After a poison

Chapter 016 Being sent out of the house

When she touched the cold stone, Wang Cuining's eyes were no longer lax, and her hands and feet stopped trembling. Her eyes were raised and she actually looked directly at Zhuge Qiong for the first time: "Master knows everything the second master has done to Shuangs, but you didn't stop him! Frost is in your eyes, and my concubine is in your eyes, it has always been worthless..."

She slowly stood up, barefoot, climbed up to bed again step by step, and approached Zhugeqiong, with a bitter face: "It's my fault, it's not my fault! It's my fault that I didn't take good care of her and give her a healthy home... It's also my fault that she has become like this now..."

Wang Cuining was heartbroken and muttered, "Frost, how many pain and unbearable hardships do you have to experience to make you become like this? Over the years, you haven't shouted a word of pain or pain to your mother.

"You evil woman! Even you dare to contradict me!" Zhuge Qiong was angry: "Now your good daughter's hand has lost the face of our Zhuge family! She actually let Your Majesty see such an unsightly scene. More than a dozen people did such a ridiculous and shameless thing together. Where did my old face go?!

"Although your majesty doesn't see frost, the bloodline of the family is like this. If a daughter does such an unbearable thing, others will think that my Zhuge family is depressed. Who else dares to marry the daughter of the Zhuge family in the future? Who else is willing to marry the son of my Zhuge family?

"How can Your Majesty marry such a family? I, Zhuge Qiong, made a mistake this bet. The most important reason why your good daughter became the head of the family that day was because she was about to become your majesty's concubine.

Zhuge Qiong sighed degrily: "Even if she goes to the palace, she is only named a beauty, which is enough to be comparable to the three-grade officials of the dynasty! If you are lucky enough to be awarded the title of Zhaoyi, it is a prime minister and a prince! At that time, with such a status, why don't my Zhuge family prosper or prosper!"

"At that time, I, Zhuge Qiong, can walk across the whole white country, under one person, above tens of thousands of people!"

"This evil beast! Evil beast! Such a good thing was ruined by her scene today! My Zhuge family will also be depressed from now on and stink for ten thousand years!"

Zhuge Qiong muttered, and suddenly his eyes lit up and shook Wang Cuining crazily: "Go and talk to Shuangshuang and let her dress up with your majesty. Just say that today's matter is a misunderstanding and a misunderstanding! These are all those who want to frame my Zhuge family. They have nothing to do with our Zhuge family. Let your majesty not withdraw from the marriage and never withdraw from the marriage..."

"I heard that your majesty is going to travel in his casual clothes tomorrow. Although I don't know where your majesty is going, you will let Shuangshuang hang out on the street tomorrow. Maybe she can meet your majesty by chance!"

Zhuge Qiong became more and more energetic and began to dance. It seemed that Zhuge Aoshuang had met Jiang Yi, and then was taken to the palace for Zhaoyi.

Wang Cuining looked at Zhuge Qiong like a madman, listened to him mutter, endured him shaking her whole body violently, squeezed her lips tightly without saying a word.

How could her frost have such a father?

How could she fall in love with such a man?

In addition to fame and wealth, gold and silver wealth, is there no family in his eyes?! Today, the two direct relatives of the first sister and the fourth brother openly did such dirty and ugly things, and their future lives were completely destroyed.

However, this man, as a father, thought, in addition to sighing that the reputation of the Zhuge family was destroyed, and in addition to sighing that his dream of wealth was broken, he asked another daughter to be soft and seduce the emperor to achieve the life he wanted, so as to reach the position he wanted.

"If Frost disagrees, you threaten her! You are forced to die! No matter what method you use, you will let Shuangshuang go out to meet the emperor tomorrow!"

Wang Cui trembled angrily. When Zhuge Qiong finally nagging and fell asleep, he quietly put on his clothes, walked out of the main room, and gently came to Zhuge Aoshuang's Ting Xuexuan.

Unexpectedly, she gently opened the door and stepped into the middle half a step, and a cold dagger stuck to her neck.

Wang Cuining was shocked and subconsciously blurted out, "Where are you?" What's wrong with you?"

Zhuge Aoshuang, who stood behind her, heard this sound and was slightly shocked.

At this moment, Wang Cuining's life is in her own hands. As long as her hand moves a little, she can end her life.

