yi shi tian xie

Chapter 2 Rebirth

Tianling thinks that this person is like himself, and he is a good person! They are all people who insist on their own beliefs, but why don't good people get a good reward?

Tianling stretched out his hand and gently tried on the respected prince's face, trying to close his unclosed and resentful and unwilling eyes.

But at this time, suddenly the prince's body fluctuated and glowed a golden light. Tianling's body trembled. Didn't the other party die? Immediately floated not far from the prince's body.

But I don't know why the light floated towards Tianling, as if the child had entered the mother's embrace. Since Tianling did not have any sense of resistance, his body slowly stiffened, and only his mind could think slowly.

"Am I going to be lost when I meet this golden light?" Tianling is still playing drums in his heart. Although he is now dead and is a soul, the feeling of soul loss has to make Tianling a little afraid.

Tianling felt as if she had been naked by something, just like returning to her mother's stomach. It was very comfortable and warm. It was not like a cold soul at all. I don't know how long it took. Maybe an hour or maybe a year. Tianling closed her eyes comfortably and her previous life's grievances, that Some hatreds seem to disappear without a trace, without any distracting thoughts...

For a long time! Long time!

Tianling's eyes were tired. Entering his eyes, there was a faint blue and green leaves, and the fragrance of the soil around him came into his nose with the wind. Tianling seemed to feel that he had a feeling of being reborn, and his heart was very comfortable and excited...

"I...where am I?" Tianling squirmed his mouth dryly, and his fingers moved slowly, trying to get up slowly from the ground.


"Ah~!" There was a painful scream in the forest, and Tianling found that his whole body was full of scars, and even a broad sword was inserted in his chest.

"Ah! What's going on! Am I not dead? The soul should not know the pain! But why now?" Tianling thought about it, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He seemed to guess something and raised the corner of his clothes to look at it, which verified his point of view.

"I...my soul entered the body of the killed prince? Ah! Could it be that I was reborn?

Tianling doesn't know whether she is happy or sad now. She is happy that she doesn't need to be scattered, and she still has the memory of the previous life... What even makes Tianling a little desperate is that this shabby body almost made Tianling die again.

"What should I do? What should I do? Tianling exhaled a warm breath in his mouth, and his heart was very uncomfortable. His mind began to blur again. Tianling experienced a death, and he knew that death was coming again this time...

But at this time, Tianling, whose life was gradually lost, lit up his eyes and remembered what he said to him by the strange voice in that nihilistic world, and gave him a book, a book that could be cultivated.

Seeing the moment of another crisis in his life, Tianling seemed to see the dawn, gently closed his eyes, slowly entered his mind, and read the thick book...

This book is called Blood and God.

"Blood God Decision" is divided into ten layers, which is a method of cultivation in the skills of practitioners, and it is also the most powerful skill among practitioners. It was created by the ancestors of the blood cave in ancient times. At that time, the ancestors of the Blood Cave swept the world with this set of Blood Evil God Decision, which was invincible and dominated the whole ancient period. The evil voice passed on to himself was also invincible in the whole practice world with this set of Blood Evil God Decision thousands of years ago, creating another myth after the ancestors of the Blood Cave.

"Blood Evil" is extremely powerful, but because of this, whether it is the ancestors of the blood cave in ancient times or the blood old people thousands of years ago, they were all stained with blood and killed the world, which was secretly called a crooked evil way by the world at that time.

According to the cultivation method passed above, Tianling learned that when his cultivation is higher, the blood cells in the first bloodline will continue to become more and larger. When the first bloodline reaches a limit, the second bloodline will automatically open and enter a higher stage.

At each upper level, the energy reached by your body will be greater and greater. If reaching the first level is to kill a lion, then reaching the second level, even hundreds or thousands of lions will not be taken seriously. After all, the more you get to the back, the greater the energy in the body, and the slower the speed of cultivation.

"Blood" is divided into two parts! The first part is the self-cultivation chapter, that is to say, the meaning of cultivating the energy in the body. The second part is the Dharma chapter, but the Dharma chapter is based on the chapter. After the self-cultivation reaches a certain energy, you can practice the Dharma chapter...

When Tianling turned to the third page, he smiled and smiled happily. The third page was written like this. When he reached the fifth level of Blood God, he would get a thunderstorm, and the innate spirit of his body would be the power of immortality. After avoiding the thunderstorm, he could fly to the fairyland.

Tianling quickly looked through the content of the whole book, and Tianling felt more and more surprised. However, after the sixth page, since the following content was gone, Tianling was not worried about this. His only wish now was to get well, and it didn't matter anything to become a god.

"Blood Sacrament" is a very strange secret book of cultivation. From ancient times to the present, there are two people who have practiced this book. After practicing, they may be the third one! It is said that when the founder of this book reached the sixth level, he was besieged and killed because his colleagues regarded him as evil spirits. When the person who passed this book to him reached the fifth level, he was almost the same as the strength of the middle immortal, but he was also killed when he crossed the disaster, so When it came to the situation of finding the body, Tianling had to admire the strength and domineering of this skill.

Tianling smiled and knew that he had picked up the treasure this time. His mind slowly settled down and slowly moved forward according to the practice method in the book, rushing to this huge dilapidated body. Where his mind passed, Tianling obviously felt much more comfortable and did not have as severe pain as before.

With the arrival of Tianling, all kinds of energy between heaven and earth began to run towards his body, unexpectedly pouring into the wound on the sword on his chest, and then transformed into a pure energy rushing into his seabed wheel, and finally formed a warm feeling at the seabed wheel...

If there was a person here, he would be surprised, because the sword slowly pulled out of the prince's body as if spiritual, and then gently fell not far away. However, the sword was no longer as bright as before. , but all covered with a layer of bright red, which is not stained with blood, but that the sword has now completely turned blood...

I don't know how long it took for Tianling to make a comeback. Tianling suddenly found that he seemed to like this feeling. When Ling came to his senses that day, the sun was already hanging high in the sky...

When I slowly opened my eyes, I felt energetic all over my body, with endless strength, and I didn't look like a seriously injured person at all.

He exhaled a long breath, and a faint smile appeared on his face. In just a while, he obviously felt different from yesterday. I really don't know what kind of realm he will reach in the end of cultivation. Maybe it is possible to kill immortals in seconds.

Tianling touched his whole body and found that the prince's body had completely changed, and the sword inserted in his chest had been taken out and placed not far from him.