Iron Soldier

Chapter 11 Draksalon Fortress Strategy

Just returned to Zabharak's Will, and received this order before his buttocks were seated. To be honest, this order made it difficult for Will to do. Although I don't know whether Vieira's head is flooded, the order has been issued. Either he will execute it or roll back to the third new Tokyo Fortress in dismay. As for what to say, as an invincible father, the powerful second ancestor does not need to be tested. Concerned.

In the end, Will made a decision that was not decided. He first carried out the task and went out to wander around. When the one-month period arrived, if there was nothing he could do, he had to pack up the bedding and roll back to his father.

Seeing Will out of the city, Vieira, the sincere man, hurriedly took advantage of the messenger to repair a letter and showed his merit to the eldest princess, indicating that Will was ordered to attack Drac Salon. Whether he died in battle or came back and was cut down by himself, Will would definitely die! As for surrender? Orcs are not enough to eat by themselves. How can they raise prisoners?

Will, who left the city, asked his troops to set out for Dracalon Fortress first and stationed within the border. After all, every hunt is a human crossing, and orcs have always been very serious. But before I went to the farm in a carriage, I took the fox girl out to see if I could get any more favorable information.

Because this time it is an attack, not a sneak attack on the patrol team and takes a road, Will, who can lie down and not sit, is naturally comfortable leaning against his own carriage. Although the skeleton horse and white-bone car is a little different, in this mage flying all over the sky, the warriors are like thunder, hairy orcs walking all over the ground, and the winged sky The nerves of ordinary people in the world that can be thieves are not ordinary. After all, timid people have been scared to death.

After picking up the fox girl, the two sat in the carriage, and the carriage slowly rushed to the large army. Do you know how the troops in the Drac Salon Fortress are arranged? Lily, er, no, Liz, um, what's your name? Obviously, Will, who only remembers that the fox girl is equal to a large ransom, did not remember the name of the little fox girl at all.

"Lilith!" Lilith was very dissatisfied. As a little princess of the fox clan, Lilith has always been the core of being spoiled and indulgent by everyone, and the stinky human guy in front of her can't remember Miss Lilith's name!

"Oh, okay, Lilith, can you answer my question now?"

"Well, I'm not sure about the details. I just heard from the third prince brother that there are 100,000 orcs in the fortress. Although they are all second-line troops pulled to exercise, they are also all guys above the first level! Moreover, the third prince brother also said that although the human beings in the Aufre Kingdom do not have the ability to attack now, and their strongest man does not seem to have the intention to attack the orcs, we still have to be ready and cannot relax our vigilance. Even when the undead test of the strong lord appears on the 15th of every month, the fortress There should also be a team of tens of thousands left behind.

"The third prince also said that although these undead are very terrible, most of them have level 4 or 5 strength, and sometimes even have level 6 undeads, but their number is too small, they have never exceeded 100, and the stronger the strength, the smaller the number, they will still be destroyed in front of nearly 100,000 troops. These powerful undead are tireless, so it will take four to five days. Ignorant girls who don't know what they mean by saying what they mean are obviously playing with what they have heard!

"I really want to thank your third prince brother!" Will said sincerely.

"Yes, the third prince brother is fine. Lilith will marry the third prince brother in the future!" Lilith, with a slightly blushing face, is obviously still immersed in her fairy tale world.

Then Will will make peace with the large troops and camp on the border, resting while waiting for the arrival of the 15th of this month.

Although most orcs will not be in the fortress for 15 days and at least four days later, their thousands of people are completely the same in front of 10,000 orcs and the so-called Draksalon fortress that will never fall. Therefore, although a huge opportunity is in front of you, you still need a complete plan to seize this opportunity!

Ten days later, on the day of the moon, the third prince of the orc had already received a report that a team of 1,000 human soldiers were stationed on the border. Although this kind of enemy was not taken seriously by the orcs at all, the cautious third prince ordered the patrol personnel to double, double the density of the patrol, and instructed the patrol beasts before leaving. People should be more careful. After all, in the eyes of the orcs, this thousand people dare to attack the patrol.

Will ordered his men to take the little fox girl Lilith alone and take his white bone chariot straight to the fortress of Drac Salon, where there were only 10,000 defenders left, and came to the bottom of the fortress. There were orcs on the wall who shouted, "Who is this? Stop now, or we will shoot arrows!"

At this time, Will jumped out of the carriage with Lilith and motioned Lilith to come forward to talk.

"It's me! Lilith, open the door now!" Obviously, it was found that Miss Lilith, who saw that she did not open the gate immediately, came up again and was very dissatisfied.

The officer on the wall saw that it was indeed Miss Lilith, which made the orc officer who thought Lilith was dead overjoyed. Although there was a human around him, he did not look kidnapped, and the second-level boy did not pose much threat to avoid being hated by the future crown princess. He immediately ordered someone to open the gate and bring them in.