But at this moment, this woman is worried about herself at the critical moment of life and death.

Zhuge Aoshuang pulled up the corners of his mouth and withdrew the purple dagger against Wang Cuining's neck.

This purple dagger was given to her by Wang Cuining.

For this moment of life and death, even if this woman came to kill her in the middle of the night, she would let this woman go once.

Zhuge Aoshuang pulled up the corners of her mouth and smiled, pulled Wang Cuining's arm and let her sit on the bed: "Mother, why can't you rest in the middle of the night?"

Wang Cuining looked at her daughter carefully, and the feeling of holding the cold dagger against her neck was still there. At that moment, the murderous spirit on this daughter was so clear.

"Frost." Wang Cuining took Zhuge Aoshuang's white arm and gently rubbed it: "How many times has my mother told you that a girl's family should not learn from others to dance knives and guns."

Zhuge Aoshuang didn't say a word, but his heart was very soft.

"Frost, your mother will help you prepare some dry food and give you two land deeds. Get out of here and don't come back." Wang Cuining raised her head and her eyes were full of tears: "Here, my mother can't protect you. I hope your life will be happy and happy in the future. Even if he is not rich and beautiful in the future, he will still be safe all his life. Mother only hopes that her children will always be safe and happy.

"I don't ask you to be rich, but my mother only asks you to live. As long as you live, even if your mother dies, she will close her eyes.

Zhuge Aoshuang was moved: "Is something happened?"

Go? Zhuge Aoshuang is now on the string and has to send it.

What on earth is Jiang Yi for to treat the Zhuge family so tolerantly?

She must stay in the Zhuge family to figure this out.

She can't leave.

"Don't ask. You will leave at dawn, and your mother will prepare everything for you." Wang Cuining wiped the tears on her face and shook her head desperately, but she couldn't tell the reason.

Wang Cuining couldn't bear to tell her daughter that it was his father who wanted to send her to the palace, and it was his father who didn't want her. She was even forced to die as a mother.

If so, she can't imagine how painful it will be to experience so many daughters.

Zhuge Aoshuang suddenly scolded coldly, "Is it Zhuge Qiong who embarrassed you?"

Wang Cuining looked at her daughter's cold eyes, and the expression on her face that she would not leave without asking the reason. Finally, with tears in his eyes, he said Zhuge Qiong's plan.

Zhuge Aoshuang had a rough idea in his heart for a long time, knowing that Zhuge Qiong must be unbearable this time.

However, she didn't expect that Zhuge Qiong's words would be as small as an old woman. If something happens, she will only let his daughter go out to condemn or take measures to seduce the emperor.

Ha ha, this Zhuge family is grateful for Zhuge Qiong to become a first-class family and has not been exterminated.

How can such a person be the head of the family??!


At dawn, Zhuge Aoshuang was 'respectfully' sent out of Zhuge Mansion by Zhuge Qiong.

Since Zhuge Qiong wants her to meet Jiang Yi by chance, why doesn't she go?!

How can she miss the opportunity of Jinjiang Yi?

The gorgeous sunshine spreads the earth, and the ice and snow are already quietly melting, the spring flowers are blooming, and the breeze is blowing.

Cars and horses are sparkling, and the streets are bustling. Or the vendors carry heavy burdens and walk around and sell on the bluestone bricks, or the beautiful families of famous families rushing in a gorgeous carriage pulled by three-headed jujube red, causing passers-by to avoid it one after another. Or a few naked men dance knives and guns on the street to show their martial arts to make a living.

There are many shops on the street, and the flags of shops are displayed. There is prosperity everywhere, and it is a great scene.

" meat buns... freshly baked meat buns..." The owner of a steamed bun shop shouted at the flow of people coming and going.

From time to time, he opened the cage, took out a few steamed buns and handed them to pedestrians who bought steamed buns.

The cage drawer is opened and the heat curls up. The delicious and juicy pork was wrapped in a thin steamed bun skin, overflowing with a seductive fragrance, which made people swallow.

A ragged beggar huddled at the feet of the shouting steamed bun owner and smelled the fragrance from the meat buns. He had messy hair, patched holes all over his body, and his black face was full of greasy stains.

Beside the beggar, there is a big dog with slippery black hair. The big dog stretches its long pink tongue and drips water down its long tongue on the cyan ground.