After a poison

Chapter 075 How can it be here

The shopkeeper's legs fell to the ground: "My boss! The owner, next year, next year, it will be better... the owner... the villain... the villain... please give the villain another chance... the owner!"

The shopkeeper's nose and tears were about to cry.

The owner looked ugly when he heard the words and stared at the shopkeeper without saying a word. The majestic momentum on his body forced the shopkeeper to kneel to the ground.

At this moment, the shopkeeper has only one idea, that is, his owner has only been gone for a year, and his power has increased by more than one.

Why does he want to kneel down when he looks at his boss?

Being stared at by the owner, the shopkeeper almost buried his head in his crotch.

In front of the major nobles, the arrogant Su family's shopkeeper instantly became a clever dog.

The owner, oh no, Zhuge Aoshuang reached out and stroked the red blood clot specially installed on his jaw, and stroked the human skin mask specially made of ice silk. The corners of his mouth were coldly raised: "Notify the shopkeepers all over the country to hand in the account books within three years. Then take 50 million silver tickets for me.

The shopkeeper nodded quickly: "Yes! Yes! The villain is going to inform... inform them!"

Zhuge Aoshuang nodded, stood up, and stepped out of the Su family's satin shop without regard to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper wiped his sweat and sighed secretly: "People who have been in high positions all year round are different, but I don't know what our owner is?"

Zhuge Aoshuang returned to the imperial study and saw Su Enen standing aside. She knelt down and reported, "Princess, the archer you let me follow is a woman. I heard them call the woman Miss Five, and she also talked about the witch."

Zhuge Aoshuang nodded slightly: "Go and bring the old man of the witch clan."

"Yes." Su Enen retreated, and Zhuge Aoshuang sat on the chair and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, a cold hair seemed to break through the sky and stabbed down from the beam of the imperial study at a strange bending speed. The target turned out to be the spiritual cover of Zhuge Aoshuang!

Looking at the speed of the black feather arrow, it quickly cut through the surrounding air and produced a sharp sound explosion.

Although the sound of the sound burst is sharp, it is extremely weak.

Zhuge Aoshuang's hair stood up all over his body and instinctively turned to the side, avoiding the fatal blow of this arrow!

Although she has avoided the crisis from the heavenly spirit cover, she can't fully use the martial arts from Zhuge Aoshuang itself, but can only use light martial arts, so although she has avoided it, she is still inevitably rubbed by the edge of the black feather arrow. To be precise, she is hurt by some evil forces on the feather arrow.

For a while, his body was numb, and his consciousness was gradually disappearing.

Her heart was sore that she clenched her fingers, and the small powder on her nails was gently sprinkled by her.

"I didn't expect that you really became the emperor of the mainland!" A delicate voice suddenly sounded in this empty imperial study, which was a little more strange.

This voice is neither light nor heavy, which can make Zhuge Aoshuang hear her words clearly.

This is a woman, and her internal strength is not lower than her woman's voice.

Even, there seemed to be some other evil things in this woman's internal force, which made her unable to exert her internal martial arts, and her consciousness was gradually blurred.

In her vague consciousness, she saw a beautiful woman leaping down from the beam.

This woman has a pair of willow eyebrows, watery eyes, and is extremely beautiful. She belongs to the type that men will like at first sight.

The most obvious feature of this woman is that she carries a bucket of black feather arrows behind her back and a tear mole under the corner of her left eye.

Although Zhuge Aoshuang's eyes began to blur, she still raised her eyes and looked at the person who sent the arrow. She was not afraid and smiled: "It's not small to enter the palace alone. But the palace is not a place where you can come and leave if you want.

The woman carrying the feather arrow sneered: "Yo, I really didn't know that you, a wild seed, have become so powerful now. If I dare to come today, there is naturally a way to leave safely! You'd better worry about yourself."

Zhuge Aoshuang raised his eyebrows, but the corners of his eyes became colder and colder.

Wild species?

My princess?

The emperor of the mainland? What do you mean? Is she not from the mainland? Is it... the witch princess?

"There are assassins! Protect Your Majesty!"

Soon, almost at the moment when Zhuge Aoshuang pinched her fingers and sprinkled white powder, Su En'en, who was looking for the old witch, felt numbness in her left hand and looked at a dark purple blood line emerging on her left wrist. She didn't want to think about it. Tens of thousands of guards returned with the imperial guard and surrounded the whole imperial study. It's like a rice dumplings.

