The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 197 Where is my true love?

"This true feeling beyond reason has created the sadness of his brother's life; it has also made his own life sad, which adds a bit of tragedy today. The most truly sad person is not his own brother. After all, Ning Fengyi fulfilled the greatest wish of this life at the last moment of his life. The real sadd is It's better to be ruthless!" Jun Mo Wu said it heavily.

"Because of the tragedy of love, he personally caused the tragedy of family affection! And at the last moment of his brother's life, he left the greatest regret for Ning Wuqing! Therefore, Ning Wuqing's true love has caused his own ruthlessness and a tragedy that he can never make up for in his life!" However, isn't Ning Wuqing's sadness today caused by us? Mei Xueyan sighed and couldn't bear it.

"You're wrong again. This sadness is only a matter of time, or who detonated it. In addition, if we don't cause his tragedy, we will cry there now. In an instant, it's either you or me!"

Jun Mo Wu's eyes were clear and he looked at Mei Xueyan: "We only need to understand and sympathize with this sad feeling; but we can't show mercy because of this! It is because we see the true feelings of life and death that we should cherish each other more, do you understand? Xueyan, what would you do if it was me who was cut off now?

Even with Mei Xueyan's calmness and supreme determination, Jing couldn't help shivering. Jing seemed to see the misery of Jun Mo Wu's corpse on the earth, and his heart twitched violently, and he couldn't help laughing) = "Then I'm alive) and no longer have any meaning one by one

Jun Moxie sighed and said, "That's the truth. In this world, there are countless tragedies. If we want not to be tragic, we must try our best to make our enemies miserable! This is... Jianghu!"

Jun Moxie turned around, looked at Ning Wuqing, and said faintly, "Or, this is life! Ning Wuqing is ruthless, but the reason why we are ruthless is because of affection, which is the difference between us and Ning Wuqing!" This is life!

The word life always contains a lot of sadness, blood and tears! How much struggle and tender true love... Mei Xueyan chewed Jun Mo Wu's words and suddenly felt a little stunned.

Looking at Ning Wuqing's old tears and his heart was broken, Mei Xueyan turned her face and looked at Jun Moxie's handsome side face' suddenly satisfied in her heart = as long as it was not him lying on the ground one by one by one, I would be fearless!

At this moment, Jun Mo Wuxu felt it, and his face turned out to be unprecedentedly serious, even a little lonely, a little elegant... It's like a handsome man with a slightly sad look between his eyebrows, looking at all sentient beings in the world with a little pity indifferently... Looking at the rolling world... His expression turned out to be like The transcendence, such a peak of Lingfeng, such a vicissitudes of life!

Just like the king who dominates everything, standing indifferently on the sky clouds, overlooking the world's creatures one by one, one by one, Mei Xueyan is obsessed with himself.

At this moment, she suddenly found that Jun Moxie's inadvertently unique temperament was not inferior to her heavenly punishment king's demeanor, and even more detached from nature! This is like innate, magnificent and magnificent!

Jun Moxie turned his head, looked at him strangely, and said, "What are you looking at? How can you be so distracted?" Mei Xueyan didn't realize it and said infatuatedly, "Look at you... your concubine is beautiful..."

Jun Moxie was stunned. Unexpectedly, with Mei Xueyan's arrogance and coldness, he could even say this love word! For a moment, I was caught off guard, and Jun Mo Wu, who had been looking for two generations, couldn't help blushing...

A man makes people praise: Your concubine is beautiful... It's really embarrassing enough...

(Here's a word, in fact, Jun Moxie is not as good-looking as me... At most, it's only half a catty into two one one r one one one)

Mei Xueyan finally woke up after saying it. Her pink face turned red in an instant, and she couldn't help hanging her head deeply.

Although Jun Mo Wu was a little blushed by this sudden attack, he immediately recovered when he saw that Mei Xueyan was so shy. He smiled and said, "Well... Since it's so beautiful, would you like to get hurt tonight?"

Mei Xueyan suddenly blushed, shy and embarrassed, and pinched him desperately. Suddenly, he asked fiercely, "Well, I've been forgetting to ask you. You just pointed out the country, and the truth of the world shows that a person only loves it once in his life. So I ask you, you have so many confidants, you really love Where is the bottom?" Jun Moxie was stunned and stunned. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

I had a big feeling just now. I knew that I had already bypassed myself unconsciously. How can I explain this problem? He opened his mouth for a while before he recovered, but he still couldn't answer Mei Xueyan's words in vain, because he really didn't have to answer. But at the same time, Cheng Xueyan's words finally made Jun Moxie start to think about this matter.

Yes, I have several beautiful beauties around me now. At present, I have confirmed the relationship, including Guan Qinghan, Dugu Xiaoyi, and Mei Xueyan! Even if there are only these three women, then who is their true love?

