The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 26 The aristocratic interpretation of the big shopkeeper Tang Yuan

A burst of ethereal music floated down from upstairs and echoed in the hall. These music are not so rare, but in this way, I only hear the sound and don't see anyone. Instead, I feel that such a very ordinary music adds a little elegance.

On the ground, there is a thick carpet. The cyan color gives people an unusually thick feeling. Although the color is not so conspicuous, it makes people feel warm and luxurious!

On each table, there is a name written on it. In the first row, it is naturally the royal family. There are only four tables. Everyone is thinking in their hearts: this nobleman's hall is really a big name. Even the royal family didn't arrange a private room...

But the more it is, the more it is in the same hall. On the contrary, the more people feel that they have really entered the ranks of the real aristocracy and have no distance from the royal family. Isn't it a nobleman?

So everyone is happy, well, except for the royal family.

The second row is a family of all over the world. The ranking is in no particular order; the third row is the descendant of officials. And rich people with titles; and the fourth row is followed by those big rich people in Tianxiang City.

Between each row, there is a pearl rolling curtain that seems to fall from the sky, but it only covers three feet above people's heads, but makes everyone feel that the opposite side is hazy and can't be seen clearly,,

In the surrounding corners, there is an extremely exquisite crane incense burner in each corner, and the curling smoke slowly spits out of the crane's mouth, floating in the air, feeling peaceful.

Some people came early and had almost waited for half a morning, but they didn't look impatient at all. On the contrary, it is more energetic and enthusiastic.

Dozens of girls in light yellow clothes come and go with tea pots and butterflies. Everyone is light and beautiful. Be generous and have a moderate progress.

In front of the first row, there is a heavy milky white tapestry, just like falling from the sky, covering the back. At first glance, it looks like an unusually thick wall.

The music stopped suddenly.

Everyone is refreshed and has a good show. Is it finally going to start?

The snow-white tapestry in front of him rose silently, revealing a huge snow-white platform. Just as the tapestry rose, the bag exposed from the auction table suddenly shlendid around. It is set with countless gemstones, and then refracted into an aperture with different parts, covering the round table. A small square place.

There, there is a table.

There are hammers and fixed hammers on the table!

This is simply a fantastic arrangement. Shengbaotang, which is known as the first auction house in the mainland, is compared with such a design, it is like a pheasant encountering the golden phoenix, and the beggar is compared with the prince,

The heavy footsteps rumbled, and everyone was watching at the same time, only listening to the sound. It makes people feel unusual. What a heavy huge thing to carry. How can you make such soul-shocking footsteps?

The end of the light.

A pile of meat mountains are walking from the dragon and the tiger, looking forward to walking slowly. With each step, the fat white meat under the solemn black robe dances a cheerful dance, which is full of rhythm.

"Since you have received the invitation from this hall, you are the nobles of my Tianxiang City and the distinguished guests of this hall! I am the big shopkeeper of the noble hall, Tang Yuan, and the chief auctioneer. On behalf of the Equality Palace, the Jun family and the Tang family. On behalf of the Noble Hall, I would like to say hello to all the nobles. And give the warmest welcome. Tang Yuan's endorsement was ordinary, and he said loudly fluently. That's it. Unexpectedly, he even bowed.

In fact, Fatty Tang is still reciting. Because this speech was written by Master Jun himself, sprinkled a large area, and almost wrote about the construction of spiritual civilization and material civilization.

There was a round of applause from the stage, very warm, not to mention anything else. That is to say, whether the "noble of Tianxiang City" is genuine or not, at least it can suppress those who can't be dealt with in the future!

"The Noble Hall, as the name implies, is a place where only real nobles can come. So, what exactly is a nobleman? The fat man tried his best to guide the country with his hands behind his back. It was really difficult to say: If the fat man put aside his fat body, his body was not short, and the proportion of his limbs was also normal. Although he was not tall and powerful, he was also the size of a middle-aged man. However, after adding the fat body, his It's not short or short. Coupled with the thick waistline, it can't be surrounded at all. The two fat hands can't be handed over behind his back at all, but Tang Yuan still tried his best to make such a gesture according to Jun Da Shao's instructions to show his elegance, calmness and confidence.

However, although Tang Yuan's self-feeling is good, he feels that he is the most popular moment in his life, but in the eyes of the people below, it is like a bear walking elegantly behind his back.

Every one tried their best to hold back their laughter.

Fatty Tang glanced around as if he was "moistious": "The so-called aristocracy is superior and superior!" For example, this thing. Tang Yuan turned his hand over, and a round thing appeared in the palm of his hand: "I believe everyone knows it and has tasted this crop called potatoes. As we all know, a catty of land is no more than three cents in the market"

Tang Yuan paused again, which was appetizing.

