After a poison

Chapter 076 Yiwan wanted notice

"Only a first-class slave can not work. Hey, if you don't work, and you are so weak, you must be a book boy?" The boss smiled and was not angry to see that Zhuge Aoshuang ignored his intention. He even handed a broken bowl to Zhuge Aoshuang: "Come on, little brother, this is not bad rice. Our brother can only have such a bowl or two a year. I'm afraid that you can't get used to it, so I'll give you this."

Zhuge Aoshuang looked down at the equally dark broken bowl and the hot white rice in the broken bowl, but he had no appetite. He shook his head decisively at the enthusiastic boss in front of him.

Let her eat such a meal?

She even felt dirty when she touched it.

The boss shook his head when he saw her like this and muttered, "Real women... don't want white rice..."

With that, he walked aside and divided the meal with his brothers.

A strong bad smell came out, making Zhuge Aoshuang couldn't help holding his breath.

Zhuge Aoshuang endured weakness and walked towards the shabby temple entrance step by step.

The whole temple is full of spider webs and dirty shabby cloth with several layers of gray.

At the entrance of the temple, Zhuge Aoshuang found that she did not know this place at all, and she did not know this land temple and had never seen it.

It doesn't seem to be the capital here.

So where is this?

She was clueless for a moment, but she looked down and saw that her original white brocade clothes were as dark as everyone eating bad food in the temple. Where can the white clothes see the original color now?

She smiled bitterly: "What happened before she fell into a coma?"

Pinch your fingers tightly and slowly scrape off a layer of white powder from your nails.

But even at dusk, she still didn't get any reply from Suen.

Even on her wrist, there is no purple blood line.

This shows that she lost the effect of the line she took with Su Enn.

The front line is what she saw in the poisonous scriptures before. It is said that as long as the blood of the two people is used as a medicine, as long as one party has a life-and-death crisis or needs help, as long as the dangerous party gently scrapes off the powder on her nails, the other party can know her position and comes to rescue.

This line was developed after many experiments. Unexpectedly, she was released after only using it once in the palace.

This poisonous scripture is a thing of the witches, so there is no one else except the witches.

Zhuge Aoshuang thought that she wanted to leave the temple step by step, but she was weak and just walked out less than ten feet and fell to the ground weakly and fainted.

When she woke up again, she found that there was still dead hay under her, and there was still the smell of food around her, and she couldn't help frowning.

For three or four days in a row, she couldn't stand up. I don't know if her body was damaged by the evil kung fu, or for other reasons, she actually had a high fever from time to time and couldn't move.

"Little brother, I took the medicine." The beggar's boss took a dark half of the bowl and handed it to Zhuge Aoshuang's lips with a bright smile.

"Who sent you?" Looking at the beggar's bright and kind smile, Zhuge Aoshuang asked coldly, "How did I get here?"

The beggar shook his head: "Our brother found you by the river."

"Lianwang River?" Zhuge Aoshuang repeated and frowned: "Where is this?"

"Little brother, this is Yiwan Lijiazhuang!" The beggar boss handed the broken bowl to Zhuge Aoshuang and said awkwardly, "There is no spoon here. You can drink it and drink it."

Zhuge Aoshuang shook his head: "It's useless."

The woman before, who practiced evil martial arts, must not be so easy to cure.

What's more, she hasn't figured out the bottom of these people, so how can she drink what these people give her at will?

Seeing her silence, the beggar scratched his head: "Hey, little brother, if you don't drink, you will die!"

"What you just said about Yiwan is an island?" Zhuge Aoshuang's sudden question stunned the beggar boss.

"Yes, little brother, you are not from Yiwan, are you? Little brother, where are you from?

The words of the beggar boss instantly made Zhuge Aoshuang understand. It seemed that she had been kidnapped by the witches to their own territory.

But why did you leave her in this ruined temple for seven consecutive days?

For seven consecutive days, she has never drunk a bowl of water or eaten a mouthful of food. The reason is that she has not eaten anything bad since she was a child, and she will not get along with people who do not take a shower or change clothes all year round.

On the eighth day, the beggar boss actually handed her a fragrant roast chicken and smiled cheerfully: "Little brother, I haven't eaten for several days. If I don't eat it, I'm really going to starve to death. Our brother doesn't have the money to buy you a mat to bury."

Zhuge Aoshuang listened and saw that the beggar's face was blue and purple, and blood flowed from one of his eyes. He couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you?"

