The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 44 Planting a stolen house

Jun Moxie took a deep breath and accelerated again. He hung three feet behind the three people, and followed without any speed. Suddenly, the consciousness fluctuated and found another direction, and there was also a person following this side. And that man's physical cultivation is much higher than the three masked people in black"

Is it a royal man? Jun Moxie calculated in his heart, and he kept his feet, but he already had other plans,,

In the other direction, Mr. Wen suddenly said "Hah" and seemed to sense something, but he looked around and didn't find anything! But with his powerful spiritual knowledge, he clearly felt that another powerful and incredible master had arrived here!

But why didn't you find it at all?

There was an empty space in front of him. Several figures jumped off the city in no particular order, and fled in an instant. Mr. Wen chose to stay at the end and deliberately stopped for a while. The juniors before him could get out of his tracking. He must see how the man can avoid his own observation in the open area in front of him.

Even if it is the first supreme cloud, the dust is coming. Don't hide it from my eyes on such an open place!

However, Mr. Wen was disappointed.

He waited for a while and got nothing. The only thing I can feel is that the powerful breath is gradually fading away, and it is gradually fading away on that large open ground, and I still can't see anything!

How is this possible?!

There are such people in the world! Mr. Wen took a breath of cold air, but a kind of fierce ambition suddenly rose in his heart: what a happy thing in life if such a master "can fight with this person"!

With a sigh of relief, Mr. Wen quickly adjusted his state to the horizontal peak. With a brush, it was like a wisp of green smoke floating down the city. In the soldiers guarding the gate unconsciously and ignorant, the emperor disappeared in the distance.

"Big brother, the situation of the fifth is quite bad. The mysterious gas I entered has no effect at all. We need to treat his wounds as soon as possible, otherwise we are afraid that Zhou Jianming's voice is hurried and anxious.

"Ye Guhan is really cruel, and so is the situation of Lao Si on my side!" Tears Jianhong gritted his teeth with hatred. He kept: "Although the fifth brother's injury is serious, as long as he takes good care of him, he will recover one day, but the fourth brother is doomed to be disabled. Even his shoulder was cut off, and his face was even more disfigured. Damn Ye Guhan!"

"I didn't expect that this lonely cold night would be so tricky! We are Xuan today, and the realm of any one person is not inferior to him, and even more, the five people work together to deal with himself, and it actually end up like this!" The third sister Fang Piaohong sighed, "Fortunately, he can't live! It's a pity that his fourth brother"

"It's all because of Lingmeng, this bitch!" Tears Jianhong roared angrily: "When I ask the news of the flying knife thief, I must make this bitch regret living here. In the world! No matter what kind of bullshit princess she is!"

"It's just that even if we ask the result now, we can't take action until the master arrives." Fang Piaohong sighed: "The fourth brother and the fifth brother are seriously injured and dying, and the sixth brother has no hope of recovery for the rest of his life; the four brothers of the seventh ** ten have also been buried." This time, who would have thought that it would be such a result!" She sighed faintly: "If the master knew, he would be furious!" Big brother, the master will come in two days. You have to prepare well.

"What can I prepare?" Tears Jianhong was a little discouraged: "Even if my father doesn't kill me this time, I'm afraid I can't get out of bed for half a year." He came out with nine brothers, and now only the three of us are complete." What a huge blow to him? It's strange that I can forgive you!"

Zhou Jianming sighed and said, "I guess we; no one can relax. The master will arrive in two days at most; at that time, "Alas! I can't imagine what his expression will be like.

"The master has worked hard for eleven of us. Now, alas, I don't know how sad he will be." Fang Piaohong sighed, but his eyes couldn't help but turn red"

While the three of them were talking, a forest appeared in front of them,: people saw that there was no stalking behind them. Without hesitation, he drilled in. The Jun killer who was chasing closely behind him also floated in like an invisible and intangible. Now Jun Moxie has naturally heard that the people who kidnapped Princess Lingmeng in front of him are the sad ones who participated in the robbery of Xuandan. Disciple!

There was a burst of surprise in my heart: cold-blooded supreme tears arrived in Tianxiang City in these two days?

This is big news!

Even in the dense forest, the three people were still careful. They turned three times, left and right. Then they suddenly stopped in front of a dead stump and looked left and right, confirming that there was no one around. The eldest brother Lei Jianhong suddenly stretched out his hand and didn't know where he was pressed. The stump suddenly moved slowly, revealing A large square slate was made, and then the stone slab was removed, revealing a round hole.