The door of the imperial study was opened by Su En'en. Everyone was holding a long knife, and everyone looked serious. Looking at everything inside, they couldn't wait to go forward to rescue their majesty.

"Kill!" Su Enen shouted fiercely and rushed to Zhuge Aoshuang's side.

Zhuge Aoshuang took a step back and made him farther away from the woman who claimed to be the princess in front of him, so that the guards could easily start.

"What? Don't you dare to fight alone with this princess?" The woman seemed to be very disdainful. She quickly pulled out two black feather arrows from her back, pulled the bow and arrows, and the two arrows shot at Zhuge Aoshuang.

The target pointed directly at Zhuge Aoshuang's two eyes. Zhuge Aoshuang had no doubt that if she was really shot, I'm afraid even Sima Chen could not save her eyes.

She wanted to move, but the internal force all over her body was imprisoned by something and couldn't move. She could only watch the arrow shoot through the air into her eyes.

"Your Majesty!"


The hearts of the people around them almost stopped beating, their eyes widened in horror, and looked at the two black feather arrows shooting at Zhuge Aoshuang's eyes.

In a moment, a dark blue figure came from the door of the imperial study. The wind generally came to Zhuge Aoshuang's body and gently pinched the two black feather arrows that shot at Zhuge Aoshuang with two slender fingers.

Zhuge Aoshuang's eyes were blurred. She could not see this person's face clearly. She could only see his dark blue back in front of her, and then lost consciousness.

Before she fell into a coma, she felt that she had been picked up and smelled the good smell of grass on the man.

Qin Qingxuan?

Isn't this smell... him?

When she woke up again, she found herself in a dilapided temple, with a few withered hay under her and a foul smell.

Zhuge Aoshuang tried to move her fingers and found that she was still weak. The only better thing was that she was awake and her mind was no longer blurred.

Zhuge Aoshuang frowned tightly. Who was the woman who claimed to be the princess?

How did you enter the palace?

And who is the person who saved her?

Why is she here?

"Haha... I have food today... I have food..."

The messy footsteps came from outside, and she faintly heard a group of people shouting that they had food to eat.

Without waiting for her to think much, the door of the broken temple was pushed open from the outside. The dazzling light made her can't help reaching out to block the white light, but her hand only half lifted and hung down weakly.

Surely, those who coaxed in helped her block the dazzling light with their bodies.

That's why she looked at the appearance of these people who came in.

I saw that each of them's clothes were dark, and I couldn't see what color their clothes were.

Their hair is even more messy like a bird's nest, and there are all kinds of vegetable leaves, all kinds of spider webs or other food that she doesn't know.

Far away from their bodies, there is a stench.

It seems to be the smell of bad rice, and it seems to be the smell of sweat. All kinds of unpleasant smells are mixed together. She can no longer tell what kind of smell these people are.

She instinctively stepped back two steps, sat back in the corner, looking at them from afar, hoping that they would not see herself.

But the truth is that she can't do what she wants.

One of the boss-like people came forward, hooked her shoulder and smiled at her: "Welcome new brother! Come on... For the sake of your injuries that haven't eaten for a day, let you come for a free meal today.

Zhuge Aoshuang instinctively struggled, holding the boss's sleeve far away with one hand, with a look of disgust on his face.

These people clearly look like beggars.

And it looks like beggars who haven't taken a bath and change their clothes for more than half a year, and they don't know how many fleas or things they have.

She resisted instinctively and didn't even want to say a word to them.

When the boss saw her appearance, he seemed to realize his rudeness and smiled stupidly: "Ha ha... Little brother... I'm relatively straight. Don't pay attention to it. Hahaha, I haven't washed my clothes for three months. It doesn't stink at all. I don't believe you to smell it."

He also handed his wide, dirty and stinky sleeves to the front end of Zhuge Aoshuang's nose, trying to make her smell his clothes.

At least his clothes are much cleaner than their brothers.

Zhuge Aoshuang was weak, but she twisted her head with all her strength, dodged his sleeves towards her country, and smiled with a stiff mouth to avoid the topic: "Why am I here?"

Her voice was hoarse, pale and weak, as if she would stop breathing the next moment.

"Huh, brother, why are your shoulders as thin as a woman? Are you a man?"

The boss did not answer Zhuge Aoshuang's words and shook his head: "It's a pity that such a man has a woman's body. It's too weak! Little brother, I don't even see that you have a cocoon in your hand. You must be a first-class slave in a large family, right?