ying jie

Chapter 143 Dragon capture

Chapter 143 captured the dragon (Part 1)

"Hurry up... Tell them to get out of the way. We're going to go into the city to grab things! Otherwise, they will take it all. Lao Geng was so anxious that he jumped. If this ghostly name was always in the way, he didn't have to go to the city and couldn't get anything, so he simply provoked the relationship between the two battalions. If he said such a thing in the past, if his army was a little bloody, I'm afraid it would immediately hit the front of him in chaos, but he forgot. Now it is different from the past without discipline, not to mention that these brothers are suffering together, and the blood of his battalion's soldiers is really questionable.

"It's called mourning! I'm not in a hurry. Are you in a hurry to go to the funeral?" The former name camp has been very loyal, but when Zhou Yisheng throws a bigger pie, they are a little inclined to Zhou Yisheng. After all, their leader has also obeyed, which is easy to accept in their hearts. Now the ghost famously ordered to slow down, and they really looked down on the flat-character camp, so although they had scruples in their actions, the madmen of these violent-word camps would not scrupulously and directly cursed at the old Geng's head.

The ghost boy had a gloomy little face, pulled the back of Lao Geng's broad robe and said viciously, "Why don't we rush directly to the camp while Zhou Yisheng is not here and make them messy. Can't we take care of the beginning and end?"

The look on Lao Geng's face changed dramatically. If such an order is really given, it may really make Zhou Yisheng messy. However, with the strength of this Pingzi camp ghost soldier, even if it is three times more than the tyrannical camp, can it win? And if such an order must be issued, then you will be completely exposed! What should I do after failure? He gritted his teeth and shook his head and said, "No! Now is not the best time. Look at these soldiers, there is no one to fight.

"It's tolerant enough!" Approaching the city wall, the ghost sighed, and the hidden danger can't be eliminated without jumping out! It was always a big trouble, and then I was attracted by this tall wall. I didn't expect it to be so magnificent. I gently knocked on the wall, all of which were cast by big bluestone and glued together with glutinous rice and other things. Such a wall was connected. Even the master of Tianbang could not be easily damaged!

"To the city!" The ghost shouted loudly, and the violent camp, which had already been suffocated, raised their heads quickly, like caged tigers, and rushed into the city. At this time, no matter who they met, as long as they dared to stop them, they would be completely torn apart.

After being aggrieved all the way, Lao Gengtou finally saw the gate. At this time, he really had a kind of tearful happiness. The short journey finally arrived. This was the second time he saw this majestic city. The first time he was escorted by. Unexpectedly, the second time, he looked at the flat camp behind him as a conqueror, which was different from the tyrannical camp. If you take off the cage of a fierce tiger, but put your head down one by one, and there is no desire to fight at all. It's really too aggrieved. It's been suppressed and almost flattened all the way!

Zhou Yisheng looked at the two teams at the head of the city, with a completely different momentum and did not care about the actions he did to the ghostly famous. Seeing that the morale of the Pingzi camp was so low, he was a little unbearable, but then he was heartfelt. If those people in the chaotic camp were not caught, how could he improve in the future?

The turbid sky is getting darker and darker. At this time, the war in the city is in full bloom, and there are continuous shouts of killing. The two mythical beasts on the tower also slept well. They opened a pair of lantern-like eyes, but they found something wrong. They turned around and looked around. The city became a pot of porridge, but it was chaotic. It's just on the street. Most of the houses, the guards didn't touch them. This is a hornet's nest, and all of them gushed out. People can't stand it. When the nobles saw that there were no soldiers knocking on the door, they didn't know the truth outside. They thought which prince had called. They dared not go out to offend the soldiers who entered the city. They simply closed the door to isolate the war outside and became ostriches.

The big eyes of the two mythical beast lanterns are wide. Why, even if they have intelligence, they still can't recover a little. How can they take a nap so messy? Isn't it okay on weekdays? Should we attack now? This is in the city! Although the two mythical beasts had woken up, they didn't know what to do. The two brothers stared at each other. They were really sharp and powerful almost at the same time. They kept spraying fire or ice in their mouths, but they did not go to the chaotic place in the city, but towards the head of the city and outside the city. At this time, there was almost no one in the two places, and they didn't know what to do. What a damn idea.

Zhou Yisheng was standing at the top of the city and looking at the purge of the city. Unexpectedly, a frost and flame falling from the sky rushed to him fiercely and immediately woke him up. It turned out that the rumor was true! Sure enough, there were two moat beasts. Even if the fire had not burned him, he felt that his back was sweaty. This is fear! If you hadn't come to your team like this when you didn't enter the city at that time, it would not have been completely destroyed! One by one, coincidences make people speechless.