"Hey, Guang, I've just been beaten a few times. It's okay." The beggar's boss smiled cheerfully and said carelessly, "Just a few times, it's not enough to tickle me. Don't worry, little brother. Eat it quickly."

He said and handed the crispy roast chicken to Zhuge Aoshuang.

Zhuge Aoshuang stared at the crispy roast chicken in the beggar Aguang's hand for a moment, and his stomach cooed.

It's the eighth day. It's not easy for her to eat or drink until the eighth day. Although her willpower supports it, her stomach has been hungry for dozens of times.

Finally, in the happy eyes of the big man, Zhuge Aoshuang took the crispy roast chicken, tore a little meat and ate it. The crispy and delicious chicken was very tender and melted in his mouth. It must have been stewed by the chef of a big family for several hours.

If you steal food from a large family, you will be killed.

Zhuge Aoshuang pulled a chicken leg and handed it to A Guang and sincerely said, "Thank you."

If this Aguang wants to hurt himself, he doesn't have to treat her like this, just kill her directly.

And in the eyes of this barefoot and dirty man, she saw the purest and simple.

For several days in a row, she gradually accepted to be with these little beggars, gradually accepted the smell of their bodies, and gradually accepted to be brothers with them.

Beggar Aguang Boss, Beggar Afeng Second, Beggar Acheng Third, Beggar Awu Lao Fourth...

There are 15 people in total, and everyone takes turns to take care of her, a weak patient who has a high fever from time to time.

They didn't ignore her because she had been ill for more than a month, and even secretly went to find fresh food for her because she always ate the bad food.

And every time you look for these fresh food, you will get a beating.

Even if she always stopped and even warned that if she stopped eating, she would no longer know them. In order to take care of her as a patient, they still took care of her day by day and really treated her as a relative.

Her body was also gradually recovering, and until two months later, she finally stopped having no strength and no longer had a high fever.

On this day, as soon as she recovered, she went out of the land temple and went to the nearby mountains to catch 16 hares.

After catching the hare, she made a barbecue rack and put the hare on it to bake.

" fragrant..."

"Well...what does it taste like? It smells so good..."

The beggars returned to the temple, with blue noses and swollen faces, holding three white-faced steamed buns in their hands. As soon as they entered, they shouted excitedly.

Zhuge Aoshuang smiled, and this smile was a joy from the bottom of his heart.

She never thought that she would smile like this in this dilapidated and stinky place.

Looking at a group of people in front of her, at this moment, she seems to have become like them, without worries, pain, and without the terrible waiting of those advances.

"Come and eat, one hare." Zhuge Aoshuang smiled and gave the hares to them.

The beggars' blue-faced and swollen faces were full of smiles. They took over the oily and fragrant rabbit meat handed over by Zhuge Aoshuang, and everyone swallowed it with a smile.

These men have all lost their families. Some of them have been abandoned beggars since childhood. They have always made a living by begging, so basically they have not eaten anything good or lived a good life.

This kind of rabbit meat can be said to be the best thing they have ever eaten.

Even the roast chicken that Aguang ate for Zhuge Aoshuang before was the first time he had been a beggar for more than ten years.

After eating rabbit meat, Aguang laughed for a while and suddenly thought of something. His dark hand took out a portrait from his arms and asked Zhuge Aoshuang puzzledly, "Little brother, I saw your portrait on the wall in the city. The little brother turned out to be a celebrity!"

Zhuge Aoshuang saw this portrait, but her heart thumped.

This is a wanted notice!

It turned out to be a national wanted notice for her arrest! It's just that this wanted notice says Yiwan's wanted notice.

Zhuge Aoshuang looked at the honest beggars and was glad that no one could read. Fortunately, they didn't know that this was a wanted notice.

At night, the sound of cicadas singing came, and 15 big men in the land temple slept in one place, snoring loudly.

Zhuge Aoshuang stood beside them, and the water in his eyes flashed away.

After looking at them for a long time, she finally turned around and went out.

I'm leaving. Staying here will only bring you disaster!

If I don't leave, you will all die in a few days.

Thank you for taking me in so long. Thank you for taking care of me for two months.

I also want to live a carefree life, but I can't. I was not born to live such a life.

I have too many things on my back.

If there is a chance in the future, I will come and take you out of the sea of suffering and get you out of here.