Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 191 Ready

Ye 23 is very difficult. On the one hand, he really needs such an ally now, but he can't let himself lie to them and frown.

The four old men did not dare to breathe and quietly waited for the teenager in front of them, for fear that a little noise would affect the teenager's thinking.

The earth god bear, that is, the giant panda in Ye 23 mouths, has great significance for the beast control alliance. This meaning is not only the combat power it brings, but also a symbol, just like a human tribe. Some use eagles as totems, some use snakes as emblems, and some wolves. Their totems are Earth God Bear.

However, the number of this earth god bear is extremely rare and its reproductive ability is very weak. In addition, the probability of growing up as a young earth god bear is extremely low, which causes them to control the beast alliance, and there are only two left, and they are almost entering the end of the year. It is very likely that in the future, they can only miss their essence with memories. God totem, which is why they were excited when they heard that Ye 23 had seen the earth god bear.

Ye 23 thought for a long time before he said, "Four predecessors, I don't know if the giant panda in my mouth is what you call the earth god bear, but they look very similar, but what I see is just an extremely precious beast!"

As soon as Ye 23's voice fell, he suddenly felt that the surroundings were full of strong disappointment. The four old men looked at each other for a while and nodded to each other.

An old man said, "In this case, let's take it as if you didn't say what you just said!" After saying that, he sighed again.

Monsters, beasts, although there is only one word difference, they are two completely different creatures. Monsters can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, so as to embark on the same road as human practice, but beasts are simply a kind of animal. No matter how much they are cherished, they are just beasts.

The four old men came with a little bit of fun and returned in a bad spirit. The four people slowly walked away from Ye 23 and came to the side of the earth god bear. They seemed to have communicated with each other for a while. At the same time, their eyes also glanced at Ye 23 from time to time, as if they were determined whether he was lying.

Ye 233 responded with a little suspicious eyes with a wry smile and said to himself: If I had really known it, I would have told you that I would have told you that I was not stupid. If a place could change your promise, the fool would have agreed.

Shen Jianyi also had some doubts. When Ye 23 inadvertently shouted out the giant panda just now, he was indeed not fake at all, but why did he become a beast later?

You should know that although the strength of the monster like the earth god bear is not the most outstanding among the seven-level monsters, in terms of rarity, it is absolutely ranked. You should know that they are called animals that are rarer than dragons.

It's really such a coincidence that there is a beast that looks exactly like it. This leaf is too clever. I'm afraid no one will believe it. The sword's eyes swept over the four old men of the beast control alliance. Sure enough, there was a hidden hidden hidden in the depths of their eyes. At this moment, he smiled in his heart and his eyes turned to Ye 23 and said to his heart: It seemed: They won't give up, but it's okay. They won't give up, that is to say, they won't leave for the time being, that is, they have become helpers of the Ye family in disguise.

The four old men exchanged their eyes for a while before sitting cross-legged and making that obscure sound to the earth god bear. The earth god bear lay quietly among them, curled up into a ball, naive, but motionless.

The four old men were still as calm as a jar of stagnant water, but the obscure voice in their mouths never stopped, which made Ye Twenty-three feel a little dizzy and uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it took. The god bear got up and made a gesture to the four people. His mouth creaked. Ye 23 smiled. He knew the best about this situation. This was obviously asking for bargaining. Seeing the beads in the big eyes of the god bear, he almost laughed. It's too vivid. It's simply a face of a profiteer.

However, there is another thing that puzzles him. Generally speaking, the monster can transform after reaching level 7 and can spit out people's eyes, but this earth god bear is obviously no longer listed here, otherwise he won't have to spend so much trouble. Now he will pass on the incomprehensible voice in his heart to the sword.

After a moment, the sound of the divine sword sounded in his heart again: the earth god bear is a very special monster existence. Its own strength is not strong among the seven-level monsters, and it cannot be transformed, but it has a magical power that all monsters do not have - incarnation.

Ye 23 was shocked and incarnated this magical power. He had seen it. At the beginning, the divine sword was once used. This magical power can be called a pervert, and a person turned into four. Although his cultivation is a little worse and there is a certain time limit, it does not prevent this magic power variant to become.

Humans can only cultivate this kind of magic power when their cultivation is complete. He looked at the earth god bear in an incredible way, with a little more jealousy in his eyes.

"Its incarnation can't participate in the battle, but dies! Therefore, the earth god bear rarely dies except for the end of life!" The sound of the divine sword continued to come.

The look in Ye 23's eyes is more brilliant. Such a magical power, such an effect, is simply envious of the dead. What's the use of participating in the battle to increase strength? The immortal body is the king's way. How wonderful it would be if you had such a god bear as a life summoning beast.

He knows that the magic power of life summoning beasts can be applied to the master.

At present, he completely forgot the existence of Xiaohei. In his eyes, there was only this earth god bear with an immortal body. His greedy eyes, coupled with the saliva that almost flowed out from the corners of his mouth, simply shrank and shrank.

"Don't dream. No one can ever subdue a land god bear as a life summoning beast, and no cultivation can do it!" The sword glanced at him and hit him ruthlessly.

Ye 23 was stunned and sighed deeply in his heart: Hey, isn't this a violent thing!

After a long period of negotiation, the earth god bear waved its claws happily. The proud look was simply a successful conspiracy.

Persuade the god bear, and the group came to a secret place in the south of the bamboo forest. At that time, as soon as the sword left, they made proper arrangements. Without telling Ye 2323, they privately told the ancestors of the Ye family and transferred Qiu Yuhan here.

Ye 23 has no problem with this. When he saw Qiu Yuhan, his heart was heavier. Anyway, this woman must have turned against his master for him. It was necessary to save her.

"Go out!" The divine sword said lightly to Ye 233, and his tone was unquestionable.

Ye 23 also understood that the sword in such a scene was deliberately prevented from him from seeing it. Now he turned away, walked outside the room, and stood in the distance as a protector.

As soon as the sword saw that Ye 23 had left, his eyes changed and he said to the four old men, "Can we start?"

Four old men nodded, and one of them said, "This time, no matter what, our beast control alliance owes you a favor!"

The sword said solemnly, "Don't say more. Let's do it!" After saying that, he glanced at Ye 23 in the distance and said to himself: I have no choice but to succeed, otherwise I really don't know how to face this uncle.

The five people prepared for a moment, that is, to lift Qiu Yuhan lying in **, and then let the earth god bear sit opposite her.

A bright light flowed out of the five people, and the five breaths instantly locked the earth god bear. As this bright light rushed into its body, its body also became extremely transparent, and it could clearly see that the strong heart of the earth god bear was beating.

Ye 23 turned his head and looked at the originally simple hut. Now, under the background of countless glows, he was like a fairyland. Somehow, he felt a little uneasiness in his heart.