Iron Soldier

Chapter 13 Homeless Lilith

Will attaches great importance to this opportunity to go to the Magic Martial Arts College. After all, a large part of the younger brothers and girls of the protagonists in the past novels are from various colleges. Although he is not very interested in Lala, the eldest princess, Will, who promised to keep secrets for others, can't say to his father, "Your daughter is Lala. We can't do it!" Therefore, the hopeful king quickly sent Will and the eldest princess, saying that they could walk slowly on the way to school and increase their knowledge by the way, which was obviously to create opportunities for the two.

And the entourage arranged for the two is even more like a woman, such as flowers. The man is either a fierce guard or a little girl. In order to fully reflect the excellence of the two and enhance the attraction in each other's hearts.

And there is another reason why you set out in advance. Under normal circumstances, you have to go to go to the Magic Martial Arts Academy through the Orc Empire, but your front foot has just occupied other people's territory, killed the third prince of others, and you have to borrow other people's territory with your back foot. This is obviously a birthday star hanging and is impatient. Therefore, the team of the two can only bypass the Light Empire, pass through the Barbarian Kingdom, and then enter the Magic Martial Arts Academy after wiping away from the Dark Empire. This route that is close to traveling around the mainland must take at least a month, so even if they set out immediately, the time will be rich for at most seven or eight days.

The two took a team of 100 people out of Wangdu all the way north. The eldest princess, who had not yet left the cabinet, could not ride in a carriage with the man, but the well-planned kingdom obviously deliberately did not arrange a car for the eldest princess. When she set out, she pretended to find out and scolded the responsible official, but she did not give it again. Arrange a carriage and pack the eldest princess directly into Will's white bone chariot.

The two people who had no common language on the carriage sat with big eyes, and finally the boring Will naturally slept with his own upgrade - the prescient Will had already let the housekeeper add a non-complicated meditation array inside the carriage.

All the way, everyone entered the territory of the Light Empire. The religion of this world is still quite good. Whether it is the Holy See or the Dark Parliament, it teaches people to be good, but the doctrine of the Holy See is to guide people to keep order and be kind. The teachings of the Dark Parliament is biased towards freedom and chaotic and kindness. Although it is hostile because of the conflict of doctrine, it is not so that as long as you believe in hostile doctrine, you will be immediately tied to the cross and burned to death.

After entering the Empire of Light, everyone coincidentally began to restrain their behavior. After all, the dogma of the Light Empire, which is religious, is orderly. Everything has to be done here, which is very rigorous. Although the Bright Holy See of the good camp still needs to be much more tolerant to non-believers, everyone is still small. I don't want to cause any trouble here.

Although Will and others did not pass through the Bright Imperial Capital and did not have the opportunity to visit the Holy Cathedral, local churches everywhere made Will experience the piety of faith of the people in religious countries. Due to the dogma of the People's religion and the strict observance of the Church of the People, the public security in this country is surprisingly good, which has truly reached the realm of no roads and no closures at night, which other countries can't achieve at all.

Two days after entering the Empire of Light, Will and his party, who were about to arrive at the glorious city at the junction of the Empire of Light and the orcs, barbarians, finally had a little wave in their experience. Here they met the Holy Son of Light and Saints who also went to the Magic Martial Arts College for further study. One line. The two teams who met showed considerable enthusiasm after knowing each other's destination. After all, when they went to the Magic Martial Arts College, their strength training was on the one hand, and on the other hand, they met the world's heroes. After all they were all people with status. A group of six or seven-level brothers, and it was obvious that they would help themselves in the future. Therefore, no one will easily be hostile to people unless they go to the Magic Martial Arts Academy for further study.

Therefore, Will and the others soon became one with the Holy Son and the Saint, and the two teams also formed one and headed for the glorious city. The doctrine of the Church of Light stipulates that the Son is abstinent for life, and he can't be touched by wine, sex and wealth. After inheriting the papacy, he can't have his own private property. He can only eat fermented bread and drink clean spring water every meal. For the saint, it is much broader. Except for not being able to drink alcohol, it is the same as ordinary congregations, but if the saint marries, she will naturally lose her position as a saint and become an ordinary congregation. Once they become the son and the saint, they will lose their original name. After the son inherits the pope, he will take the name of Peter. After the saint gets married, she will restore her original name. As for how the son and saint were selected, perhaps only the god of light they believe in will know.

The two girls who came together naturally have their topics. They seem to talk very happily, but the communication between Will and the Holy Son has obviously encountered a bottleneck. Naturally, the Holy Son trained by the Pope's education system knows everything about astronomy and geography. The mainland figures are also known, and the current political opinions are even more unique. But for these Lord Will, it is ordinary; as for the messy and strange knowledge of the previous life that Will is proficient in, Lord Son has no way to know. So in the end, the two could only talk a few words in current affairs. Will could barely speak with his understanding of religion and democratic politics in his previous life, but the Holy Son seemed to be very interested in Will's theory. After all, such a novel theory appeared for the first time in the continent of Xianyue, which quite pulled Will to talk at night.

Will obviously knew how many dry goods he had in his stomach and did not agree to the request of the Son. After arriving at the glorious city, the Son and the saint naturally lived in the church, and Will and his party also settled down in the hotel. After settling down, the holy son and the saint invited Will and Princess Linglan to visit the glorious city together in order to fulfill the friendship of the landlord.

Glorious City is extremely prosperous because it is located at the junction of the Three Kingdoms. Along the way, the four people walked aimlessly and chatted. Suddenly, a dirty and unkempt girl ran over and bumped into Will. Then, the girl kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, bab?"

"Brother Will! Lilith finally doesn't have to be hungry!" The girl recognized Will and immediately cried.

"Lilith? I won't let you go home. Why are you here? Will also recognized Lilith. I don't know why the little fox girl is so embarrassed.

"Brother Will, everyone doesn't want me anymore. Woo-hoo•••• Lilith is so hungry!" Lilith cried even more sadly.

When the Holy Son saint saw that there was something on Will's side, she didn't bother her. She said hello and went back. Will took Princess Linglan and Lilith to a restaurant, asked for a private room, and ordered a table of dishes for Lilith. Seeing Lilith wolfing, even Princess Linglan was distressed.

When Lilith was full, Will asked, "What the hell happened?" Why did you come here?"

"Woo-woo, they said that I killed the third prince's brother, I was the traitor of the orcs, and His Majesty the Beast Emperor also wanted to kill Lilith." Lilith sobbed.

"Later, Grandpa asked me to sneak away and come out to find Brother Will. He said that I could never go back to the orcs again. Whoo-hoo, I miss Grandpa!"

Will also felt a little guilty when he heard this. After all, he took advantage of Lilith's innocence and didn't expect any harm it would cause her.

"Lilith, you can follow Brother Will in the future. Brother Will won't make you suffer a little." Will looked at Lilith with guilt in his eyes.

"Brother Will, you won't leave Lilith again, will you? You won't leave Lilith, will you?" The little fox girl's eyes are full of expectations.