The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 196 What is true love?

Even the people in the escape fairy palace don't know that these three supreme masters whose bodies have just been divided into two, one of them is the ruthless half-brother, Cheng Fengyi! Although the two are not the same surname, they are all blood and the same blood!

Ning Wuqing spent countless efforts for his brother to be promoted to the supremacy and then enter the fairy palace!

The two of them have been together all their lives, but they didn't expect that here, the man will be cut off, and the man will always be separated!

Nearly two hundred years of blood relationship, after this knife, turned into nothingness!

Ning Wuqing is crazy!

He shouted, "Don't be evil! I know you did it. Come out for me. If you have the guts, come out for me!" As soon as he turned his mind, he thought that Jun Mo Wu's mysterious disappearance before must be preparing for this blow! But he has clearly realized this, but he was still succeeding by the other party!

At this moment, Ning Wuqing regretted and was full of grief and indignation. He only felt sad and angry. It seemed that he had to scratch his stomach and take out all his internal organs to vent his anger and anger!

"Jun Mo Wu, you despicable little bastard! Come out for me! Come out! You son of a bitch, you son of a bitch! I only know the butcher and executioner who sneaked up behind his back!! You ungry beast, you should be struck by thunder, and you will die!"

Ning Wuqing roared crazily, and there was no peace as usual. In his roar, the two masters who were still standing, but had broken their swords finally shook twice, with a sad look in their eyes, and then their faces flushed.

One of them has a big face and a long figure. It can be seen that if he is young, he must be a handsome and handsome man. This person is Cheng Fengyi, a ruthless half-brother!

Cheng Fengyi sighed gently, slowly turned his head, looked at a group of former colleagues, and said indifferently, "I'm going... Everyone's faces are sad and indignant at the same time!

He looked at his belly faintly, where he had stopped spraying blood, but he couldn't help spewing out blood. It came out and flowed down the robe. There was already a big pool of sticky blood under his feet. He raised his head, whispering but heavy, and slowly said, "Take care!"

Then he turned his head to look at Ning Wuqing, and Ning Wuju trembled all over. He trembled and stretched out his hands to hug his brother, but he was afraid that he would cut off his brother's last vitality with a casual move, and he didn't dare to move! I reached in front of my brother and didn't dare to touch it one by one.

Cheng Fengyi looked at Ning Wuqing, and suddenly a sad smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, forcibly holding his last breath) slowly said = "Big brother, one by one, one by one, my life) It all depends on the eldest brother to raise adults) to learn all the skills... The only wish is to call you big brother in public... Although I can't... but I really want to... I really want to... Big brother... I've been trying..."

Ning Wuqing had to open his hair, and tears gushed out like a floodgate. He trembled all over. His tears had blurred his eyes and said in a trembling voice, "Brother... My own brother... I will announce to the whole world now that you are my own brother! Good brother! Your surname is Ning, too! It's our Ning family!"

Cheng Fengyi smiled, and his face was satisfied. He gradually became dull for two days. He said in a low voice, "I'm going to... to be filial to my parents under Jiuquan... Brother... You... Live well... Don't let us... take care of you... for you...

Suddenly, his body was folded, and his upper body slowly fell forward. Ning Wuqing rushed up with an arrow and hugged half of his body, but Cheng Fengyi's breathing had been cut off, and there was no more sound, but his face was still a heartfelt satisfaction. Ning Wuqing suddenly cried loudly and burst into tears!

Although he called himself ruthless, cut off his love all his life, and died alone, he valued the only bloodline in the world! When his younger brother died, he seemed to tear Jiang Ning's heart ruthlessly in half!

"Brother!" You should be surnamed Ning... You are originally surnamed Ning..." Ning looked up to the sky and roared ruthlessly, regretful and wanted to kill himself immediately! Over the years, the family has changed tragically. Er Niang took her brother to escape to the death. All her family members were slaughtered, and her fiancee was insulted to death. Ning Wuqing hated everyone from then on!

It even includes my second mother and brother! He insisted that at that time, Er Niang could completely escape with her fiancee, but she only took out her son! Share! So I'd rather be ruthless than forgive! Therefore, although he is very caring for this brother, he has never admitted that he is the Ning family's family. He knows that his eldest brother's heart is difficult to open, and he has no choice but to follow his mother's sister-in-law...

It was not until today that Ning Wuqing finally found that he was such a big mistake! His brother has been longing for something. He has always known it, and he knows it in his heart, "But it was not until the last moment that his brother died in front of him that he completed his last hope! The greatest hope! But what's the use of it even if it's done now?

