite a space magic god, he doesn't need to participate in any Formula One at all!

"Hum! It's time for you to taste my strength!" Will, who didn't know that he was angry with himself outside, is now full of revenge anger and has been harassed for a long time, but it's his turn!

A large wooden barrel was removed from the carriage, threw it down, and a holy light bomb was broken. Suddenly, the juice splashed everywhere and painted the road in an instant. Kang also dodged behind and stepped directly into the juice area. Then the speed became slower and slower, and then stopped.

"Hmm, try the fish skin gel I specially prepared for you! Don't want to compete, or think about how to get the car away!" It turns out that this fish skin glue was stolen from Will's home. I don't know when my father put it in the warehouse. Is it for? You don't think you only need to use needle and thread to sew hate, do you? You can imagine how powerful this kind of glue is to stick to the hateful body of up to level 5 to 6!

Obviously, Will, the prodigal son, didn't expect that this bucket of glue could not be afforded by his bonus at all, but left proudly.

The plain section is about to pass, and the pool stage will soon be ushered in, so Will lowered his speed, and then opened the floating array to let the skeleton horse step on the water. Although the speed has dropped a lot, it is much better than others to change into a sled and let Warcraft swim.

There is still a little trouble in the pond section! Although there are no monsters, ordinary crocodiles are also very annoying, and these creatures are part of the track. Tell the four Uncle Ma, don't kill! Fortunately, the four skeleton horses have wisdom, so they are not as careless as other monsters, because crocodiles are part of the track that cannot be destroyed, that is to say, players can only expel and cannot kill these beasts. The players understand that there are so many monsters that can be controlled. The usual food now dares to come up to provoke, of course, bite to death! But every time you kill a beast, you will be fined 60 seconds. At this time, it is absolutely deadly in all competitions! So Will was also worried when he came here and kept whispering to the four undead horses. However, Will's worry is obviously superfluous, and the undead breath of the warhorse also frightened most of the beasts. There is no way to get close to Will, so this period of Roadwell is also relatively easy.

Out of the pond section, the first circle of the plain section of more than ten miles was completed, so Will began to let the carriage accelerate and try to enter the second group at the beginning of the second circle. After the speed of the skeleton horse increased, it was really extraordinary. The road of more than ten miles was quickly completed. When it crossed the starting line, the second group in front of it was already looking.

(red ticket! Red ticket! Collection! Collection! Bring it all up!!)