However, at the moment when the hole had just been exposed, the Jun killer had entered without a trace, and the tunnel at this moment was really the safest. Then there were the three people, Tears Jianhong. The three of them had to adjust the posture of the brothers they were holding, and then slowly and carefully drilled in. After all, the two narrow brothers inside could no longer collide. They know that Master Jun has been waiting for them to enter the urn,

Slowly close with the stump. The surface has returned to half silence again, and there is no movement again.

Mr. Wen followed him all the way. Previously, he clearly saw these people getting into the woods and did not escape his spiritual search range, but he finally arrived a step late because he had to search for the powerful existence. By the time he arrived, the hole had returned to its original state without any flinks. Mr. Ren Wen pressed the whole forest, but I don't see where those people have arrived; even if they are reported by spiritual knowledge, they can only feel that these people are nearby. Although the feeling is clear, it is difficult to be sure where they are! I can't help but be in a hurry! This is really a real old cat burning its whiskers!

Even Mr. Wen has guessed it. These people must have drilled into the ground with the help of the machine to hide their traces, but where did they get in? If you use your power to sweep them, you will definitely dig them out. Unfortunately, if you do that, you will be shocked, and there will be no follow-up plan.

But if you don't find them, Princess Lingmeng is still in their hands. What if something happens, how can you explain to the lord of the country? Mr. Wen was suddenly in a dilemma and frowned to think about countermeasures.


The place where the cave leads is a huge space, and the earth around it has been photographed. After all, it's underground, with a somewhat damp smell.

"You two, hurry up and heal the fourth and fifth brothers. I'll torture this bitch!" Tears Jianhong said a little murderous.

"Big brother, I know you are annoyed with Princess Lingmeng because of your brother's affairs, but you still have to think about the means." Fang Piaoru hesitated for a moment and said, "This time, I can see that Brother Youran is actually a little painful. I think "We haven't revealed our identity anyway. If we can ask, you might as well let Youran be a good person, a hero to save the beauty, and save this girl. If you can achieve Youran, it's not

"It's okay, just for the sake of my brother Jiran, I won't hurt her life!" Tears Jianhong gritted his teeth.

Fang Piaohong said, and if he didn't say anything, he tried his best to heal his younger brother.

Jun Moxie's heart thumped in the dark, "Brother Youran.?

With the word "Youran", Li Youran can't take it off anymore!

Couldn't Li Youran be involved in this big incident?

Tears Jianhong took Lingmeng aside, leaned against the wall and put it down. He reached out and patted her on the head. The pure mysterious breath penetrated, and Princess Lingmeng suddenly woke up.

"You thief! Let me out!" Princess Lingmeng just opened her eyes and called out angrily. I'm going to see my uncle Ye! Let me go!"

"It's very easy for Her Royal Highness to go out. She just needs to answer me honestly. The problem. You can go out naturally!" Tears Jianhong snorted and said. Those flying knives in your arms. Those broken knives that you regard as a treasure. Your Highness is not a stranger, is she? Noble Princess Lingmeng, as long as you tell me the origin of the master of the knife, I will let you go! Never go against your promise!"

"The origin of the flying knife?" Princess Lingmeng opened her eyes wide in astonishment. Unexpectedly, these people kidnapped themselves for this matter!" I haven't seen that senior. How can I know the origin?

"Haha, the princess's words inevitably regard us as three-year-olds!" Tears Jianhong smiled fiercely: "All my brothers lost their lives at the hands of that man. Before that, I had never heard of such a great man in the world, and as far as we know, the only time this great man took action was to save His Royal Highness! Did the princess forget that the last time the princess was assassinated, the man rescued her. That action was the man's only... the second action! If the princess still insists that she doesn't know. That's really a ghost,"

Jun Moxie was shocked. It turned out that the assassination of Princess Lingmeng was actually because he secretly saved Princess Lingmeng last time! So, he saved him, but he implicated her again? It's hard to figure out the grudge!

However, how did these people know the connection between these two things? Jun Mo's evil thoughts turned around. Suddenly, I thought of Li Youran again.

So that's it! If you focus on the Li family, all questions will be solved!

"For this question, did you kill my Uncle Ye?" Princess Lingmeng's body can't move. His eyes looked at him resentfully, as if he were about to breathe fire.