Any one of these three women is also unparalleled. She is a world-class beauty. Who do you like the most since ancient times?

Jun Moxie is a little stunned. Is he too playful? If these three women only let themselves choose one, how should they choose? Do you choose Mei Xueyan? She seems to be the one she loves the most!

But Guan Qinghan, in a cold and beautiful place, gave everything for the Jun family, and did not hesitate to save her life with her own innocence. Over the years, she has no regrets and paid a lot in the Jun family... Jun Moxie feels that he owes a lot, and also has a deep-rooted good feeling for Guan Qinghan. How If I really give up, I'm afraid that Guan Qinghan will no longer have the courage to live, and he may die at any time... This conscience's blame will inevitably accompany him for a lifetime!

Can you give up Dugu Xiaoyi? Dugu Xiaoyi is naive and cute, infatuated with herself, and her true feelings are infinite; when her most playful face appeared, she had fallen in love with her without regrets. For herself, she did not hesitate to go to Tiannan, and was more afraid that she didn't want her. She would rather get ** to cause a fait accom It is an indisputable fact that he is ignorant and this matter has not been successful, but Dugu Xiaoyi is desperate for himself!

What's more shocking in Tianxiang City Gate, he actually entered the gate with a big belly with Yunying's unmarried body, leaving no way out for her at all! Who is willing to give up such true feelings, and how to give up? Even if he is a hard-hearted person, can he be cruel?

And Mei Xueyan, which is even more impossible to give up! Mei Xueyan, with a generation of heavenly punishment of the king, met his own opportunity, followed all the way, the two of them worked together, and their hearts were sealed early; and she finally changed from the beginning of the joke to the current inseparable! Mei Xueyan's life was pure and pure. For the first time, she was moved and thought about herself. How could she give up? If you really do this, I'm afraid that Jun Moxie will look down on himself!

Not to mention that Mei Xueyan alone blocked the two supremes of the dreamy blood sea in the Jun family, repelled the yellow sun, and vowed to coexist with the Jun family under the siege of the three holy places... Which one of them is not good for him?

If you really give up, Mei Xueyan will not collapse or commit suicide, but she will inevitably be discouraged and go to the forest of heaven and never come back. This is a sure thing! Jun Moxie thought about it for a long time, but one of them can't give up, and even one of them is reluctant to give up!

I respect Guan Qinghan with admiration. In front of Guan Qinghan, I often have a feeling of extreme warmth and comfort; I have a feeling of needing to be taken care of and longing for care of others. This feeling, especially after the relationship in Tiannan, is more intense and obvious. Although Jun Moxie is unwilling to admit it, he clearly knows in his heart that he really has a desire in this regard. For Dugu Xiaoyi, he is spoiled in kindness, and there is a faint taste of a bosom friend...

After all, I hated myself so much and was tired of myself. Only Dugu Xiaoyi gave me that comfort!

Although I can fully survive, with that extra heart, it seems that there is a sweet spring in the desert! In addition to my own relatives, the only one, support from outsiders!

For Mei Xueyan, Jun Moxie is also a strange feeling. It is a feeling of heart throbbing, a feeling of heart to heart, a feeling of support in distress, and a feeling of life side by side!

This feeling is meaningful and warm; satisfied and happy! If you really want to find a feeling of love among these three women, then it is undoubtedly Mei Xueyan! But how can the other two be abandoned? Is there really no love for Guan Qinghan and Dugu Xiaoyi?

Yes! It's just not as obvious as to Mei Xueyan.

Could it be that I am such a promiscuous? Jun Moxie asked himself secretly, "For a moment, I forgot to answer Mei Xueyan's question!" For the first time, he was really distressed... What the hell am I, who is the true love?

Just as he was thinking about this difficult and embarrassing problem, Ning Wuqing, who was saddened by the death of his brother, had stood up at this moment. He held half of his brother's body and stood up. His white hair was flying in the air. His body was still as straight as a sword, but it had already It's no longer the previous demeanor!

He slowly turned around and raised his head. The remnants of the Immortal Palace suddenly exclaimed and looked at Mo Xie and Mei Xueyan one by one, and couldn't help but be shocked!

I only saw Ning Wuqing's original ruddy face. At this moment, the competition is already gray, and the wrinkles are piled up! Ning Wuqing's Xuangong is deep, and he has always paid attention to maintenance. Although he is close to 200 years old, if you look at it from his face, he is only like a middle-aged man of 40 or 50. But at this moment, the old man he shows is like an old farmer who has never practiced Xuanqi and has worked hard all his The old one seems to fall with the wind! Shape the bone branch!

Ning Wuqing's eyes were like a fire from the underworld from hell, shining with a dark light, which was a deep hatred. He stared at Jun Moxie and gritted his teeth, but his voice seemed to be extremely calm, word for word: "Hello, Jun Moxie!" ∫ To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in to more chapters, support the author, and support the genuine reading!) H