Everyone doesn't understand. This guy was talking about the aristocracy, but why did he take out a potato? This thing is never put on the table by big families and famous families!

"A catty of potatoes are not only cheap, but also convenient to cook. As long as you boil them with water when you go home, you can eat them. Either shredded or sliced, or cut into pieces, it's not satisfactory.

Tang Yuan felt that his words were very literated, and he was a little "Hongru. The feeling, I couldn't help but proudly make a "be gentle and elegant smile, looking at the people under the stage" noble martial arts. In my eyes, the twitching of a catty of female pork hanging on the wall was whipped, which was simply unbearable!

"However, as long as it is put in the tavern, whether it is shredded and sliced, as long as it is cooked, it will cost half a silver, more than a hundred times the profit!" Fatty Tang is squeenuous. Compared with those who spend half a taels of silver in a tavern, compared with those who make their own food at home, they are obviously nobles, nobles, eat at the same price! However, this is still a relatively low-level one.

"If it's in a higher-level hotel, it's also a shredded potato. But it costs at least three taels of silver. Naturally. It's a higher level here. Go up, well, if you go to the brothel of Lingwu Lake, hold it with a pink head in one hand, and then order a shredded potato, it will cost 20 taels of silver. If you want one more, you don't sell your skills. "Everyone, accompany, this shredded potato will have to rise. I don't think To "Everyone. Accompanying, there will still care a little bit of money, "

When Fatty Tang talked about elation, it was like giving a speech to a group of prostitutes in a brothel, blinking his eyes. There is a smile on his face that only a man can lead his heart.

Sure enough, there was a tacit obscene laughter below. This kind of laughter made several female guests in the hall frown! In particular, Zi'er's "everyone" who followed the second prince was already angry and his face turned blue...

Princess Lingmeng heard that there was such laughter around her. Looking sideways, she saw her father squinting and touching his beard. The light in her eyes actually had an infinite smile that met her confidant and felt the same way. I can't help coughing, and then cough again. He said in a low voice, "Humph! Men are not good things!"

His Majesty immediately coughed awkwardly, and then his face became as heavy as water. He hurriedly put away hisben fang memories and was serious. Sit upright and sit on the small pier. But I thought of it in my heart: grass! I was almost fooled by this fat man. We are elegant people."

Only nb;nb;, of course. If you go to the ninth floor of the most luxurious hotel in Tianxiang City, order a shredded potato. A shredded potato that also has no special place at all will benefit a hundred taels of silver!" Tang Yuan stretched out a finger and gently waved it in front of him.

This action. I also learned from Jun Moxie. Jun Moxie is tall and has slender fingers. When he does this, he is naturally quite elegant and will bring out the arrogance in his bones.

Tang Yuan was envious. Learn to learn secretly, in public at this moment. In the eyes of the public, he consciously displayed it freely, and his heart was dark, and the buddy finally showed his face once.

The fat man undoubtedly showed his face. To be precise, it should be said that his face was leaked,,

Because in the eyes of others, the fat man is like a fat old sow who can't walk. There is a carrot in his hooves, and there is also some neurotic stiffness and trembling. There is a proud smile on his face. The nobles present are all creepy, even if they are not vulgar. The strong man is no exception. It's really disgusting!

"A full hundred taels of silver is enough for an ordinary family of four to buy potatoes for five years! But in the sky tower, you can only eat a plate of shredded potatoes, the cheapest dish on the top floor of the sky tower, and a plate of home-cooked dishes that can be eaten no matter where you are!"

Tang Yuan laughed. He shook his arms and shouted, "Is this really shredded potatoes? No! This is food with demeanor. The food is elegant! What you eat is status! What you eat is taste! In addition, the price of food is also the same price! What you eat is the Jibin who is too cold in the high place! This is the real enjoyment of nobles!"

"And all of you who can be in the hall of our aristocratic hall today, any one of you, among the rich people in today's Xiangcheng, is equivalent to sitting on the ninth floor of the Heavenly Tower!"

Tang Yuan's voice was hoarse. His muscles trembled and jumped excitedly, looking ferocious and crazy: "This is the real aristocratic paradise! Even if you just drink a glass of white water here, it is also a white water that belongs to the real aristocracy! To use the previous sentence, what we drink is not white water, but the cold guest in the high place! The silence at the peak, the loneliness that only real nobles can experience!"

Thunderous applause, fat man's words can be said to be very popular. It resonates greatly.

In a large room upstairs, Jun Moxie burst into laughter: "It turns out that the so-called real aristocrat in the fat man's mouth. It's Jibin people who eat shredded potatoes and drink boiled water!"