"Miss Lilith, who is this human?" Out of caution, the Tiger officer, who seemed to be the temporary supreme general, asked.

"Ah! This is Brother Will. You don't know how dangerous it is to go out to play this time. That day, we were going to pick flowers on a hill. Suddenly, a tall guy jumped out and flattened two orcs and punched a werewolf. The other orcs were scared away regardless of me. I also wanted to run, but my feet I got it. Later, this big brother saved me. While telling the drawing, Lilith was full of vivid and storytelling talent. How did Will teach Lilith to say that? Humph, do you still need to teach? In Lilith's fairy tale world, things are like this!

"Oh! Thank you very much, Mr. Human. We were all ready to bear the anger of the fox patriarch, and the third prince was also very anxious about this. Now it's great that you have brought Miss Lilith back safely. You will become a friend of the orcs! I think the elder of the fox clan will also repay you accordingly!" The Tiger Officer was obviously very happy. Because the orcs who had escaped before were all crazy, each of them could only speak a few words - more than ten meters high! Steel giant! Demon! Step on the meat mud! There is nothing wrong with what Lilith said, so the Tiger officer did not doubt it.

Will smiled in his heart, "Okay, repay me, then use this fortress to repay me!"

Then Will and Lilith lived in the fortress and turned around. On the 16th, Will asked Lilith to let all the orcs practice for them in the name of boredom. The tiger general doesn't matter. He has to practice horizontally and vertically, just two more spectators.

Ten thousand martial artists who practice together really shocked Will. In contrast, his thousand people are not even scum. After the drill, Will pulled out thousands of jars of wine from the quartermaster in the name of Lilith, saying that Lilith felt sorry for everyone's hard work and used it to reward everyone. The orcs, who were already addicted to life, did not have high-level control this time. The highest commander was the captain of the tiger man at the third-level peak, and he was found to drink secretly and was also supported by Lilith. Naturally, such a good opportunity will not be missed. Several people divided the thousands of altars in an instant, and even those officers were no exception. They even used their official positions to deduct other people's wine and watched more than 10,000 orcs drink wine. Will smiled proudly. Although only a few drops of poison were added to each jar of wine, the evil props produced by perverted father Will is absolutely confident!

Regardless of the orcs, they took Lilith out of the training ground. After a sleeping magic, they took Lilith into the carriage and opened the soundproof magic array. Just after Will and Lilith went out, 10,000 orcs fell to the ground in an instant, covered their throats and began to twitch. In a moment, 10,000 orcs, whether they were third-level tigers or first-class orcs, were left with a white skeleton. Will, who had everything done, opened the gate, and then a light magic bullet slowly rose into the air, and then exploded.

After receiving the signal, although a thousand people under Will did not believe that the officer could take down the Dracalon fortress alone, the military order was a military order, and he had to die, and he did not have a good father.

All the way to the city without being attacked. Looking at the open gate, this thousand people were at a loss. Come in quickly, there is still something to do! How can American time be stunned!" Will saw that a few of his men did not dare to come in inside the city gate and immediately shouted. After all, it is not safe now. If the 90,000 orcs outside come back, he will be finished.

Then Will, who led a thousand human soldiers, successfully solved more than a dozen orcs in the quartermaster's office, and then eliminated the remaining individual orcs in the fortress. After confirming that there was no missing fish in the fortress, a thousand human soldiers began to arrange according to Will's words.

That night, Vieri's letter finally reached the hands of the eldest princess Linglan. After reading the letter, Linglan's sweat immediately came down. What is Will's identity? Son of the strongest! If you just suffer, the strongest will naturally not argue with a little girl, but if you die, I'm afraid the kingdom can't bear that anger! Realizing that the matter was so serious that she could not deal with it, Linglan immediately went to the king's palace to find her father.

The king who was disturbed and working on the spoiled concubine was obviously very unhappy, but after listening to Princess Linglan's story, he was not in the mood to pay attention to the problem of pleasure. He had no time to think about punishing Linglan. He directly ordered his secret guards to immediately take several important ministers out of the quilt and bring them to the emperor. Palace.

Several important ministers thought they had been kidnapped, but when they saw their own people entering the palace, they knew that something must have happened, and it was very urgent!

I heard Linglan's statement that although Linglan only said that she wanted to punish Will a little because of some misunderstandings, several old guys obviously knew that this misunderstanding was made by them. But now is obviously not the time to hold accountable. Once Will hangs down, including the king, a few old guys will have to corpse directly in the wilderness, or if it's more serious, they will live forever! So the fastest and most efficient cabinet meeting in history came out in three minutes - he ordered Hughes, the chief magician of the court, to lead the Griffin Knights guarding the royal capital and set out overnight to rescue Will!

That night, all three-level griffin knights and their third-level griffins flew to Zabharak City overnight.

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