"Not bad! If the princess still insists on telling the origin of the man, she will not leave here tonight!" Tears Jianhong smiled grimly: "If the princess is still not going to open her mouth, then I will use several other means to make the princess say it!"

Jun Moxie thought about countermeasures urgently in his heart. Just now, he had approached Princess Lingmeng. He wanted to be able to take Princess Lingmeng into the Hongjun Tower, and he could disappear silently, but he tried several times in a row, but it was always ineffective! It seems that Hongjun Tower, no one else can go in except yourself? Or is it that your cultivation is not in that state?

But since this road doesn't work, Jun Moxie's fortune-intentioned abacus has been shattered by more than half. After all, if the princess can be included in the Hongjun Tower, there will be no worries. The master is very confident that he can take advantage of the chaos, and the worst can also kill those who have been injured!

But at this moment. But it's good to save Princess Lingmeng. These people are all masters of Tianxuan. If you show your deeds, I'm afraid you will still suffer a big loss!

Tears Jianhong pinched Princess Lingmeng's jaw, forced her to raise her head, and asked fiercely, "I'll ask you for the last time, you, do you say it or not? If the princess is still self-reliant, I will have to offend her!"

At this time, suddenly a sudden sneer came out of the emptiness, and a strange cold gnawing voice sounded coldly: "It turns out that tears taught these rubbish things without sadness? What cold-blooded supreme. It's really ridiculous!"

Before the words fell, the blue light of the suddenly dark space was bright, and a small flying knife, like a sudden transformation from nothingness, with dreamy colors, slowly flying through the air, directly reflected each. People's faces are all blue!


The flying knife was inserted into the solid wall of the earth, and it actually made a sound like stabbing into the rotten wood.

The three of them jumped up at the same time, and the tearful Jianhong palms protected his chest and shouted, "Since you are here, why are you still hiding your head and tail? I'm waiting for you, but Mao Jing has been waiting for a long time!"

Zhou Jianming and Fang Piaohong's two long swords came out of the sheath at the same time, with a horizontal sword as his chest, looking around on all sides, as if facing a big enemy!

A ethereal voice sneered: "With you juniors, you deserve to challenge me, and you don't overescre yourself!"

The tears in Princess Lingmeng's eyes suddenly rolled down excitedly and struggled to ask, "Senior" are you? I beg you! Please take me to see my uncle Ye! Please kill them and avenge my uncle Ye!"

The movement underground is very big, especially the roar of the tearful sword, which is simply a sound of several miles. Mr. Wen outside noticed it in an instant.

He was paying close attention to any wind and grass here, and the roar of the tearful Jianhong undoubtedly provided him with the best direction instructions. He saw that Wen Qiang also came to the entrance of the cave. Continue to hold your breath and listen. As long as you find the hiding place of that person, it means that all this is back in control.

Now the three people have found an extremely shocking thing, which can be said to be a horrible and strange amazing scene!

Princess Lingmeng's delicate body, which was leaning against the wall, suddenly floated in the void, floating alive in the air, and then like an arrow from the string. The brush rushed out quickly


Tears Jianhong was shocked and rushed, but in the end, it was a step too late. How fast is the speed of Jun Moxie's yin and yang escape? Just as the tear sword Hongcai made a gesture, Jun Moxie had already rushed through the slate above with a bang, and suddenly there was a burst of light underneath, but the light penetrated in an instant.

Tears Jianhong and three others roared angrily and rushed up.

Mr. Wen walked around the stump, hesitating whether to break the underground barrier immediately to save Princess Lingmeng, or wait for a moment. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise like a landslide and tsunami, and the stone slab under his buttocks suddenly smashed, with a strong explosion. Mr. Wen, who was almost caught off guard, fell down. He flashed side in a hurry and was about to ask, but he saw a graceful body in front of him throwing straight into his arms and fixed his eyes. It turned out to be the delicate body of Princess Lingmeng!

Then three masked men in black rushed out one after another. The finished glyph surrounded him, and one of them roared: "Hidden old bastard, hide again, hide again, why don't you run away? Pretend to be a ghost, I'll see where you're going this time!"

Mr. Wen just hurriedly reached out and hugged Princess Lingmeng. But I found that I had fallen into the siege, and I couldn't help complaining when I thought about it!

Now it has been planted a lot!