yi shi tian xie

Chapter 161 Sneak Attack

"Sneak attack~!" Tianling smiled and said, "The map of Xia Yancheng must be more familiar to the generals than below~! I carefully studied that the mountains and rivers near Xiayan City are very steep, and there are very few gathering places around, while Xiayan City has become the only urban stronghold around. After the Kira and Ika rebels get out of the city, they only have two things to go. One is to go by waterway to the south. If you completely get rid of us, it will be safe. One is a forest. After all, there are forests near Xia Yan. The forest is the most suitable for survival elves. As long as you hide in the forest, it is difficult to find them even if the gods come.

"But don't forget that the Kira and Ika are mutiny, and their ambitions are not small. There must be greater power behind them. Are they willing to hide in the mountains all their lives?"

Swayton's eyebrows moved, "Sir, do you want us to send troops to guard the dock?"

After Swayton's words, the elf below, who had not spoken, opened his mouth. The elf is a man and a little burly. From his face, he looks like a human. "Sir, I take the liberty to redeem myself. According to the last general, he can go south from the forest, or even directly to our east. The nearby city is called Finley, and there is also the north.

This male elf is called Belin. He is a very calm officer. Originally, the male elf in the elf had a very low status and was difficult to be qualified for the position of an officer, but this guy named Belin became the first male elf officer under Swayton. Most importantly, Swayton valued his calmness and thinking.

"Tianling smiled. What the general said makes sense. If it is the past, you don't have to think that they absolutely chose the forest. After all, the elves are not suitable for survival on the water, but the lord of the forest. Now they have defected and fled. They not only have a lot of troops, but also a lot of money. Let's ask, a pile Will a tribe that has been for hundreds or thousands of years be so poor that they don't have a penny? And if they take all their belongings to the forest, will it be fast? So they have only one way to go, in the water, unless they leave all their money. Tianling smiled easily. In fact, from the beginning, he had already wanted to pay attention to the money of the Killa and Yika. After all, at that time, Qingbi ordered the surrounding tribes to be stationed together in the nearest city, which meant that the dark elves would call, and those tribes with a lot of money naturally brought out the money. If it was If they fight hard, even if they take this money, they will still kill and injure many troops on their side, but now as soon as they escape, they have given a lot of opportunities, so Tianling will make a plan.

Swayton was immediately happy when he heard this. As for Qingbi next to him, Tianling had already discussed with her, and she believed in Tianling very much.

After the decision was unified, those officers had no other opinions. Tianling became the commander this time. Among them, the troops controlled by Bilin, Polly and Jinna were all the same as Swighton's, with the * army, the mage army and the long gun army, but there was no long knife army, that is, the kind of assassin.

And Tianling directly sent 5,000 people from it, all of whom were selected from the three military subordinates, namely, mages and long guns, and the leader gave Bilin, the only male elf. In fact, Bilin's task was very simple, that is, to ambushed on the dock 30 miles outside Xiayan City.

According to the introduction, the dock was originally one of the few piers in the Elf Continent, but the war completely cut off trade, so now it has been empty there. There is no army and no cargo on the dock, but the ship is very right.

Originally, Tianling wanted to work directly on the ship, but after thinking for a moment, he gave up, because as long as the ship was sunk, the money would be gone.

And Tianling came up with a more ruthless way. After all, the ships in the elf continent are made of wood, which is easy to catch fire, while the 5,000 troops led by Bilin are only responsible for set fire. Of course, the reason why they are asked to ambush there is to watch the ship that is pressing money. Their task is not to burn money. Ships, but those ships with troops. After all, the elves are afraid of fire. As long as the fire is together and the surrounding water, it is not chaotic.

At this time, Bilin was ready to deal with the traitors on the one hand and seize the treasure ship on the other hand.

Sure enough.

After Tianling finished speaking, a communication soldier came in and found that 30,000 troops had escaped from the city in Nancheng, Xicheng and Beicheng. In fact, these mutine elves were quite smart. They knew how to disperse and thought that no one here knew their plan, but all this still underestimated Tianling.

With this calculation, it is natural to know their plan. These rebels must be ready to gather on the dock, and the dispersion is only to attract the attention of others.

After receiving the order, Bilin directly rushed to the dock and calculated the time from Xia Yancheng to the dock for up to half an hour. As for the rebels who want to gather, it can't be completed until at least midnight.

After finishing these, the following tasks were handed over to Swayton. He was a garrison general and had to let her settle the people in the city.

And only Qingbi and Tianling were left in the tower. I have to say that there were too many things that happened on this day, and such a big thing happened on the first day.

After taking a break, Tianling and Qingbi took a few elves directly to the city. They couldn't control what was going on in the city, but just watched it casually.

However, fortunately, the rebels came and went quickly and did not mess with the people in the city. Although the city was a little panicked, they calmed down and began to slowly resume their usual work and rest under Swayton's explanation. As for Qingbi and Tianling, they went directly to the work building where Swayton took Tianling went to this time.

While Xia Yan was busy, the male elf Bilin also drove his 5,000 troops near Xia Yan's dock at this moment. Bilin was worthy of being the only male officer among the male elves. He knew that he could not hurry at this time. Now the enemy must need a lot of time to drive to the dock.

Originally, it was almost dark when he set out. Tianling carefully calculated that it would take the rebels to come to the dock at least in the middle of the night. After all, they needed to turn a lot of detours. After hearing Tianling's opinion, Bilin directly ordered the army to open the stove and prepare dinner halfway. It was suspected that his opinion was refuted by many female elf officers, but under his explanation, he had to say that it was reasonable.

First, it takes a long time for the rebels to reach the dock. If they wait there at the beginning, and when the rebels arrive, the soldiers must be empty. Even if they can barely fight, their combat effectiveness is not great, and it is naturally different to eat and go to war.

And Lin is smart to open the stove halfway. In fact, his subordinates also suggested that he cook on the dock, but those were directly rejected by him, not to mention anything else, such as the dock~! The dock is the place of ambush. If there is a lot of smoke and the smell of food everywhere, it is no wonder that it does not attract the attention of the rebels.

Of course, this idea is good, but there is no lack of caution. When the army was cooking, more than a dozen elf scouts were sent to explore the road around to see if there was any movement around. At this time, 300 troops were also sent to start in the direction of the dock, ready to wait at the dock. By the way, solve the problem of the dock, which is not only safer, but also does not reduce morale and preserves combat effectiveness.

And when the moon was about to thicken, more than 5,000 troops led by Bilin had quietly ambushed around the dock. Originally, the dock had been abandoned and there were many ships on the dock, but now, there are only about 20 ships here at most. In fact, this is also Tianling's attention. If these rebels choose four If it is scattered, it will be troublesome, so give them a prescribed number. Even if they escape, there are only a few boats, but the remaining ships were driven into the sea by the 300 soldiers sent by some Bilin. After all, this is also just in case. If it is not done well and the rebels escape one or two boats, then There is also a chance to catch up, so in general, there is only a trap waiting for the rebels to drill.