yi shi tian xie

Chapter 3 Magic World (please collect and red tickets~!)

Tianling sorted out the prince's previous memory information, and he knew a lot from the prince's memory. This world is a magical world.

According to the prince's knowledge, the world currently only knows five continents, namely, the human continent, the orc continent, the elf continent, the dwarf continent and the demon continent, separated by the sea.

The following information makes Tianling know whether he doubts whether he is in the novel, because there are many races in the world like the novel, and it is basically consistent with the novel. Elf is a peace-loving race where both men and women are extremely handsome and have lived in the elf continent for a long time. A dwarf who loves iron and mining, is not more than 1.3 meters tall, and men have a beard. An orc has a somewhat animal appearance... and some races like novels such as dragons.

The largest force on the human continent is because of the absolute superiority in the number of human beings, coupled with human wisdom and creativity. There are many countries on this continent, and four of them are the most powerful, each occupying one side of the mainland. The Eastern Expedition Empire. The Lacey Empire in the West and the Peiping Empire in the north. The south is facing the empire.

There are large and small countries scattered among them, and only a small part can fight against the four empires. And this magic forest is located in the center of the mainland and is not within the sphere of influence of any country.

The occupations of the mainland are divided into four, and they are all popular among the four empires. Martial arts prevail in the east, the Lacey Empire in the west, which is also the prince's country, magic prevails in the west, while the Beiping Empire in the north is full of wizards, and the south is the summoning empire in the south, which is a country of summoners.

Magic is divided into seven series of magic: wind, fire, water, earth, electricity, darkness and light. Each has its own strengths. Martial arts is divided into fighting spirit and martial arts, and witchcraft is an extremely strange profession. Among the wizard professions, it is divided into: ghost witch, sacrifice, blood witch, yuan witch, magic witch and poisonous witch. At the same time, wizard is also the most among all professions. A powerful category, especially the sacrifices, is said to be the first of all-powerful and the closest to the gods. The energy it has is unfathomable, but unfortunately, there are only four real sacrifices in the whole continent. These four sacrifices are green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch and Xuanwu. People respectfully call them beast sacrifices. In the name of their favorite beast. So far, there has been no animal sacrifice for thousands of years.

Summoners are a very powerful profession. Generally, summoners are rare in this continent. The main reason is that there are very few people in this world who can summon war beasts, but those who can summon powerful war beasts have been pulled over by the Nanlin Empire. It is rumored that the Nanlin Empire has a summons left over from ancient times. After learning combat skills, you can increase the strength of the summoner several times.

Each profession has nine levels, one to nine, followed by the holy level. Magicians, warriors, wizards and summoners are all classified at the same level.

When he looked at the prince's profile, Tianling knew why so many people would chase him. The prince's name was O'Brien, His Royal Highness the Prince of the Lacey Empire.

This prince is a good figure. He is diligent and loves the people. When he was very young, his father, the king of the Lacey Empire, gave him some big and small things in the empire, and he was still reasonable. Both ministers and the people loved him well throughout the country. He believes that his appearance is a blessing to the Lacey Empire and will be a good emperor in the future.

But an accident a month ago, there was a sudden flood in the south of the Lacey Empire. As a good prince, O'Brien finally made up his mind to go to the south for inspection, but... the conspiracy began here.

As soon as O'Brien arrived in the Southern Province, news came from the imperial capital that his father and mother suddenly died of serious illness, and there was news from the court, 'O'Brien! He slaughtered his father and mother with his own hands, and then fled to the southern province with his subordinates.

When he heard this series of news, O'Brien was dumbfounded. No matter how stupid he was, he knew what was going on.

It must be his brother's seizing power and usurpation...

But before he could react, his subordinates immediately launched a rebellion, as if they had been predetermined, since his most loyal subordinates took other subordinates to kill their heads at this moment!

After reading O'Brien's mental information, Tianling sighed that it was really sad for such a prince to live to this moment. If he was betrayed by love and died heartbroken, it was pitiful enough, but this prince..., it should be sad! Not only did his brother kill his parents and betray himself, but even his favorite wife betrayed him, but threw himself into his brother's arms.

Look! Look! Tianling feels that her eyes are so sour! How similar the experiences of the two are!

Tianling's wound slowly absorbed the blood on the ground. Originally, human blood could not be combined with others, but when Tianling practiced Bloodshed, since other blood was not refused. In this way, time has passed little by little, and Tianling's current wound has also healed.

Tianling found that he could move, so he stood up. Looking at his clothes full of blood and the wound, he couldn't tell the difference, as if he was not bleeding.

Tianling suddenly paused, knelt down on one knee, held his fist, and looked up to the sky: "Dear Prince! You are dead! I gave birth! Your wish to fulfill in the future! Let me finish it! From today! There is no more Tianling in the world! There will be no O'Brien! It's a brand new evil! After all, I will redress your grievances one day.

The saying that good people have good retribution has nothing to do with themselves in the future. In the past, Tianling and O'Brien were good people, but what did they get in exchange? They were betrayed, abandoned and hunted down by their beloved women... Is this the retribution of good people?

Dongfang began to turn white again. This time, Tianling doesn't have to hide. He is a normal person. It has just been fused for so long. It's strange that there are no monsters around, but I think it's also luck!

Tianling picked up the bloody sword and walked to the nearest water source he knew. If you want to say who knows the terrain of Warcraft Forest best now, that person is Tianling. He has remembered the terrain when he was high in the sky, and then simulated a three-dimensional map with his brain.

Tianling washed off the blood stains on the stream, changed into the clothes in the space ring, and walked to the periphery of the forest with a big sword on his back.