ying jie

Chapter 142 Zhou sledgehammer

Chapter 142 Zhou Sledgehammer

"Is this true? Why didn't the two move at all? How on earth did he enter the city? Were all the detective guns in the city scraped and used by His Royal Highness Bian Cheng? The ghost Yang looked incredible and kept asking questions with his mouth wide open, but he never believed that the gate was broken like this. Such a thing happened, just like someone suddenly told him that your mother gave birth to another brother for you, which is also unbelievable.

Ghost Mingyang pointed to the towering tower into the clouds and asked the ghost sword, "Invincible! Is there something wrong with my eyes? How can there be no movement on the tower?

"It's not that there is something wrong with your eyes. Maybe there is something wrong with both of us." The ghost sword is also rare to be cold and humorous, but now the five leaders are immersed in a strange atmosphere and do not cheer and laugh for this wooden man who can't come up with witty words.

Zhou Dachui was promoted from the bottom. Although his head was not very flexible, he was still high enough to suppress the ghost soldiers who had committed suicide in the killing camp, but he was often teased by Yu Xiaobao, and his soldiers followed him. He had no choice but to find Zhou Yisheng. Zhou Yisheng came forward to teach Yu Xiaobao a lesson. Although it weakened Zhou Dachui's authority among them, it also made Zhou Dachui become more loyal to Zhou Yisheng. The naughty Yu Xiaobao did not dare to tease him any more, and invisibly Yu Xiaobao also won some of his men.

Zhou Dachui was loyal to Zhou Yi, so he was very confident in him and looked sure. This made Yu Xiaobao stand on the same front with him. He was consistent with the outside world, which also invisibly eased a little contradiction and said rudely: "Xiaobao! Go and gather the people of our camp. We must go to the city for the second time to help the general. We can't fall behind.

Zhou Dachui was an old soldier in the battlefield for the rest of his life. He fought bravely and was usually very honest and deeply loved by the generals. The general of the army led the army to station nearby and approved him to go home. After returning home, his family was killed by the local dark government. He killed these corrupt officials in anger, and later the relatives around him. Qi was afraid of his involvement and accused him of surrendering. During this period, he was constantly accompanied by various rumors, slandering his mother and even his wife. It was impossible for him to sacrifice a butcher knife to those unarmed relatives, so he committed suicide in grief and indignation.

Because he was deeply loved by the generals, after hearing the news of his suicide, these bloody generals were furious and killed their beloved generals. They took the army to slaughter these fools who once slandered him to death. As a result, after his ghost was detained in hell, those fools complained in front of the Lord of Hell and took all the blame. Ren pushed him and said that he was a traitor and evil man. He not only killed officials, but also could not stand the accusations of the people. In anger, he began to kill. At this time, hell was about to be in chaos. The kings did not listen to the orders of the king of hell, and there was no one to investigate in the world. In a hurry, the king of hell believed the words of these people, no matter how he refuted. , he even injured several ghosts, which made the ghosts more angry and directly send him to the black prison. He suffered the black wind and natural disaster and could never turn over. As a result, as soon as he passed the territory of King Qin Guang, the soldiers patrolled by the king of Biancheng intercepted him and directly into the army to go to the emergency Biancheng Hall.

After hearing what happened to him, Zhou Yisheng directly chose to believe him and promised to turn over the case for him in front of the Lord of Hell in the future, which made Zhou Dachui even more grateful. After being promoted to the commander, he did not call Zhou Yisheng the leader, but directly changed his name to the general, believing that this could increase Zhou Yisheng's power. Zhou Yisheng did not object. Under the leadership of Yu Xiaobao, the killing camp followed suit one after another, so gradually the two names became different. The difference in the killing camps also made the style of these battalions. Each of them has become a ball.

"Go and seize the city with me!" Zhou Dachui shouted and rushed out first.

Yi Junwei's equipment is really poor. Although they are extremely energetic and brave, holding stones, wooden sticks and so on can directly make the enemy think that this is a beggar who escapes from the wilderness, which can only create a sense of contempt. However, now Zhou Dachui also took out the bronze knife that he took by chance. In fact, he prefers a sledgehammer, but now it's good to have weapons, but it's more than 300 daggers from the hot-eyed tyrant camp.

Some people once shouted to divide it, but Zhou Yisheng did not agree in order to attract the ghost name, and the ghost name seemed to be a little unwilling. He did not pretend to be generous and hypocritical and gave them to other battalions, which not only made other battalions dissatisfied with him, but also his own tyrannical camp also to him. There are quite complaints. Although they should fight together, they once escaped together. Now they are brothers and should not be so stingy. Zhou Yisheng and the ghost did not speak, and the other ghosts naturally had to bury their dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Following Zhou Dachui is the killing camp, which is usually ridiculed as a timid camp, which makes many of them dissatisfied. Do timid people dare to commit suicide? However, after all, the mental quality of suicide is not good, which makes people criticized, so many people quarrel about this, just waiting for them to see their means and courage to kill the enemy.

Many good men in the killing camp took a strange look at the four battalions left behind by them, especially the flat camp, which disdained to write their whole face. Look! We are more courageous than you.

There are some ** in other battalions, and this penultimate thing dares to look at us with that kind of eyes. The ghost who led the Luozi camp rushed out with a plate-shaped stone on the ground for a while. He didn't want to fall behind Zhou Dachui, and he also wanted to be the direct line.

"Are we going?" Everyone knows that the ghost famous and the ghost sword wear a pair of trousers. The seven people in the tyrannical camp and the life camp are almost together. The ghost sword is not shy away from it. The relationship between the two is there. If they can do anything, they will be scolded as hypocritical, but he doesn't care about those false names.

"Let's go! The two moat mythical beasts have not been dispatched. The war should not be tragic. Go and tell your subordinates about it. Try to stay behind and let them grab enough first. Gui Mingyang waited for the second battalion to pass the tyrannical camp and directly ordered his men to block the road and let the Pingzi camp, which was ready to follow behind, pick up cheap, block behind.

At this time, the old Gengtou did not believe that Zhou Yisheng could easily break through this century-old city. It was rumored that in the last hell chaos, the king of Biancheng first attacked and took his army to the sky gate. At that time, the majestic city was not so magnificent, but it still resisted the attack of the king of Biancheng and could only go around the mountain road to make it early. The prepared King of Qinguang annihilated the troops of the King of Biancheng and had to retreat. It can be seen that the wall of the gate (later renamed Tianxiong City) was strong.

However, what made him a little sure was that Zhou Yisheng's siege would definitely lose a lot this time. Although it increased his power among the soldiers, it also made him more dependent on other battalions. When he fell, as long as he established his own Pingzi battalion and a strange army emerged, he could control Yi Junwei. Isn't it your own army?

With such a plan, Lao Geng's mind was also heavy on picking up cheap things and quickly urged his soldiers to move forward, but he didn't expect that the road was blocked by the slow-walking ty-word battalion. He was so angry that he jumped to curse. However, looking at the 300-color dagger weapons in the ty-word camp, he unified the pace of more than 600 ghosts in a short time. At that time, he could only shut his mouth and eat the bird's breath, but he was more anxious and wanted to pick peaches.