The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 77 Chaotang Storm

In the court the next day, the disputes between the parties were fiercer than the farmers' markets.

After the practice of your majesty in the last court, there was a moment of silence, which meant to wait for the rain silently!

This is not surprising. Before the storm comes, there is always some suffocating tranquility...

Including His Majesty, looking at the dozens of positions that were suddenly emptied, and the high stack of impeachment of the emperor's war in front of him, I couldn't help but be a little stunned. Although it was expected, it was also greatly unexpected. Isn't this too much?!

Although I got the news last night and got angry, it was just a few names on a piece of paper. Now look, the court is almost empty... This feeling is too intuitive!

For example, a student is in class, and there are 100 people in this class. In the evening, I heard that 30 students dropped out of school or transferred to another school. I don't think so. But the next day, when facing the empty classroom... This ratio is no different from the current Tianxiang Dynasty.

Last night, the princess was stabbed, and Mr. Jun's trouble was the starting point; in Tianxiang City, beacon smoke everywhere, killing everywhere. More than ten members of the court are in different places, and many of these people once claimed to be immortal with the Jun family...

In addition to this feature, another thing in common is that these people have fallen to one of the three princes at present. However, everyone knows this common point and will not say clearly that this jiing nonsense seems to be no different from looking for death.

Among the victims of last night, there were a total of 12 people who were qualified to stand here, impartially, which happened to belong to the camp of three princes, with four people each. Among them, there is one servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, two attendants of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, one deacon, three members of the Ministry of Ceremonies, one member of the Ministry of Household, three imperial historians, er, and two university scholars. This is only what can be seen in front of you. How many more can't you see

These people are finished together. It can be said to be a great shock to the government and the opposition, and there is even a crisis that shakes the country. However, under the operation of some master, that's all this. Although this master is also angry at present, his eyes are blue...

In addition, some ministers with good sharp eyes and good wrists have a good sense of familiarity found that there seemed to be a lot of new faces in the palace this time. Most of the familiar and even familiar faces have been lost. For example, Murong Qianjun, the original leader of the guard with a knife in front of the emperor, at the beginning It can be said that it changes three times a day, and the speed of official promotion is extremely rare. However, this "extremely rare" rising star of the Murong family does not know where he has gone now...

It seems that the blood in the palace is not much less than that outside. Many people are nervous.'s heart is getting nervous.

"What the hell happened last night? Why are so many people missing today? Who can tell me!?" His Majesty is a master in the "Political Bureau". He closed his eyes and stared fiercely at Jun Zhantian with his eyes closed. Mr. Jun was very tired last night, and it can be seen from his face. How could it be like this in the court? I almost snore...

His Majesty, with a sentence pretending to be confused, opened the prelude to the court attack. Suddenly, a large number of people knelt down in the hall.

"Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for us." A large group of ministers brushed their eyes with tears in their eyes, sad and bitter, and kowtowed like pounding garlic.

"If you have something to do, you can talk about it in detail and say it flat." The emperor frowned and looked puzzled.

As soon as he said this, dozens of ministers immediately opened fire on Jun's husband Zhantian. Some said that he was arrogant, ignored the imperial military law, and mobilized the army for his own selfishness; some said that he ignored the imperial law, ignored the majesty of the royal family, and acted unscrupulously; some said that he broke into the minister's house without permission, indulged his subordinates and smashed, lawless There are also... In a word, Mr. Lin Lin has a series of crimes, which have been listed for thirty or forty, and the evidence is conclusive. That's true!

Later, it was directly suggested that Jun Zhantian should be dismissed and investigated, Ling Chi should be executed, the whole family should beheaded, the nine clans should be killed, etc... For a while, the hall was extremely fierce.

Everyone's face was red, and everyone was filled with righteous indignation. In the end, it rose to the historical height of "not killing the king is not enough to clear the king's side, and not killing the king is not enough to fight against the general indignation".

Jun Zhantian stood with his head up, with his eyes slightly closed. Looking at the king and ministers in the hall performing, he was worried about his grandson's injury. He thought about how to open his mouth later and take the best royal doctors home with the emperor...

"You fight against the sky! You are really so unscrupulous, but what else do you have to say? His Majesty's voice was so harsh that he seemed to be furious!

"Your Majesty, the old minister heard yesterday that the princess was stabbed on the road outside the palace. Although the princess's fortune was great and there was no damage; but the thief was so crazy and desecrated the dignity of the royal family, it really made the old minister furious. In addition, it was reported that the assassin was very likely to have The members and the members of the court carried out a big assassination operation, and the old minister was afraid that it would cause a great disaster. Before he could report to His Majesty, he mobilized troops and horses to encircle and suppress the assassins. At this point, the old minister has indeed made a reckless mistake. Please check it clearly and punish your majesty!"

The emperor twitched the corners of his mouth and forced himself to hold back. You old boy have made it so clear, and I don't know what to do! If I punish you for what you said so benevolent and righteous, won't I become a fool? How do you ask me to pick up?!

"Speak on." His Majesty frowned and seemed to be a little unhappy. Without this pick-up, he really didn't know how to pick it up!

"Yes; the old minister was worried about this. Before he could report his majesty, he got up at night and didn't have time to change his clothes and rushed to the school grounds. Although the troops were transferred very fast, the assassins were prepared. For a moment, the city was in chaos. The old minister took the lead, rushed to the After this disaster, all the assassins will be killed! There are hundreds of assassins in this group, and the bodies have been hung at the gate to show the public. However, the old minister does not dare to make contributions, just because there are still regrets. Although the old minister has done his best, there are still dozens of officials who have been killed by assassins before the old minister's rescue! It's all because the old minister's movements are too slow to cause such a disaster! The old minister is willing to take the crime of not being aware of this.

Mr. Jun sighed and his voice was very sad: "Well, they are all the ministers of my Tianxiang Kingdom." I rubbed my eyes, and it seemed to be sighing, but I was actually a little sleepy...

Hearing what your husband said, the ministers in the hall looked at each other: What? Are you still guilty of not receiving it? Get your mother's head? Look what you said, you are a great hero who saved the whole Tianxiang Kingdom! When you make a quick decision, turn the tide and fall, save the society in the swaying pillar of the sky; take out the greatest loyal minister who protects the dignity of the royal family! It seems that if you don't give a cruel reward, you will feel that you are too bad, and you still take the crime?!

Besides, who doesn't know that those people in black yesterday were all from your Jun family? Assassin? It's so funny! What do you mean by reversing black and white? What is confusion? That's it! I've seen a shameless person, but I've never seen such a shameless person. It is simply an extraordinary realm to kill people and take killing people as thieves and raids as achievements!

The high mountain is high!

As for the group of unjust dead people hanging at the gate, if you let the head of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice identify it, you will definitely find that everyone is familiar with it: they are all prisoners of death row in prison, but they were executed in advance by your marshal...