After a poison

Chapter 015 It can't be a coincidence

Jiang Yi suddenly looked up at the woman in a soft satin white shirt and a layer of golden gauze in front of him.

Her ink jade-like green silk simply twirled a flying fairy bun and inserted only a plum blossom white jade hairpin. Several plump and round pearls embellish the hair at will, making the dark cloud-like hair softer and more moist. The beautiful eyes are full of color, without pink, and the red lips are not red.

Jiang Yi was stunned by the surprised opening of his rosy mouth and his beautiful eyes like stars.

This woman looks much better than the last time she was tied up in the Jinluan Hall.

She is dressed in white and independent.

It's like a clear lotus, and the water is like hibiscus.

This is not that she is amazingly beautiful, but the temperament of her whole body.

is natural, giving people a feeling that it can only be seen from afar and cannot be deblasphemed.

Zhuge Qiong, who was scolding, heard this voice and turned his head unbelievably. When he saw Zhuge Aoshuang floating in white, like a fairy in the dust, he shouted: "Frost???"

"Yes, Shuangshuang has seen my father." Zhuge Aoshuang nodded obediently and saluted Zhuge Qiong again.

The end is very clever and polite.

Seeing that Zhuge Aoshuang was sound, Zhuge Qiong breathed a sigh of relief. Mechanically turned his head again and looked at the still messy and dirty scene. He pointed to the woman who did not have a piece of cloth on his body, but was full of blue and purple kiss marks and finger marks, and said, "Who is this...who is this?"

At the moment when his voice fell, the man who had been standing in front of the woman trembled all over, and then retreated from the woman and turned his head. When he saw Zhuge Qiong, he quickly grabbed his clothes and put them up in panic.

"Cloud! Why is it you?!" Zhuge Qiong just breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly raised it again, and his whole body shook.

But he vomited more blood later. As soon as Zhuge Aoyun moved away, he showed the poor little face of the ** woman.

This face is also very beautiful.

A melon seed face, a pair of water pupils, willow smoke eyebrows, and a pair of obviously swollen lips that have been kissed.

The whole facial features work together, giving people a charming feeling.

But this kind of enchanting and charming, compared with the white clothes and independent Zhuge Aoshuang, it looks much more tacky.

This person is not someone else, but the young lady of the Zhuge family, Zhuge has no tears.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qiong finally couldn't stand it.

With a bang, he rolled his eyes and fell down.

Zhuge Aoshuang was also shocked by the other dozen beggars except Zhuge Wulei and Zhuge Aoyun.

After she was sure that the people inside had lost their minds, she untied the lock on the bronze gate, and then she returned to her yard, waited quietly and calculated the time before coming.

I didn't expect that there were so many men here.

Where did these people come from?

Suddenly, an idea came to her mind, which made her sneer at the brothers and sisters of the Zhuge family.

If she hadn't noticed and been on guard today, I'm afraid the person inside now would be her.

Zhuge Aoyun, Zhuge Wuqi, you specially wanted to make me lose my mind with spring love, and then found more than a dozen beggars to insult me, and now you have invited Jiang Yi to let him watch this scene.

Ha ha, sure enough, there is a mother and a son!

Your mother, Su Yanyan, wanted my name to be ruined that day, and today you want to treat me like this!

Zhuge Aoyun, Zhuge has no tears, you are suffering the consequences, and you can't help others.

"The appearance of such dirty things in the Zhuge family has stained your majesty's eyes, which is indeed a crime. Come on, drag Zhuge Aoyun and Zhuge Wulei down and kill them. Zhuge Zhen, the second master of Zhuge, suddenly shouted at this time.

Zhuge Qiongfang was woken up by the maid with a cold towel, but when he heard this, his footsteps softened and fell to the ground again and again.


It's night, and the moon stars are rare.

Zhu Ge Aoshuang sat in the study of Zhuge Mansion, looking at five dark gold-edged books in her hand, and pulled out a book that had not been torn off the cover by her.

The tender white fingers gently rubbed the word 'Poison Sutra' printed on it, and then slowly opened the page, but suddenly said, "You can go and go back to Qin Xuan and don't follow me again."

A dark shadow flashed from the vermilion door of the study, kneeling on one knee, unable to stand up and silent.

