The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 76 Metamorphosis

Li Shang smiled gloomily: "Well, if it hadn't been for your majesty's personal instruction, the Li family would have been corpses everywhere now; no one will survive! And Jun Zhantian, his original plan should be like this. Otherwise, he will not mobilize the army in a big way! But there must be some reason for him to change his original intention. And what can make Jun Zhantian give up his mind, there is only one person in the whole Tianxiang Kingdom, that is, His Majesty the Emperor, by the way, or there is another person, that is, the darling Jun Mo Xie. You just told me that 90% of the darling is dead, I'm afraid it may not be. If Jun Mo Xie He may not be willing to give up, so Jun Moxie's life should not be in danger, and this news should have just been obtained by Jun Laoer.

"So today, Jun Zhantian is also very helpless. We seem innocent and unlucky in this matter, but I believe there is something more unlucky than us. Li Shang smiled and said, "Your Highness was stabbed. This matter can be said to have hurt your majesty. Therefore, Jun Zhantian went crazy. Your majesty just took this opportunity to reshuffle the cards among the three princes."

"Any family and official who has been close to any of the three princes will inevitably be warned, exiled and disposed of tonight. And I'm afraid that those in the palace have been dealt with now. It's a pity that we have made preparations before!"

"Although Jun Zhantian's madness this time was an accident, it was actually inevitable. If our previous layout had controlled Jun Moxie, I'm afraid he would have gone crazy long ago! And His Majesty happened to take advantage of his madness this time, and then... Ha ha ha... His Majesty took this opportunity to weaken the military power of the royal family, and then suppressed our major families and completely suppressed the matter! The person behind you is the emperor! And the really smartest is actually the emperor! Do you think you can bring down the gentleman?

Li Youran was really shocked. He never thought that these political old people were so far-reaching that they even figured out each other's thoughts, especially the person standing at the highest position of the Tianxiang Empire!

"His Majesty is so talented that he naturally doesn't want his successor to be an incompetent person; so he not only wants the three princes to compete for a high and low, but he doesn't want things to become uncontrollable; so once it goes too much, it will be cleared and start all over again. Therefore, although the three princes are always fighting, the real big family in the capital will never participate rashly. This is the biggest reason!"

"Remember, forget what happened before today. Don't stand in line easily before the situation becomes absolutely clear! Look at tonight," Li Shang pointed to the black smoke floating everywhere in the sky: "Anyone who stands in advance is in the sky at this moment."

"In this case, can't we forget about today's matter?" Li Youran asked.

"How can it be just that? Even if our Li family is willing, Your Majesty won't. Li Shang smiled cunningly: "So tomorrow we will definitely sue the imperial court, so that your majesty has the reason to suppress the major families in one fell swoop and achieve his ultimate goal. If we don't cooperate, it will be difficult to do it in the future.

Li Youran has been immersed in a long-term thinking. He has been smart since he was a child and inferences from everything. Regardless of literature and martial arts, he is a genius among geniuses. But when I heard these words at this time, I knew that I was young, and after all, I still lacked a political awareness and a plan.

Gently stroked the place where his face had been beaten by Jun Zhantian, Li Youran's eyes instantly became as cold as a poisonous snake.

Jun Zhantian, I will never forget your slap in my life.

The same mess is going on in the Meng family again!

The Meng family was tossed more thoroughly than the Li family, and the house was almost demolished by Jun Zhantian, but even so, Jun Zhantian was still depressed. Because this is not his original intention at all, nor is it the result he wants most.

After this incident, I'm afraid that for a long time, the capital will show a calm scene, at least on the surface.

But I don't know, what's going on with Mo Xie now? Is there any hope of recovery? It's really worrying. Jun Zhantian sighed for a long time. Turning over the horse, he took a look at the Meng family who was crying behind him, and wanted to ride his horse forward. His face was not much better than that of the Meng family.

Since your majesty said that Mo Xie is not dead, it is still worthwhile for me to make another gun for your majesty this time. It's just that this matter is really a little tiger's head and snake's tail. My original intention was to kill all these people. Although I have killed more than half of them now, what I want to kill most has not been killed...

Just then, suddenly a voice sounded eagerly: "Jun Zhantian, you, old man! That's enough!"

Jun Zhantian's body suddenly shook, as if he couldn't believe his ears, and slowly turned around and looked at it. Suddenly, his eyes kept, and his face suddenly showed a ecstatic look.

A thin and dry old man held a man in his arms and flew to him; he was panting and sweating. But Jun Zhantian could no longer care about him. He floated down from the horse, met him in three or two steps, and took it from his arms. His voice actually trembled a little: "Mo Xie?!"

It's a coincidence that these two came back. When things were almost over, they came back in time.

Jun Xie looked at the sudden surprise in front of him, obviously the old man who came out of despair, holding himself like the most precious treasure in the world! The deep concern contained in the deep wrinkles on the face, the lost ecstasy, the fingers trembled a little, and in a pair of old eyes, the excited eyes turned red! Jun Xie's heart trembled violently...

This is a tough man who is in charge of a million troops and fights back in the iron-blooded battlefield! Unexpectedly, at the moment when he saw that his grandson was still alive, the sudden surprise made him weak like an old man in the end of his year, licking the affection and blood-connected family...

At this moment, Jun Xie actually surged up a sour feeling from the bottom of his heart. This feeling was very warm and comfortable, and there was also a feeling of sour nose hair... Jun Xie suddenly felt that his throat was a little blocked, and his nostrils seemed to be breathable, and he had a feeling of wanting to cry.

Is this the family affection that I once dreamed of?

Who has ever cared so much about himself in the past and present life?

In the past and present life, who can blasponely mobilize the army of a country for himself?!

Who has been so desperate for himself in the past and present life!

Who has ever been so desperate for himself? Who has ever been ecstatic for himself? Who has ever ignored anything for his reputation, life, family?

Looking at the old man in front of him, Jun Xie has no doubt that this old man can completely poke a hole in the blue sky for himself! Because... he is his only hope! The only thought!

"Grandpa..." Jun Xie's nose was sore, and these two words rushed out of his mouth; since he came to this world, he willingly called this name from the bottom of his heart for the first time; this is the first time that he has been a person in the past and this life!

Yes! This is my grandpa! Not only Jun Moxie's grandfather, but also my grandfather, my Junxie's grandfather!

Next to

, Jun's unintentional disabled body floated down from the horse. He sat on the cold ground and looked at Jun Xie's eyes, full of relief and surprise! And satisfaction, in a pair of tiger eyes, I don't know when there are crystal tears, but I secretly turned my head, dripping, and then turned back, smiling gently...

This is my family!

Do you still have to resist?


At this moment, Jun Xie suddenly completely accepted his body and accepted the family! Accept the world! Whether it's the mind or the soul!

For the old man in front of you, this family!

From then on, my name is Jun, Mo, Xie! I'm from the Jun family! Tianxiang Country, Tianxiang City, Junjia! It's my family!

Mr. Jun was almost so excited that he burst into tears! Although his grandson seems to have only one breath left, he is not dead after all! Moreover, the injury does not look as serious as the legend.

God bless!

As long as you don't die! As long as you don't die! The joy of losing and recovering made the old man's eyes wet, and his body trembled and shaky. The torment of the night...

From tomorrow, the update will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Additional notice, try not to be in the early morning or in the middle of the night; everyone sleep well and keep their bodies strong, haha.