yi shi tian xie

Chapter 162 Massacre

Blin hid in a grass around the dock with 50 soldiers around him. Without his order, no one here would be allowed to move.

At this moment, there was a slight sound of the horseshoe. The horse's hoof must have been tied with cloth, otherwise it would not be so light at all. Then on the way to the dock, a horse stopped with an elf scolding. The elf scolding the marquis was obviously very familiar with here. After coming here, there were a few words of elves. The signal, and then walked here and immediately put the horse into the grass, and then several elves came out to meet him.

In less than a moment, the elf brought to Bilin's side, "How's it going?" Bilin said nervously.

"General, everything is all right. About 30,000 people from the other side will go to the dock, and you can be here in about ten minutes." The elf scolded Hou respectfully.

"Eh, you go and take a break first and remember to hide the horse." Bilin smiled happily.

"Yes, General." The elf scolded Hou for hugging his fist and quickly retreated.

After the elves scolded the Hou and left, Bilin gathered several soldiers around him and said something. Then these soldiers dispersed around, ready to inform the other troops.

The wharf is a concave harbor with tall peaks on both sides, and the thousands of troops are buried on both sides. As long as the rebels get out of the sea, they will launch fire on both sides.

Sure enough, after about ten minutes, a rapid footsteps began to sound slowly, mixed with a slight scolding. In fact, these rebels' footsteps were also very light, but they were wearing armor, so there was some metal collision sound.

After about three minutes, all the troops began to gather on the dock, and even a few cautious elves inspected around to see if there was an ambush, but unfortunately they did not find it, and Bilin also arrived at the guard of the dock, that is, behind this 30,000 elf army.

Bering is not responsible for the attack. He is only responsible for covering the lid. Now that the rebels have entered this trap, he is intercepting the rebels who are trying to run back. Now he doesn't have many troops, only a thousand, but these are enough.

After all, those rebels had escaped all afternoon, and now they have been exhausted, and some have rested on the ground, but they barely walked down the line neatly under the scold of the officer. At this time, a carriage slowly drove out, and the rebels on both sides gave way, and the carriage stopped at a luxury car. Hua's big boat stopped, and then connected and walked out of the four fat men. Needless to say, the rebellious patriarchs, these fat men did not rush on the ship, but sent their own soldiers to check. In fact, this place has been inspected by the rebels, but these guys only believed in his own soldiers. There is no doubt that their action chilled the soldiers below.

After several soldiers came out, these noble patriarchs nodded one after another and began to walk up one by one. Just as they entered the ship and connected the dozen elves behind them to carry wooden boxes to the ship one by one. After transporting things up, the soldiers and other soldiers below also began to walk to the ship. At the same time, the troops arranged below also went to the remaining dozen other big ships, but all this was in the eyes of Birin.

And Bilin's eyebrows frowned tightly, and all the rebels got on the boat, but they didn't see an ordinary people with a rebel, that is to say, they are all soldiers? Those people have all been abandoned by them?

No wonder Tianling said before that he would arrange up to 20 boats on the dock. It seems that he must have calculated this before.

By the time 20 ships pulled up their sails and were ready to set sail, Bilin had stood up from the grass where he was, holding a small red flag in his hand. This flag was the flag. As long as the flag fell, it represented the war, and the soldiers around him also looked at the flag in Bilin's hand with fervescent eyes. However, Bilin has not fallen for a long time. His action is undoubtedly to let the soldiers hiding on both sides of the coast see his move and pay attention to his command.

While waiting for more than 20 ships to go to the center of the harbor, the flag in Bilin's hand suddenly waved and fell gently. At this moment, there was a cold and piercing bow string sounded on both sides of the coast. While some rebel soldiers were wondering, sharp * arrows had pierced their necks. I don't know what's going on until I die.

And the first round of bow strings was connected with countless sounds. At this time, the rebels finally realized a little, and several officers shouted loudly, "Enemy attack~! Enemy attack~!"

However, there is no doubt that these rebel officers have become the best targets, and after connecting the three rounds of * volleys, the sorcererary began to go out, and countless flames on both sides hit the ship. Now as soon as the sail rises, it is not so easy to fall. When touched by the flame bomb, it immediately set off a fire, and the sails are used. Made of a kind of Haihang oil cloth, it is easy to catch fire. As soon as it hits it, it is like putting a fire into the oil.

So there is no doubt that the tarp caught fire together, and the fire fell directly down, covering the whole ship in an instant. There were already many elves on the ship, but now the fire is closed, but some wise elves jumped into the water and tried to swim back, but they did not expect it at all. There are countless steel knives waiting for them.

"What the hell is going on?" On the largest boat, an angry shout came out of it, but a fat elf came out.

As soon as the fat man came out, three elves immediately protected her, and in a panic, an officer's elves knelt on one knee trembling and was already embarrassed, with an arrow feather on his arm. "Parch, no, it's... Swayton's garrison, we are ambushed."

The fat man was shocked, "What's going on? Even the people don't know our actions. How did they know? No...impossible, there must be a spy, a spy."

The fat man was still furious and shot three or four sharp arrows at him in a row.

"Pyal, be careful." The elf beside her was still loyal and quickly stopped her and blocked an arrow feather for her.

"Finfeld, how's it going outside?" The arrow feathers on this side fell, and another fat man came out of the ship's tower. The fat man was one size smaller than this Finnfield, but his majesty was not weaker than Finnfield.

Finfe glared at the elf, as if he wanted to eat her meat. "Mosven, your attention, they have caught up. What do you think you should do?"

This Mosvin was obviously a little nervous. He looked around and found countless arrow feathers and magic constantly shooting down. "Let's go in and talk." After saying that, Murswen quickly retreated to the tower.

Although Finfe was very atmospheric, he still followed.

This Finnfield is the patriarch from the Ika clan, and Musvin is the patriarch of the Killa clan. Finnfeld was originally a brave and resourceless patriarch. Others are okay and their strength is also good, but when it comes to making suggestions, it is not good. After the original escape of Arlie and Zi Yawei, they went straight back to the city. She Instead of immediately returning to their territory, they went to find Mersven. On the surface, Arlie and Zi Yawei are the leaders of a tribe, but they still secretly rely on the Killa to eat, so after telling the reason, Mersven felt danger. Although he was a patriarch, he was safety conscious and immediately thought of Si Witton wanted to use the name of the elders to oppress them at this time. Of course, the most important thing was that he did not attend the meeting of the elders.

May I ask, the elders in the whole elf continent invited you to attend the meeting, but you didn't go or even put on airs. What are the consequences? Therefore, at that time, Mursven regretted that he didn't go, but at this time it was too late. Because he sent those troops to be destroyed and gave him a rebellious name, Mursven tricked him. On the contrary, he died, he might have a chance to live, but he must pull it on the way to the rebellion. A powerful ally is necessary. I have to say that the Ika people are the best allies, because this time they also carry this title.