"Sun En, I don't need you." Zhuge Aoshuang raised his eyes and looked at the woman who was kneeling on the ground with dull eyes but enchanting figure and first-class martial arts: "You can understand my orders, and you can only say "Yes. Even so, I won't keep you by my side."

This woman was the guard given to her by Qin Xuan that day.

It was also the woman who beat the old man Zhuge on the same day and could only say 'um' with a dull and heroic look.

Because she can only say one word from beginning to end, the woman's name becomes Su En.

Zhuge Aoshuang saw that the woman on the ground was still kneeling straight, silent and did not get up. Word by word, he said coldly, "I don't trust you."

Yes, she will never trust anyone again.

She has suffered too much betrayal and was reborn. Once she only trusted herself.

A person who follows her like a shadow all the time is not well-known. How can she believe it? Moreover, even if she knows the root of it, she will not believe it at this moment.

Sometimes, the most dangerous person is the person you trust the most.

For a long time, there was silence in the room, only the rustling sound of Zhuge Aoshuang turning the pages.

The night wind is cold, and in this winter night, it is even more piercing.

Su En'en, who had been kneeling in front of Zhuge Aoshuang, suddenly stood up and rushed out against the night wind.

Zhuge Aoshuang pulled out a sarcastic arc slightly from the corners of his mouth.

Finally, can't you install it?

As soon as this idea came up, Su En'en rushed in again. He held a large white fox Qiu in his hand, with unmelt ice dregs on his black hair, and a somewhat neutral face turned red with cold.

Zhuge Aoshuang couldn't help but feel warm when she saw her like this.

Stop talking and let Suen carefully put on her big command.

At the same hour, Zhuge Qiong tossed and turned and finally could not sleep.

"Master." Wang Cuining tightened his jacket and asked with concern, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Zhuge Qiong frowned deeply: "Oh, your daughter! It may be really possible for her to be a resourceful and cruel enough to support the whole Zhuge family, but it is also possible for the whole family to bury her..."

Wang Cuining was shocked: "Sir, why did you say this! Although Shuangshuang has not liked dancing and playing with ink since she was a child, she only likes to learn martial arts with everyone and is a little stubborn, but because of this, she is upright and kind-hearted!"

Zhuge Qiong was suddenly holding his beard. Hearing the words, he was so angry that a handful of beard was pulled down by him. He grinned in pain and hummed, "He is straightforward and kind-hearted?"

"Your daughter Zhuge Aoshuang is straightforward and kind-hearted???" Zhuge Qiong felt that he was about to die of anger. He slapped Wang Cuining's head fiercely and shouted, "You ignorant woman! Extremely stupid! Do you think it's a coincidence that my Zhuge family has fallen into such a big laugh today for the stupid things done by the first sister and fourth brother today?!"

"Don't you know that all this was arranged by your good daughter, Zhuge Aoshuang?"

Wang Cuining's eyes were round, and she covered her mouth with both hands: "This...this..."

was shocked and couldn't say a word.

She looked at Zhuge Qiong's messy beard and was at a loss, and then had to associate what happened in Zhuge Mansion with Zhuge Aoshuang one by one.

It seems to be the frost of an outsider. After being connected with this incident, the suspicion is the biggest. Although I can't find any evidence of what she did... But if this is really her daughter, it makes sense.

After all, the person in the family who hates his daughter most now must be the first sister and the fourth brother. If the two of them revenge on their daughter, then their daughter will fight back...


The more Wang Cuining thought about it, the more scared she became. The more she wanted to tremble her hands and feet.

Fear comes from the bottom of my heart.

Is it you?

Is this really planned by you?!

Zhuge Qiong looked at her stunned appearance and mocked, "Isn't it also your daughter's plan for you to lie next to lie next to me now, enjoy happiness in this Zhuge Mansion, and be served by a girl?"

"If it weren't for your daughter, do you think you could still lie beside me and listen to me?"

"Don't forget that you were just a concubine, and the real mother-in-law is Su Yanyan!"

"Don't forget, how did Su Yanyan die? She was killed by your good daughter in front of everyone! At that time, your good daughter watched the little guys sticking all the way. Did she blink? Have you ever shouted bloody and stop?"

"If she had been the former Zhuge Aoshuang, she would have been cut off by the second brother. At this moment, you can only mourn for her!"


Wang Cuining listened one by one, and each one hit her head like a thunderbolt.

Wang Cuining shook her head and retreated, but accidentally retreated to the outside of the bed and hit the cold marble.