Ai Shi Xia Ke Xing

Chapter 192 Blood Exchange

The afternoon sun is particularly warm. Ye 23 stands in the bamboo forest, and his eyes are a land like a fairyland. There are thousands of hazes, like dreams, fairy songs flowing, and there are faint dragons and phoenixes.

Time lost minute by minute, but Ye 23's uneasy mind became stronger. The simple hut in front of him has been buried in thousands of flying lights, which is particularly beautiful.

It will be fine! It will be all right! Didn't the first brother of the sword say that as long as there are seven-level monsters, everything is not a problem! What's wrong with me? Why can't I even believe the first brother of the sword! I must be tired of stability these days!

Ye 23's footsteps are getting faster and faster. I don't know how many times his footprints have walked around the hut. He kept comforting himself in his heart, but that feeling has never weakened at all.

At this moment, the hut can't see its original appearance at all. The whole body is golden and brilliant, with colorful glow overflowing. The sound of the fairy song seems to change like chanting scriptures, but the voice is getting higher and higher.

Ye 23 couldn't help it anymore. The strong uneasiness in his heart kept stimulating his nerves. He wanted to come over and have a look, just secretly, but when his footsteps were only two steps away from the hut, he stopped again. He was afraid that his unintentional move would disturb the people inside!

With that, he knew that this possibility was minimal, but he didn't dare to gamble. He gave birth to the impulse, etc. Sometimes it was really a kind of suffering, a terrible suffering.

In the hut, four old men sat cross-legged, and their silvery hair was full of sweat. A moment later, an old man slowly opened his tired eyes, looked at the sword opposite him, and said helplessly, "We tried our best!"

The sword lowered its head and sighed, and a terrible light suddenly flashed in his eyes, but in a blink of an eye, he became helpless. He knew that the four old men had tried their best and did their best, but the result was so. What should he tell that boy?

Although the treatment method proposed by Shenjian has a chance of success, there is also a great risk. If there is a slight difference, there will be an unexpected crisis. He did not say to Ye 23. First, he was afraid that there would be a burden in his heart. Second, he wanted to be there by himself, and there should be no mistakes. In addition, this time he went to control it. The Beast League and his party were very smooth and increased his confidence, but they didn't expect such a change.

At this moment, Qiu Yuhan's face is ruddy and her breathing is even. She looks no different from a normal person, but Shen Jianyi knows that her life expectancy is only a few hours.

This has to be said to be an irony. Before he was treated, although he was seriously injured and may have died soon, after his treatment, he still had only a few hours of life.

The sword was a little sad in his heart. Originally, there was an unexpected harvest on this trip to control the beast alliance, and he got the favor of the beast control alliance.

It turned out that the totem earth god bear of the beast control alliance has somehow changed into a very strange disease, and its body continues to shrink. The beast control alliance is very hurt by this. Finally, it was learned from a great Dandao master that the earth god bear suffers from a disease called lust. This disease is extremely rare, and the sick demon The beast's body will continue to shrink and eventually return to childhood, and once it reaches childhood, its life will also reach strength. The only way to cure this disease is the blood of the half-monster, and the amount needed is not small, but such a amount will only make it weak for a healthy half-monster. But it is not fatal.

Although Qiu Yuhan himself is not a semi-demon body, he became an existence similar to a half-monster because he took some poison, so the two hit the next, and the sword also got the other party's favor. After all, the half-emon body is also extremely special and rare.

Shen Jianyi himself also thought that Qiu Yuhan had been seriously injured and lost too much blood, but he thought that the recovery ability of the semi-monster was very strong, so he did not pay attention to it. However, it was his small negligence that led to the removal of the toxins in Qiu Yuhan's body, but there was not enough blood to maintain his life.

In the hut, Ye 23 saw that the glow in the sky had dissipated and the high voice had disappeared. He took a deep breath, opened the door and came in.

As soon as he entered the door, he felt the heavy atmosphere. He shouted in his heart, but his expression was still very indifferent. He kept comforting himself, smiled at the divine sword, and quickly came to Qiu Yuhan's side. When his eyes came to her, the faint smile suddenly froze.

Although he is not proficient in treating diseases, his soul cultivation is already very high at this moment. With a glance, he realized that Qiu Yuhan was wrong. He took a deep breath and said slowly, "What's wrong with her?"

The four old men sat cross-legged and closed their eyes without saying a word. After all, this man's life was lost because of them.

The divine sword looked at Ye 233's back and said everything in a low voice. Without the imagined anger, Ye 233 was surprisingly calm.

Shen Jian was very sad and didn't know what to say. If Ye 23 scolded him loudly, he would feel better. However, Ye 23 was more uncomfortable if he didn't say anything. For a long time, he shouted: "Ye 23..." But there was nothing to continue.

"I need a tube, about one-third the thickness of my little finger and two feet long!" Ye 23 did not look back, but said such words.

The sword was stunned one by one. Did he go crazy? But when he heard this tone, he was obviously calm, but what's the use of using a pipe?

"Brother Shenjian, please! By the way, I also need a silver needle, but there should be a hole in the middle, and the interface of the pipe should be connected to this needle. Ye 23's voice came again. As soon as the divine sword did not hesitate this time, he immediately went to look for the pipe mentioned by Ye 23.

The four old men sitting cross-legged were also surprised and opened their eyes one after another to look at this strange teenager.

For a whole hour, the divine sword came back, holding a tube described by Ye 23 in his hand. I have to say that the understanding of the divine sword is still very strong, which is very similar to what Ye 23 imagined, but the silver needle is a little longer.

Ye 23 made the silver needle into several segments and inserted a shortened silver needle at both ends of the pipe. After all this, he seemed to say to himself, "The rest depends on your creation!"

Shen Jianyi and the four old men are as dull as wooden chickens. Looking at this situation, Ye 23 is going to heal this woman by himself, but there is not enough blood in this girl's body to maintain life?

"You guys go out first!" Ye 23 said lightly.

The sword rolled his throat a few times, but finally didn't say it. He didn't think that Ye 23 had any special skills to bring this mortal man back to life.

Blood depletion is not something that can be treated by elixir at all. Even if his current cultivation, if the blood in his body flows out, it will be a dead end.

Maybe Ye 23 will take the last time to ask everything clearly. The sword took a look at Ye 23 and turned around and went out. As soon as he went out, the four old men also followed him out.

Five people stood not far from the hut, staring at the hut with ten eyes. Although they did not believe in miracles, they longed for miracles.

Ye 23 looked at Qiu Yuhan, and his heart was actually very contradictory. The word blood transfusion is not strange to him, but once the blood type is wrong, the party who was transfused will definitely die. This is why no one uses such a method in the universe.

Someone have experimented, and the object of the experiment is still a very well-cultivated person who has reached the five grades of the finch, but after blood transfusion, he suddenly died, and no one dares to try it ever since.

But Ye 23 has no choice now. He can really bet on himself, and also bet on Qiu Yuhan.

He took a deep breath, picked up the silver needle at the end of the pipe, and plunged it into his blood vessel. The red blood suddenly flowed out along the pipe. When the silver needle at the other end began to flow, he calmed his complicated mind and inserted another silver needle into a blood vessel in Qiu Yuhan's left wrist. Inside.