However, it is not the time to be afraid. You have to stop the attack quickly. The flame temperature sprayed on the city, and the stone was immediately burned, and the frost suddenly turned into flying ash. Zhou Yisheng did not dare to resist with his body and dodged left and right, but found that the fire came and went quickly, but it was just random. It was just a blow, not aimed at him. At this time, the flame and frost had been transferred outside the city.

"Berer of duty!" These two words appeared in Zhou Yisheng's head. He didn't expect that this mythical beast had done such a thing like a human, but he was also a little happy. He quickly ran to the tower. Although he could not fly, it was not difficult to climb at such an altitude.

It didn't take long for Zhou Yisheng to approach the top platform warning place of the tower. It was the place where the fire double * dragons lived. Looking at the black scales covered on the thick tail, Zhou Yisheng's heart moved. Is it really a mythical beast? However, when he saw the huge bat wing, he immediately made up his mind that if it was a mythical beast, he was really difficult to deal with. He quietly jumped on the platform and touched the double * dragon that was constantly spraying fire.

"Apprentice! The master came to see you. Where are you? The long eyebrows seemed weak, but he didn't expect his rough voice to spread directly into Yisheng's ears last week. Suddenly, he saw Zhou Yisheng on the tower and couldn't help laughing, "Apprentice! Why did you climb so high? Be careful of falling down. I'll ask someone to raise you then.

Zhou Yisheng can't wait to beat the dead old man to ashes. Your voice can't be thinner, and your eyes can't be almost. Can you be shameless? Zhou Yisheng no longer hides and jumped off the double * dragons with a shout. He made up his mind to break his wings first and slowly collect it. Pick it up and take such a good mount.

Zhou Yisheng underestimated the reaction power of the pair of * dragons. The tail behind him swept directly like a big broom. He had to hold the big tail and was hit everywhere. The tower roared constantly, and the falling stones fell high and crackled. He finally approached the double * dragons and stabilized his body.


Zhou Yisheng pulled his tail and struggled to climb on its back and successfully grabbed the back of the double * dragon, but he did not expect that the double * dragon directly flapped the wings and flew out of a big hole directly from the tower. He kept struggling in the air to throw Zhou Yisheng out, but he did not expect that the structure of this pair of * dragons was also given to Zhou Yi Sheng was empty and actually grabbed its slender neck, clenched it tightly, and couldn't get rid of it.

"Apprentice, good job, I know that the master needs a flying mount, which is filial." Changmei looked at Zhou Yisheng's fall on the back of Shuang*long, and suddenly gloated and shouted.

Zhou Yisheng almost vomited blood, and his hand almost loosened, which scared him into a cold sweat. Not only was Zhou Yisheng depressed, but also Shuang* Long, who fought with Zhou Yisheng, was angry when he heard it. When such an old man dared to ride it and break free more fiercely.

"Humble reptile, take your dirty hand off your noble and handsome back, or I will roast you into my favorite roast duck!" These * dragons were really angry and couldn't help talking. How could it accept such a fate?

"Hmm! I'll kill you." Zhou Yisheng did not talk nonsense with it. Although he stood upside down, he still hit its back with the strength of his waist and abdomen, and his knees hit his back hard. The third layer of shape also climbed on the back of the double * dragon and began to take root and absorb the energy in its blood.

"Quickly, freeze this humble reptile!" The two * dragons that sprayed fire kept shouting, and the ice dragon in the other high tower flew out and couldn't plug in the side, so they couldn't help but want to lose both sides.

Holding his cold neck, Zhou Yisheng's heart is also the same as the dragon's skin. It is cold. This huge body shape is enough to make Zhou Yisheng feel difficult. The wind that glided quickly in the sky brought him roared and surprised his whole body. If it hadn't been for the courage in his memory, he might He would only hug his whole body stiffly and dare not move at all. He shouted, "If you dare to freeze me, I will pull your brother's tendons to make a belt."

The fire handsome fell quickly and hit the city wall heavily. He made up his mind to get rid of him, and the frost also sprayed on the ruins. The double * dragon body of the fire system flew out with a layer of ice dregs, but he still did not get rid of Zhou Yisheng. At this time, he was extremely embarrassed, constantly swinging and buttoning his teeth. , but the hand holding the neck is still not loose.

"I...I, I twitched you...your muscles." I don't know how many times this sentence was swung in his mouth before he said it clearly. His body was frozen on the back of the fire double * dragon. Zhou Yisheng's freed hand broke down a large piece of dragon scales and was about to draw its tendons.