Looking at the faint satisfaction on Cheng Fengyi's face, Ning Wuqing suddenly felt the sour pain in his heart! It seems that the salty tears flowed into his heart... What his brother wanted in his life was just for his own words. But I have been stingy and didn't give...

Ning Wuqing suddenly felt that the world was dark. He slowly raised his head, and everyone suddenly found that red tears flowed from his eyes, blood and tears!

Mei Xueyan stood in the distance. This moment was the best time to take action, a great opportunity to annihilate the enemy, but Mei Xueyan did not take action, but looked at the other party with pity.

Jun Moxie did not take action at this moment. Although he knew that the timing was even better than just now, in the face of the true feelings of heaven and earth, and deep regret, even if he was the enemy, Jun Moxie would leave him a chance to say goodbye!

This is not pedantic!

But...human nature!

Jun Moxie is a man of true love. He would rather reserve a little warm time for the enemy!

Jun Moxie certainly does not regret that the killing caused their brother's life and death!

We are hostile to each other, either you kill me or I kill you! There is no regret or sympathy. If you really sympathize or even regret, it is the kindness of a woman, or even digging your own grave!

However, in the face of the true feelings of the world, even if it is the killer heart of the evil king, it will never disturb at this time. He just appeared silently beside Mei Xueyan, his eyes were cold, and he looked at Ning Wuqing and others immersed in grief!

At this time, you are sad, and I can give you a chance. You can regret and vent your sadness; I know your mood, so I'm waiting for you! But when you recover, we still have to fight!

There will never be any mercy! The evil king has his own principle of evil king!

Ning Wuqing put his head on his chest, rubbed it gently, knelt on his knees on the ground, trembled all over and muttered = "Second brother eleven ▲ r one, my good second brother eleven one ▲ one Ning Fengyi... You are Ning Fengyi, you will always be Ning Fengyi... Big brother is wrong ...Big brother made you suffer all your life, big brother is sorry for you...Big brother is sorry for you, one r, eleven"

Ning Wuqing said slowly in a deep voice, and his originally only gray hair, in this short period of time, suddenly turned into silver white, and there was no more variegated color. Instant gray hair, instant silver hair!

In his arms, Cheng Feng lay quietly on his back, with some smirk and regret on his face, but more calm and satisfied...

Mei Xueyan sighed gently and said, "I didn't expect Ning Wuqing to be so persistent." Jun Moxie said lightly, "That's not good. Mei Xueyan turned her head and looked at him and said strangely, "Isn't it?

Jun Moxie said heavily: "I believe that the vast majority of people in the world are emotionally persistent people; they all have the best side in their hearts. Even if they are unforgivable people, or evil bad guys, whether they are yin thieves or prostitutes, they all have their own sacredness in their hearts! This sacred place is the truth!"

Jun Moxie sighed slightly, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "People's true feelings, everyone's life or only once!" But once you are emotional, you will never move for the rest of your life! Therefore, even if it is a playboy, there is a person he loves most; even if it is a pair of jade arms and thousands of pillows, a little red lips are bitter. There is also a prostitute who she will die... So when she dreams back at midnight, there are so many people sighing, so there are so many regrets in the world..." Mei Xueyan Mei: "That's different. How can the playboy and the prostitute have true feelings in their hearts?"

Jun Moxie smiled and said, "But how do you know? Playboys are stained by the environment and gradually playboys to the end; don't prostitutes engage in this profession because of all kinds of helplessness? If someone grows up from an early age, will such a woman become a prostitute if it is not a major change? If a person grows up in poverty and hasn't had a few full meals until adulthood, will such a person become a playboy? So, it's all because of the environment!"

He sighed. He was angry and said, "So in order to get the most beloved Murong Xiuxiu in his heart, Emperor Tianxiang did not hesitate to slaughter Ye Guhan all over the door; and Ye Guhan, for the sake of the true feelings in his heart, until now, he is infatuated with the reform, and it is better to live up to the sky! In addition, my third uncle waited infatuatedly for the third aunt, and my third aunt was alone in the snowy mountains for ten years for true love... My mother would rather sleep deeply for my father... This is all caused by spring love..." "True love can make things happen, and true love can also do evil!"

"Good people have true feelings, but bad people also have true feelings! Although Ning Wuqing is known as ruthless, he is a person with richer feelings than anyone else in his bones. If he hadn't been for being too rich in feelings and giving too much, his heart would have died, like ashes, how could he have been lonely for a woman for life? How can he not let him enter the house for a woman, although he cares about his brother very much, but after more than a hundred years? It's better to be ruthless, just to be too affectionate! However, he is too extreme and H